Following Whitebeard's blow, the atmosphere on the ship suddenly became heated.

There were endless shouts of surprise and cheers.

For example, Hatsune and the others had extremely shocked and wonderful expressions on their faces.

Although they are world-famous idols, the scene they saw was not as shocking and ferocious as what they saw now.

Except for them, the others were not so shocked.

Whitebeard's sons all had faint smiles on their lips, so they were naturally not surprised.

This is especially true for Hongfa and others.

Youxiang and Zi didn't show any surprise. They just looked at the sea in the distance.

That's all.

Ainz and Rimuru, one a skeleton and the other a slime, couldn't tell much about their facial expressions.

Whitebeard began to dismiss the many sons around him.

Now that Warring States and Garp are gone, what will happen if he has so many sons surrounding him?

Moreover, now is the time for the banquet.

Whitebeard had no intention of interrupting the banquet.

Marco and others left one after another, and the red-haired subordinates also dispersed.

The people on the quarter deck returned to their original crew.

When Ace was about to carry Luffy and leave, Kanzako Yuuto stopped him.

Ace looked at Kanzaka Yuuto with some confusion.

"Mr. Kamisaka, what's wrong?"

Kamisaka Yuuto smiled a little helplessly.

"You just thanked the wrong person."

Kamisaka Yuuto said this when he stopped Ace.

Ace was stunned.

He looked at Kamisaka Yuuto in astonishment, his eyes full of surprise.

"Those medicines were made by Rimuru, he is the one you should thank."

Kanzaka Yuuto pointed in the direction of Rimuru with his eyes.

Ace also turned his head and looked over there.

Not far away from the two of them, a soft slime was chatting with the red-haired man.

Still. There was a skeleton talking from time to time.

Ace looked a little embarrassed.

He looked at Yuuto Kamisaka and didn't know what to say for a moment.

He was a little speechless, as if he suddenly stuttered.

"Go ahead."

Kamisaka Yuuto said with a helpless smile.

Ace slightly bent towards Kamisaka Yuuto and then went to Rimuru's side.

I don't know what he said, but Rimuru looked a little bit. Sorry.

But in the end, Ace came to Kanzako Yuuto

"No matter what, I still want to thank Mr. Kamisaka. If it weren’t for Mr. Kamisaka, my father would not have received Mr. Rimuru’s medicine. Please accept my thanks, Mr. Kamisaka."

Ace bowed seriously.

Then he carried his brother Luffy and walked down.

Kanzako Yuuto shook his head slightly and said nothing.

At this time, Hatsune and the others suddenly stood up.

Everyone Their eyes were attracted to them.

The idol girls, led by Meguin, bowed slightly towards everyone, and then they bent extra towards Kamisaka Yuuto and Whitebeard respectively.

This etiquette was used by Kamisaka Yuuto when he watched the concert before. We have seen each other before.

As idols, every ceremonial gesture of Hatsune and Gourney has a specific meaning.

This slight bend expresses gratitude.

But everyone doesn’t understand.

They are all a little confused. Look at Xunyin and the others

"It is our honor to participate in this banquet. We have prepared special music for the banquet before. Please enjoy it. We also take this opportunity to express our gratitude to the store manager and Mr. Whitebeard. Thank you to the store manager for bringing us here. Thank you also. Mr. Whitebeard's hospitality."

Xunyin raised her head, the smile on her face was extremely generous. As the eldest sister of many sisters, she is the most mature. She doesn't like to accept gifts from others in vain.

For banquets like today, she has always used

This is an extremely rare quality.

It is also one of the reasons why Megurine is respected by many sisters.

She has an extremely dazzling light.

Although Whitebeard and Kanzaka Yuuto are both It means that it doesn’t have to be like this, but Xunyin still insists on himself.

The final result is that the idol girls stand on the edge of the deck, with various musical instruments and microphones beside them.

The place is condescending and the view is excellent.

Similarly, in the audience You can see it clearly from here.

Yuuto Kanzaka looked at the girls standing in front of the table with a little helplessness.

He did not expect such a thing to happen.

However, he was also a little strange.

Le Zhengling was from Where did you get those musical instruments and microphones?

Does she also have some space equipment???

The pirates on the middle deck looked at Hatsune and the others and talked about it. While they were making various guesses, Whitebeard stood at the edge of the deck.

He just Standing there, the audience became quiet.

This was his cohesion.

"Everyone, listen up. Next, these beautiful little girls will sing to you idiots. Give it to me and listen carefully. No one should disturb them. Do you understand?!"

"Oh oh oh!!! Don't worry, Dad!!!"

"So that’s it, I want to sing."

"Hahahahahaha, that’s right, it would be wrong to not sing at the banquet!"

"The clothes these girls are wearing are really beautiful...."

"I really want such beautiful clothes..."

Following Whitebeard's words, the pirates all reacted strongly and interestingly.

The focus of men and women was not at the same point at all, and the scene was extremely noisy and lively for a while.


Whitebeard hammered the railing, and the violent sound immediately silenced the entire audience.

"Okay, everyone be quiet!"

Whitebeard shouted angrily, and the pirates also shut their mouths obediently.

Seeing this, Whitebeard turned his head and nodded to Hatsune and the others, and then he walked back.

Next, he also had to sit down Enjoy the song from Hatsune and the others.

In the expectant eyes of the crowd, a roar from the drum set broke the silence.

The guitar and bass followed instantly.

The intense and restless drum beats accompanied the playing of the guitar and resounded throughout the night. Above the sea.

The girl's singing voice bloomed.

It was a voice like the hot summer sun.

It made people want to dance and roar together.

It is very suitable for banquets.

‘Under the light of that first-magnitude star’

‘You and me, let’s dance together’

‘The pulsation of the solar system shines with light’....

The pirates were in high spirits.

Although they didn't understand Miku's lyrics, their moods were completely aroused.

This is the charm of Miku singing.

It is easy to break into people's minds.

On the stage, Kamisaka Yuuto and others also listened with smiles.

Youxiang, who had always been cold-faced, also had a slight arc at this moment, which was already extremely difficult.

Kanzako Yuuto looked at the girls performing in front.

They are born for the stage and are born to attract everyone's attention.

Even though there were no bright lights like those at ordinary concerts, the girls were still dazzling under the dim moonlight and orange firelight.

The sound of waves on the dark sea came in waves, mixed with the girl's singing, which made people feel touched.

When the song ended, the pirates burst into cheers.

The recognition from the audience in another world made the girls happy.

They were still very nervous before the performance.

After all, this is different from ordinary concerts.

At an ordinary concert, the people who come are ordinary people.

But this time the person in the audience is a pirate.

It would be embarrassing if the pirates didn't like their song.

But fortunately, the response has been good.

At this time, a voice came from among the pirates, which immediately aroused the recognition of many pirates.

"Hello! Everyone, let’s sing too! Sing a pirate song!"

This sentence was accompanied by countless cheers.

Both the white-bearded and red-haired people on the stage smiled slightly. Hatsune and the others, who were still standing there, were a little at a loss.

The attention and conversation style of the pirates It went too fast. This was the first time they met such an audience.

"Gu la la la la, thank you, but now let’s listen to our song."

Whitebeard walked to the deck. He faced many pirates, grinning as if he was cheering to celebrate something.

"Hatsune, come back and sit down."

Kamisaka Yuuto also smiled softly and waved to Hatsune and the others.

When the girls came back, Whitebeard had already asked the musicians on the ship to come out.

These musicians were not as elegant as those traditional musicians.

On the contrary, one is more vulgar and more vicious than the other.

It looks like they are going to throw out the violin in their hands and use it as a weapon at the next moment.

"Come! Let the guests see the music that belongs to pirates!

Whitebeard gave an order.

The musicians started playing with laughter.

As a burst of piano and violin sounds sounded, the music belonging to the pirates began.

The idiots who were already drunk struggled to get up and hooked up with their companions.

Everyone has a smile on their face.

They began to dance, although the posture was ugly, each of them was drunk, and they danced like some kind of crazy creature.

Luffy endured the pain and held hands with Ace, while Marco held hands with his captains.

The chorus belonging to their group of pirates began.

That is the voice of a man on the sea.

Like the wind blowing over the waves

"Yoohoooh, yohooohohoh Yoohohohoh, yoohohohohyoohohohohoh, yoohohohohohohohohohohoh, yoohohohohohohohohohohoh

, bringing

Binx's wine to you like the sea breeze Follow your heart and ride the wind and waves. On the other side of the sea , the sunset is also noisy.

The songs of birds draw circles in the sky. Farewell to the harbor, the land of silk.

Come and sing a song, the song of sailing. The golden waves and silver waves also turn into water splashes to stir us up, just because Ocean.

Bringing Binx’s wine to you.

We pirates, splitting the waves.

Resting on the waves, home is on the boat.

The skull and crossbones flag is flying in the wind. The wind is strong under the boundless sky. The waves are dancing and the drums are beating. If you tremble, you will be doomed. It’s not that there is no tomorrow’s rising sun. Yoohohohoh, Yoohohohohoh

, Yoohohohohoh, Yoohohohohoh.


Kamisaka Yuuto has never seen such a chorus.

Adjustment is not correct.

But it sounds extremely nice.

He didn't know why, but as he listened, he just thought of the sea.

Going out to sea when the sun is must be very happy.

Although Miku's song is very nice, it is not suitable for the sea after all...

He thought about it and hummed it unconsciously.

Yo ho ho ho...yo ho ho ho...

I'll deliver Binx's wine to you.…


On the sea more than a hundred nautical miles away from the Moby Dick, that extremely luxurious ship was also hosting a banquet, but the content of the banquet was a bit... unsightly... The leaders... were a few people wearing transparent hoods people…


Embarrassing, I forgot to write CET-4 tomorrow... I was writing"Hi" in class, but I was kicked out by the security guard... It was really difficult to go back to the dormitory and use my mobile phone to code... 500 words in forty minutes... what is this? Crazy speed!

All classrooms in the school will be closed tomorrow... Where should I go to code...

I'm autistic... Please give me flowers, comments, rewards, and customization.

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