Amidst bursts of fighting and wailing, the battle finally ended.

I saw Brad sitting on his knees on the ground exhausted with a stupid and dull expression on his face.

The majestic swordsman was held down and rubbed by Zhou Mingyu without any ability to fight back.

It can be said that he lost completely in a literal sense.

She was even slapped with loud slaps, leaving red and swollen palm prints on her fingers. It was so cruel that it made her miserable.

"how? This won't work?"

"I still like your unruly look before.~"

"Go on, you, a mighty swordsman, how can you admit defeat?"

As he said that, Zhou Mingyu grabbed Brad's hair, lifted it up, and pointed it directly in the face.

Faced with Zhou Mingyu's ruthless ridicule, Brad's reaction only seemed a little numb.

Let alone fight back, he would have already There was no courage to resist.

Under the overwhelming operation, all the struggles were in vain.

At this time, Rikka and the others finally wiped out all the rebels, and the battle was over.

They left the city A group of warlike and brainless high-level demons killed every one of them.

There were also some lower-level demons who survived.

Such as the lizards and goblins were also frightened and lost their lives. They descended with their armor removed.

Originally, Freya was planning to kill all the demons who surrendered.

But Eve was obviously not as perverted as she was.

As a demon king who wanted to continue to rule the demon world, of course he would stop it..

It is said that these low-level demons are just subordinates of the high-level demons and are forced to participate in the rebellion.

Using this as an excuse prevents Freya's true nature.

Of course, these captives have the final decision-making power whether they live or die. It had to be in Zhou Mingyu's hands.

230 Zhou Mingyu continued to hold Brad's hair and asked him to clean up.

Then he spared Brad and flew to the battlefield.

As soon as he landed , Eve came forward and explained the captives to Zhou Mingyu.

After hearing Eve's explanation, Zhou Mingyu waved his hand directly and asked Nolen and the others to let go of all the low-level demons who had surrendered.

Since they were forced to participate in the rebellion, they will not be held accountable.

This is to show the world the kindness of the Yuling Sect.

Of course, with Zhou Mingyu's methods, he will definitely use both kindness and power.

Otherwise, others will only think that he is kind. You are easy to bully.

As for those high-level demons who take the initiative to participate in the war, their decision to stay or go must be carefully considered.

Zhou Mingyu is like a leader who came to inspect.

Accompanied by girls such as Eve and Kelehe Next, she came to a lion-faced tribe who was captured alive.

Because the last demon king of the militant faction was the lion-faced tribe.

Eve thought that Zhou Mingyu would handle the matter safely.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Mingyu Yu suddenly asked a question without thinking;

"The females of their lion-face tribe are also like such a bear with a strong back and a strong waist?"

At this time, Eve didn't realize the seriousness of the matter, but just nodded and said,"Yes."

And Zhou Mingyu's next words came out;

"Then kill them all! For the crime of treason, the Lion-faced tribe will be exterminated!"

"Ah this..."Only then did Eve react.

All the high-level demons who are emotionally involved in this rebellion, what will happen to their entire race? It all depends on whether the females in their tribe can (aicj) suit Zhou Mingyu's appetite.

Otherwise, just like the lion-faced tribe, they just asked what the females of their race looked like.

Then, with a single word, it was genocide.

But what could Eve do?

After a moment of hesitation, he had no choice but to continue to agree;"I obey."

Nolan and the others on the side had no idea about this.

First of all, they are all human beings, and of course they have no sympathy for the demons in front of them.

Secondly, the so-called genocide; just think of these cruel, warlike, and greedy high-level demons as the aristocratic class in the human world who only exploit others.

From this perspective, there seems to be nothing difficult to understand.

To put it more bluntly, just think of them as Jews.

And from a political point of view, we can also use the power of exterminating these high-level demons to make Eve, the demon king, more worthy of his name.

After all, when Zhou Mingyu killed the king and the demon king before, he had a live broadcast.

It was not just for showing off, but like a military exercise, to show off one's strength to the world of stick warriors.

Its purpose is to intimidate people into submission.

And these so-called advanced demons were so stupid that they dared to start a rebellion after watching the live broadcast.

Since they wanted to die so much, Zhou Mingyu certainly wouldn't mind satisfying them.

The next one is the cannibals.

This so-called cannibal looks exactly like the one in World of Warcraft, with fat heads and big ears, and is strangely ugly.

Zhou Mingyu didn't even bother to ask directly, he just said genocide.

After the cannibals, there are the one-eyed people who are born with powerful magic power. It is necessary to ask for more information.

It can be known through the mouth of Eve.

The female of the one-eyed tribe, of course, has only one eye as her name suggests; but, but! But they have three Oppies!!

When they reach adulthood, one-eyed females generally have a plump figure with a curvy front and back.

Moreover, the one-eyed people have their own concept of male superiority and female inferiority.

Females are naturally docile, but males are more brutal.

When Zhou Mingyu heard this, he couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly, feeling very novel and interested.

He was merciful and spared the one-eyed clan's life.

But there is a price.

From now on, the one-eyed people must abide by the monogamy system and are not allowed to intermarry with foreigners.

Moreover, the male population of the one-eyed tribe must not exceed 20%. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The meaning is obvious, that is, the females of the one-eyed tribe are needed; under the premise of ensuring a certain output, they can only export them to themselves.

As for the extra one-eyed male, let Eve and Nolen decide how to deal with it.

The next race is the vampire race, and it is inevitable to ask a few more questions.

After all, there are vampires in the Demon King's City, and of course Zhou Mingyu has tasted what it's like.

Why are there vampires in the rebel ranks?

It was also through Eve's mouth that I learned that the vampire clan is also divided into two groups: the militant group and the moderate group.

The vampires in the rebel army certainly belong to the militant group.

Zhou Mingyu still didn't think much, and continued to order with a wave of his hand; all the militant vampire males should also be exterminated.

All the pure and militant vampire females were captured in the Demon King's Castle to await their fate.

Of course, if you can capture them alive, try to capture them alive. If you can't capture them alive, it doesn't matter if you kill them.

Anyway, there are moderate vampire tribes, so there is no need to worry about the lack of vampire girls.

However, those impure and militant vampire females are left to the moderates to handle.

If you go further, those pig-faced people will be killed! []

What kind of centipede people, no matter male or female, are all covered with hard carapace, kill!

There is also a tribe of snake people. The upper body is a human body and the lower body is a snake body. This is a little difficult to decide.

Zhou Mingyu planned to get a girl from the snake tribe to try out what it was like before making a decision.

Then came another two-headed wolf clan.

No matter how curious you are, you shouldn't be curious enough to have two heads, right?

And it's not a human head, but a wolf head. I don't even bother to ask, so I just keep killing!

In short, after an inventory, there are only a few high-level demons who can escape the fate of annihilation.

After all, the lower limit of Zhou Mingyu's XP system is at most a monster mother, and at least it meets the mother's bottom line.

The only pity is that Zhou Mingyu did not see the legendary slime girl.

As a traveler from the modern dragon country, Zhou Mingyu must be brave enough to try new things.

Then he asked Eve again about the Slime Girl.

Only then did I learn that there is indeed a slime girl.

However, they are basically very afraid of society and usually hide in swamps with harsh environment to isolate themselves from the world.

The slightest disturbance will scare them into hiding.

Even in the demon world, there is not much news about them.

After hearing this, Zhou Mingyu of course planned to visit him in person when he was free.

After defeating all the rebel demons, return to the Demon King's City.

You can see that Brad fell on the city wall with a white face, rolling his eyes and dying.

People can't help but sigh, it's so good to be young, but all I can do is fall asleep.

The quality of Brad's sleep was such that there was a line of crystal clear saliva hanging from his little mouth, and he couldn't close it.

And this is a counter-insurgency battle to gain experience.

Including Zhou Mingyu, there were three brave men in total.

According to Gunyong's world view, the experience value is increased six times.

With six times the experience bonus, nearly ten thousand high-level demons were wiped out.

Except for Freya, all the girls participating in the battle have basically reached the maximum level.

If you still want to continue to level up, you can only wait for Zhou Mingyu to teach you how to receive fluids and continue to increase everyone's level limit.

And after the war is over, there are still a lot of things to be busy with.

The main thing is to be busy with destroying those high-level demons.

PS; I don’t know if your XP system can withstand it.

Many people must have watched this early masterpiece called Monster Girl Living Together.

By the way, I’m asking for another wave of flower tickets~ The data is really tragic~

Please reward me more, gentlemen.

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