Following Zhou Mingyu's order, nearly a thousand nobles were captured by Nolen and imprisoned in the dungeon.

These blood-sucking worms, who used to suck the blood of others unscrupulously, were all like piglets, being picked up one after another. One batch was transported to the execution ground.

The executioner raised his knife and cut off heads one after another.

The people who came to watch the show applauded and cheered.

It can also give other blood-sucking insects a warning, letting them know to restrain themselves; it also warns them not to try to resist the Yuling Cult.

Otherwise, this is what happens.

In fact, Zhou Mingyu, who traveled from the Dragon Kingdom, had long wanted to carry out a general purge after taking over the kingdom.

Because he knows that when these blood-sucking insects live in the world, they will only make rice expensive and have no value."633" is just that due to his identity, he is the spokesperson for Xiangzheng Yulingjiao's image.

The bad thing is that there's obviously too much and not enough justified killing.

For example, today more than 800 piglets will be executed at once.

If the person who did this is Zhou Mingyu.

There will definitely be people with ulterior motives who will use this matter to spread public opinion that is unfavorable to Zhou Mingyu.

But as it turned out, the commander who ordered the arrest was Nolen.

Even if there is negative public opinion and infamy, it will only fall on Nolen in the end.

It has nothing to do with Zhou Mingyu's identity as a compassionate savior.

It can be regarded as Nolen, who submitted a petition to show his loyalty to protect himself.

This is the most classic,White-faced routine.

But don’t underestimate this routine, it can be seen everywhere in daily life.

Because this routine is suitable for use in the workplace.

For example, the immediate boss in the company is an amiable and good person.

Normally, no matter what happens, he is affable and rarely gets angry.

Then you will find that there is always a dog next to a person like this.

This dog is either the boss's secretary or the boss's deputy.

He is obviously mean-spirited, but he also likes to find fault with others, causing complaints and unpopularity.

But this dog can sit firmly in the position of the boss's deputy.

Don’t ever think that the dog is unworthy of its virtue.

Because the name tells you that it is a dog raised by the boss.

The more ferociously the dog barks, the more it can cooperate with the boss to play the classic red and white face routine on you.

And this dog is far smarter than you think.

Because he knows that he must be a barking vicious dog in order to continue to be reused by his boss.

In this way, they will not fall to the bottom where they can only be squeezed.

First, it allows the boss to stabilize his or her personal image without having to personally exploit employees.

Secondly, if there is any dirty work, just leave it to the vicious dogs.

Thirdly, with this vicious dog as a foil, you can be more grateful to your boss.

Before you know it, you will be immersed in the advanced PUA method.

This routine is not only applicable in the workplace, but also in the marriage field.

The same classic example is when the wedding is approaching and the mother-in-law suddenly wants to add a bride price, which can cost tens of thousands.

If the woman doesn't say a word, or just pretends, it's just a red-faced tactic.

The name of this trick has long been used in Peking Opera tricks as early as thousands of years ago; it has been studied clearly and written down in books by our ancestors of the Dragon Kingdom.

It has been passed down for thousands of years and is still used for everything.

There are also many little-known ways of dealing with others, all of which were clearly written down in books by our ancestors. (If you want to read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

If you have time, you might as well read more books left by your ancestors, or observe carefully to see if you are falling into the red-faced routine.

In the palace at this time.

In addition to a crisp and fast-paced clap, Noren's slightly painful moans suddenly spread.

It looked like Nolen had suffered serious lacerations and gunshot wounds.

I don’t know what kind of gun he was hit by, but he was seriously injured and lost a lot of blood.

It takes Zhou Mingyu, an old Chinese medicine doctor who can be called Hua Tuo's master of rejuvenation in this world, to perform a bone scraping surgery to cure him.....

Otherwise, excessive blood loss would be dangerous and could lead to shock.

But it's really troublesome to deal with gunshot wounds.

Fortunately, Zhou Mingyu was well-informed and such gunshot wounds were already commonplace.

First, punch it directly into the wound to block it.

After a while of tinkering, I started to prepare for bandaging to stop the bleeding.

Because the incident happened suddenly, there was no anesthetic to relieve Nolen's pain.

I saw Nolen kneeling on the throne, biting his lip in pain, and sweating all over his body.[]

After the severe sting, he couldn't help but convulse.

Fortunately, Noren's sister Freya was also present.

As a sister, of course she had to cooperate with the doctor and calm Nolen's emotions.

While helping at the side, he kept encouraging Nolen to survive the operation.

This scene makes people sigh, it can be said that they are sisters.

Encouraged by his sister, Nolen successfully gritted his teeth and persevered.

However, although the bleeding was successfully stopped, the situation is still not optimistic.

And you have to be careful to treat the gunshot wounds.

Thanks to Zhou Mingyu's sophisticated medical skills and the simple surgical tools he brought with him, after more than half an hour of hard work, he was finally able to treat Nolen's extremely complicated gunshot wound.

Although surgery 1.8 was successful, the situation is still not optimistic.

Because Nolen lost too much blood, he needed to replenish his blood in time.

However, there was no equipment on site that could be used for blood transfusion.

Then we can only try the traditional method of eating what we eat and taking supplements.

Zhou Mingyu turned to grab Nolen's hair and fed her blood from the wound.

He hoped that swallowing the blood into his stomach would make up for some of the bleeding.

In the end, judging from the results, the surgery was very successful.

Nolen managed to survive the gunshot wound and struggled to survive.

It was also a blessing in disguise that the Dantian was opened by accident during the operation and had never been used.

In this way, he became a cultivator and his strength greatly increased.

Next, let’s see how Freya, the older sister, behaves..

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