While chatting, Kamisaka Yuuto talked about the pirate banquet just now.

This made Gilgamesh and the Emperor feel extremely regretful.

They also wanted to experience such a lively scene.

Especially since this is a banquet in another world.

This is extremely tempting for the two kings.

Even El-Melloi II and Enkidu were also a little sad.

Under their strong request, Kanzako Yuuto told them all the things that happened at the pirate banquet.

When talking about the lively banquet scene, they all looked happy and yearning.

When the Tianlong people were mentioned, they all had disdain and disgust on their brows.

As kings, Gilgamesh and the Emperor naturally understand the feeling of having power in their hands.

But they are not scum like the Celestial Dragons who only enjoy power and do evil.

They are kings who are extremely proud of themselves and extremely noble.

They have their own balance of power.

People like Tianlong who only use their power to do whatever they want are the people they despise and look down upon the most.

"If I were present, I would definitely let the so-called Tianlong people understand what a true king is."

Gilgamesh folded his arms and said with great pride and disdain.

Listening to his words, Kamisaka Yuuto constructed the scene of his meeting with the Celestial Dragon in his mind.

The arrogant and egotistical King of Heroes...The wanton and arrogant Tianlong people....

If these two meet...

That scene will definitely be intense....

He just thought about it and couldn't help but smile.

"Speaking of which, Gil was very arrogant for a while. Although it was not as bad as the Celestial Dragons, it was still very bad."

Enkidu said this with a chuckle, and Gilgamesh's face suddenly became a little annoyed. The proud King of Heroes was once again betrayed by his best friend.

But he couldn't do anything about him....

Even if he yells at the other person, the other person will just smile indifferently....


So he just snorted angrily.


Fortunately, the store door opened at this time.

This greatly eased the embarrassment of a certain proud hero king.

At the same time, it also diverted everyone's attention.

Kamisaka Yuuto looked out the door , when he saw the person coming, he couldn't help but his eyes were slightly stunned. This can't be blamed on him, it's just because the other person left a deep impression on Kamisaka Yuuto.

At the same time, when Erina and Hisako saw the person coming, the two women's His face subconsciously became nervous.

He looked like he was worried about something....


Kamisaka Yuuto said to Sun Wukong with a smile.

Originally, Sun Wukong's impression on Kamisaka Yuuto was that he was purely edible.

But after the battle scene between him and Saitama was seen by Kamisaka Yuuto, Kamisaka Yuuto was Refreshed my impression of Sun Wukong.

He can fight and eat.

This is Yuuto Kamisaka’s definition of him.

Simple and accurate

"Yo, store manager, I'm here again!"

Sun Wukong raised his hand and said cheerfully to Kamizaka Yuuto.

There was a feeling of relaxation all over his body.

Although he is an extremely strong man, he gives people the impression that he is in harmony with his neighbors. Just like the silly big brother at home.

Kind, friendly and trustworthy.

"Just come and sit down."

Kamisaka Yuuto said to Sun Wukong with a chuckle.

He reached out to the empty seat in front of the bar.

Sun Wukong nodded and sat down.

He sat on the side of the bar where

Gilgamesh and the others were sitting. It was in front of the bar, and Sun Wukong's sitting down caught the attention of several of them.

They looked at Sun Wukong, and after looking at it for a while, they had a unified definition.

Just ordinary people.

This is how they judged Sun Wukong....

"oh! They are also there. It's strange. Saitama is not here?"

Sun Wukong looked around after sitting down.

He showed a look of joy when he saw Ainz and Rimuru, and then asked about Saitama's whereabouts.

Kanzaka Yuuto couldn't help but smile.

Sun Wukong and The two people, Saitama, have a tacit understanding in a sense.

They both pay attention to each other.

"Saitama's words have gone back. Saitama has been asking me for your news recently."

Kamisaka Yuuto's words made Sun Wukong look a little excited.

"Really? Saitama came to me because he wanted to spar with me again?"

Sun Wukong's pure intuition made him guess right.

Kamisaka Yuuto's nod made him even more excited.

"Huh~~ This is really exciting. When I think of fighting Saitama, my hands can't help but tremble...."

There was obvious excitement on Sun Wukong's face. He clenched his fists and couldn't help but exhale.

Fighting against strong men is the greatest pleasure in his life.

And Saitama is the opponent who can satisfy him now!

"So what should I tell Saitama?"

Kamisaka Yuuto said with a casual smile on his face.

Sun Wukong's face became a little more serious in the joy.

There was a cheerful smile on the corner of his mouth, and his hands were clenched into fists.

"Of course I promised Saitama! I have been practicing hard recently. Saitama will be surprised when the time comes!"

Sun Wukong said with great anticipation.

Since the last time he competed with Saitama in a deadlock, he went back and practiced extremely hard in order to fight Saitama again. Now that the time has come, how can he not Looking forward to it!

Kamisaka Yuuto smiled and nodded.

In fact, he still had another question in his mind.

That is where will Sun Wukong and Saitama fight?...

The last time we fought at the Great Tomb of Nazarick, we completely destroyed the Great Tomb of Nazarick....

What about this time?

If we go to Ainz’s world again,...

Kamisaka Yuuto feels that Ainz will definitely collapse...

"Manager, please serve me the food now! Although the battle is very exciting, it is more important to fill our stomachs at the moment."

Sun Wukong scratched his head and said with a naive smile.

Kamisaka Yuuto was amused by his appearance. He also smiled and nodded in response before walking to the kitchen.

"Still the same?"

Kamisaka Yuuto said as he walked.

Sun Wukong was stunned for a moment, and these three words made him a little unresponsive.

But then he understood

"Um! Yes, as always, the store manager must serve food quickly."

Sun Wukong said loudly behind Kanzaki Yuuto.

Kamisaka Yuuto didn't say anything in response and just waved his hand casually to express his understanding.

Then he turned his attention to the two Erina girls who were pretending to be transparent.

Looking at them, The two women suddenly trembled a little

"Why are you still standing there? Come on."

Kamisaka Yuuto waved his hands towards the two girls, which made the two girls look at each other. They both saw the powerlessness in each other's eyes. The last scene of cooking for Sun Wukong is still something that the two girls often recall. 'Nightmare'.

So tired...

Even though I’m just cooking for one person, the intensity...

It was almost like a high-intensity cooking competition that lasted for three days and nights....

At that time, the two women's bodies were unable to stand up any longer....

But now, it's obviously time for her and the two of them to take responsibility again.

The two girls walked into the kitchen a little frustrated, and the looks on their faces made Kamisaka Yuuto laugh.

"What's wrong? Has cooking become a burden?"

Kamisaka Yuuto asked, looking at the two people with a smile.

EriHe raised his head and glanced at Yuuto Ban angrily.

She really wanted to say, 'It's not you who do it.'

But that would be too embarrassing for her, Nakiri Erina!

She is the eldest daughter of the Nakiri family and one of the Ten Elites of Totsuki. How could she say such a thing?!

Although...Although....Although it is really painful to cook for Sun Wukong...

"I will take action this time too, don't look at me like that."

Kamisaka Yuuto could see what Miss Erina was thinking at a glance.

After he said this, Erina's face suddenly became much better.

But she immediately became a little awkward.

"I don't expect you to cook together, so don't overthink it."

Erina crossed her arms and whispered.

Although the recent training in the store has made Miss Erina's arrogant personality change a lot, she will occasionally relapse~ But it is completely different from the unreasonable and troublesome appearance before. different...

Much cuter now~

"Then I won't help."

Kamisaka Yuuto continued what Erina said casually.

This suddenly made Erina's face become a little stiff.

Hisako on the side was a little anxious when she saw this.

She really hoped that Kanzaka Yuuto would come to help.

The last time she was cooking, she had an experience that was so close to exhaustion that she never wanted to have it again....

"Hey, the eldest lady is just joking. The store manager must not take it seriously."

Hisako said to Kamisaka Yuuto with a smile on her face.

At the same time, she quietly touched Erina with her elbow underneath.

Although this move was obvious to Kamisaka Yuuto....

Erina's face was a little tangled. When she hesitated, Kanzako Yuuto spoke:

"Okay, don’t talk too much, let’s cook first."

I don't know how much time I will waste if I continue to be so entangled.

Keeping customers waiting for a long time is not the behavior that a small store should do.

After Kanzaka Yuuto said this, Erina was obviously relieved.

Then the three of them started. Division of labor and cooperation.

Mainly with Kamisaka Yuuto as the main one.

Although the two girls are also cooking seriously, their speed is not as fast as Kamisaka Yuuto.

This makes Erina's previous aggrieved mood disappear quietly.

She feels towards Kamisaka Yuuto His cooking skills are highly recognized and respected.

Thor is responsible for carrying the dishes out from the back kitchen.

The figure of the Dragon Lady keeps coming and going, and the empty plates in front of Sun Wukong's position at the bar gradually pile up into a hill.

Every time Thor Empty plates are always taken away when they come out.

But Monkey King ate too quickly.╮(╯▽╰)╭

At the same time, Gilgamesh and others on the side also looked at Sun Wukong with surprised expressions.

They looked at each other, and each came to a unified conclusion from the other's eyes - it's really delicious....

During this process, Kanzako Yuuto also brought out the braised pork to Gilgamesh.

The braised pork that had been simmering for an hour was finally ready.

When you lift the lid, the aroma makes Kamisaka Yuuto want to take a bite.

The fiery red soft and glutinous meat pieces swayed stupidly in the boiling soup.

Who can resist this temptation?

The King of Heroes was extremely impressed when he ate the braised pork.

He looked extremely satisfied and happy, and he couldn't help but eat several pieces of the braised pork given to Enkidu.

Enkidu didn't say anything either.

He just smiled helplessly, with a doting look in his eyes as he looked at Gilgamesh.

Although Sun Wukong also wanted to eat, he chose to give up when he heard that it would take more than an hour.

He didn't have that much time to spend in the store.

After all, there was someone waiting for him at home~

After chatting for a while, El-Melloi II stood up and left.

Recently, the Clock Tower will hold an exam for novice magicians.

As one of the twelve monarchs of the Clock Tower, he also needs to give questions in this exam.

So he can't be as free as before.

Dadi left with him.

Although El-Melloi II complained verbally that the Great Emperor had brought him a lot of trouble.

But when it came time to leave, he still chose to go with the emperor.

After all, he still couldn't bear to be separated from the emperor.

Gilgamesh and Enkidu were still sitting where they were.

Although the King of Heroes still looked calm, his fingers were tapping on the table.

It seemed like something was keeping him from calming down.

This goes on until Sun Wukong is full and leaves.

When Kanzaka Yuuto walked out of the kitchen with the two tired girls, Gilgamesh spoke.

It's just that his tone is a little tangled...


4000+ arrived in Mohe at around ten o'clock this morning.

A bit cold butThe scenery here is really good, I love it.

It’s just that the area is too small, and it took less than a day to complete the transfer....

I have to take the train again tomorrow0...

I really don’t want to sit on it, the hard seat makes me want to vomit.....

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