The synapse condenser was an unexpected gain on this trip.

Daedalus’s work efficiency was much higher than Lu Chen expected, and the best scientist in Synapse had never seen this weird thing.

Therefore, Xiao Hui was additionally assigned to be responsible for the planning and construction of the megastructure. After all, nanorobots are native to the star world. As for the consumables of the mining machine…

Lu Chen was not in a hurry. At worst, he could open a few more worlds on the star map in the future.

He would be responsible for the strategies of major worlds such as Toaru Majutsu no Index and No Game No Life, and the other worlds would be handed over to the fleet girls, heroic spirits, or ordinary people’s teams.

Not only could they train them and satisfy the desire of each team to demonstrate their strength, but they could also capture some unruly people along the way and burn them to dry up all the value of other worlds.”

“In addition, regarding the microcosm technology obtained from the Three-Body World, we are planning to expand the construction of microcosms No. 2 to No. 5.”

“The expected construction scale is from city-level to continent-level. The specific resources consumed and the manpower mobilized are as follows……”

Chishou Natsuyo briefly reported another scientific research project.

Lu Chen glanced at the report, signed and approved the request for materials and cloth.

He also had high hopes for this groundbreaking technology. The

No. 1 microcosm is only the size of a small city. If it is expanded to the continental level or even the planetary level or the planetary system level in the future, it will be very promising.

“Not bad……”

He spent some time reviewing other work contents of the Imperial Research Department.

06 With the support of a large number of scientific research lolis and several world-class scientists.

Several departments such as the Engineering Department, the Physics Department, the Life Science Department, and the teams under each department are researching dozens of projects in parallel.

If the lolis are smart, the country will be smart; if the lolis are strong, the country will be strong. This is true.

After coming out of the scientific research department.

He clicked on the report and took a look, then followed Big Eyed Meng and the Observer to a relatively independent area near the dock of the star base.

The star port is the base of the Siren Fleet.

Regarding the technology of the Azure System and the Mind Cube, it is generally handed over to Akashi or the Siren Girl to handle. The efficiency of the natives researching their own technology is always higher.

Passing through the passage and the hall, in a laboratory.

Lu Chen saw the Siren little loli with white hair and yellow eyes sitting in a jellyfish suit

“Commander, it’s your turn.”

The Builder’s voice was flat and emotionless. He turned around.

“The task you gave us last time has been completed.”

“According to the blueprint of the META cube, we separated and copied more META cubes from it, which can be summoned at any time.”

Ka– several mechanical arms extended from her giant ship suit.

From a complex device bound by a stand, a pile of neatly arranged cubes were extracted and placed in front of Lu Chen.

Compared with the light blue mind magic, the META cube was translucent black and red.


Lu Chen and the accompanying shipgirls each reached out and took one. After playing with it for a while, they could feel the huge and violent energy contained in it.

This was the gift given to them by the Arbitration Agency when they arrived at the Star Empire. It was the META side, used to summon the META girls.

They were shipgirls from another world line, who had lost themselves in endless battles. They were stronger than regular shipgirls and had more twisted personalities.

It was equivalent to the dark version of regular shipgirls.

“”It’s pretty fast, isn’t it?”

Lu Chen smiled. The working efficiency of the experimental department was much faster than he expected.

“The META cube is essentially a Rubik’s cube. After separating its core from the original, it is not difficult to create a new Rubik’s cube.”

The builder replied calmly.


Kewei came up to take a look

“What about the commander? Can we install another Rubik’s Cube and turn it into META’s Wannian Fengxue?”

Given the fact that Lu Chen stuffed everything into the ship, she thought it made sense.

“The META side needs the support of the corresponding construct. It is not possible to directly obtain a ship body by fusing the magic cube.”

“I suggest that when the Wannian Fengxue is remodeled next time, the META side should be integrated into the ship.”

The builder replied


Lu Chen thought about it and he was not in a hurry to put another Rubik’s Cube in.

“Let’s go and summon our new wife.”



Ten minutes later,

Lu Chen stood outside the starship berth of the star base. There were dozens of warships of various sizes docked in the dock, all prepared for META-girl.

“META girls are essentially ship girls with different fates in other world lines. Therefore, not every ship girl has a META.”

The observer sat on the tentacle ship suit and chattered to Lu Chen.

“Well, Commander, I suggest you be careful. META girls are not as easy to get along with as ordinary ship girls. They are more or less… hard to say”

“Yeah, I know.”

Lu Chen nodded.

A bunch of shipgirls were crowded around to watch the fun.

“Hmm… What would I be like in another world?”

“Is it because I didn’t meet the commander? Or is it because I was fighting the sirens all the time?……”

The ship girls are looking around, and they are all a little curious about the other version of themselves.


“Helena, you go first.”

Lu Chen clicked on a ship girl with long blue hair.

Summoning a META ship girl requires the resonance of the original ship girl. The two of them summon together.

“Ah I?”

“”Okay, okay… Commander.”

The shipgirl who was called was startled.

Standing beside Lu Chen, the two of them stretched out their hands and pressed on the Rubik’s Cube, pouring their consciousness into it.



A dark red light was reflected in the META Rubik’s Cube.

The world of Azure Lane. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

In a lost parallel universe.

On the dark sea, there was only the smell of steel and blood.

A small team of shipgirls were sitting on the wreckage on the sea to repair.

They looked very similar to the shipgirls in the Azure Port area, but they did not have the approachable and cute appearance of the shipgirls.

Everyone’s face seemed to be shrouded in an indispellable cloud, and several of them had scars on their faces.


A navy-haired ship girl looked up at the rusty sky.

“The sea has been calmed, we are safe, for now”


In the distance, a huge island can be seen faintly, with a lot of broken walls and ruins on it.

The white main building of the port area was cut in half, the dock and berth were completely destroyed, and the dirty blue navy flag was buried in the ruins, torn and tattered.

Only from the general layout of the building can it be seen that this seems to be the blue port area. There is no breath of life inside, only traces of blood and fire.

“This world is not stable.”

Another ship girl with white hair, blue eyes and two rabbit ears narrowed her eyes and looked further away.[]

“I feel the signs of space breaking apart, the speed of the universe breaking apart is getting faster and faster.”

From time to time, there was a slight crackling sound from the distant sea level.

Small pieces of space were peeled off like eggshells, leaving only a void.


The ship girls frowned.

At first, facing the enemies at sea, they could fight to the death to survive.

Then one day, the entire space seemed to have problems, collapsing and destroying little by little.

The speed of collapse is getting faster and faster. If it continues like this, it won’t be long before the entire sea will be destroyed.

No one knows why.

Some ship girls speculated that the world line of the entire universe is converging towards the”only one”.

But no matter what, facing this situation, no solution can be thought of.


The dark blue-haired ship girl laughed at herself.

“So our destiny is to be destroyed along with the world after endless wars?”

“It’s a good destination. 267”

She looked up at the sky, lost in thought.

“That’s all.”

META Helena shook her head

“Let’s all take a rest”


The other ship girls sat on the sea, some bandaging their wounds, some sorting out their ship equipment.

“Is there any point in continuing to fight? We will all disappear along with this world sooner or later anyway.

The morale of the team is a little low.

“Wait a moment, I will go to the southwest sea area to see if there are any clues.……”

META Canglong sighed

“It’s useless. Apart from us, there are only those monsters from the sea. Even the port area is……”

The crowd argued for a few words, but could not agree on a single answer.



META Helena looked at the broken sky and was in a trance

“Do you think there is a world where the port area has not been lost and everyone lives together with laughter?”

“Maybe there is an omnipotent leader leading us?”

“In this way, perhaps our lives will be different from the very beginning, right?”


“Delusion is not your style.”

The ship girl with an orange ponytail and holding a steel sword shook her head.

“If there really is such a life, it has nothing to do with us now.”

“But who knows?……”

Although she didn’t care, she couldn’t help but fall into her imagination.


If there really was another fate… what would it be like?


While they were talking.


META Helena’s body suddenly lit up with a dazzling light.

“What am I doing?……”

“Wait, someone is calling me? What? Who?!……”

(Pictured is META Lunna).

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