Back to the jobless world.

At this time, only an hour or two had passed here, and it was not even daylight yet.

Normally in a situation like this, Zhou Mingyu would definitely have to fight Luo Qixi and Xilu Fei.

Then help them both get over the jet lag.

But in Gunyong World, everyone is having so much fun.

Now let's let those two little guys have a serious rest.

After finally waiting for dawn, it was still the same tutoring life as before.

The sun had just risen from the horizon, not more than ten minutes.

There was a sound outside the door, the voice of a certain eldest lady;

"Master~ It’s time to get up and teach me how to practice swordsmanship!"

But rest is a rest, and breakfast must not be missing.

Normally, after Zhou Mingyu makes breakfast, he feeds it directly to Xilu Fei and Luo Qixi.

Nowadays, it is rare for these two guys to get up early.

That must be Let the two of them try to learn how to make enough food and clothing by themselves.

Then, the two little guys knelt down on the ground and started to work.

Luo Qixi was responsible for grilling sausages, and Sylphy was responsible for two 12 boiled eggs. It can be said that the division of labor was clear. Like every master, every time.

At this moment, Mother Hong’s mumbling sound came from outside the door again;

"Master, don't sleep, it's time to get up!"

Zhou Mingyu replied:"Okay, got it."

After that, Zhou Mingyu looked down at the two little guys again and said leisurely;

"Eat quickly. After breakfast is finished, your family can move around freely."

"Otherwise, the young lady outside the door won't be able to wait any longer."

Hearing this, the two little guys showed their obedience and worked harder.

Finally they finished their breakfast, drank the hot milk and had a full meal.

And Zhou Mingyu Before preparing to set off, he did not forget to follow the good virtues of diligence and frugality; he checked whether the two little guys were wasting money and drank everything without leaving a drop.

After that, Zhou Mingyu simply arranged his clothes and then He stood up and went to open the door.

He saw Hong's mother Alice, who had been waiting outside the door for a long time.

Zhou Mingyu also took her to the backyard as usual, preparing to start class and roughly calculating the time.

Zhou Mingyu came to give Hong Three months have passed since my mother became a swordsmanship teacher. In these three months, the change in Hong’s mother’s attitude is not unobvious.

At the beginning, she took the initiative to come to Zhou Mingyu for lessons every day;

In order to ensure that Zhou Mingyu would not spank him back, he treated it like a sandbag and let out a good breath of bad breath.

Now, after being completely impressed by Zhou Mingyu's swordsmanship, he has become an open-minded person who asks for advice. The mentality has changed.

He is no longer as unruly and willful as when we first met, and has obviously become much more well-behaved.

But to put it bluntly, it is actually unconsciously...

PUA was subtly influenced by Zhou Mingyu's endless methods.

Although in these three months.

The idiot narrator jumped out more than once, encouraging Zhou Mingyu to push Hong's mother.

But as a gentleman, Zhou Mingyu was of course unmoved.

After all, we have to consider that Philip, the wage earner, is doing his best to develop the Spirit-Rescue Cult for himself in the jobless world.

It was also fueled by the wage earners.

At this time, the Fitoya territory had already regarded the Yuling Sect as a state religion. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

It is no exaggeration to say that on average, there will be a believer in the Yuling Sect in every family.

And it also unknowingly affected other surrounding territories.

However, Wu Zhi's world view is very broad.

There are not only several continents, but also many forces with complicated relationships.

Just looking at the original novel, it took the protagonist group more than three years to return to their hometown from the Demonic Continent.

You can imagine the size of the jobless world.

To rely on normal means to develop Yuling Cult in a jobless world is, at least, a century-old plan.

Of course Zhou Mingyu was not in the mood to waste such a long time in a single world.

Therefore, Zhou Mingyu is still not in a hurry for this so-called temporary gain.

After all, building high walls, accumulating food and slowly becoming king is the truth written in books by our ancestors long ago.

As the saying goes, thick accumulation and thin hair.

And if you want Yulingjiao to be like in the world of stick warriors, in this jobless world, we will also see explosive growth like a virus.

The opportunity lies in the great transfer magic disaster event that will occur in a year's time.

Because at that time, Zhou Mingyu would have the opportunity; [] to take advantage of the situation and use his most commonly used move, which is also a versatile move.

Since there is no demand in the market, then artificially create demand yourself.

And Zhou Mingyu has been guarding the Fitoya territory for this purpose....

Another morning comes.

On this day, Mother Hong was not as usual.

As soon as the sun rises, he immediately comes to Zhou Mingyu for swordsmanship lessons.

Because today's arrangement is to take cultural classes.

As for Mother Hong, who has a simple mind and well-developed limbs, she certainly doesn’t like reading and writing.

But even so, Zhou Mingyu never took the initiative to find Hong's mother.

Because Alice will not come to the cultural class today, there will be a cultural class tomorrow.

If she doesn't come tomorrow, she will never take the swordsmanship class again.

Because of this, Hong’s mother took a week-long vacation for herself.

Finally I couldn't hold it any longer, so I came back to read and write obediently.

Then he could wield the iron sword without being spanked and continue to serve as Zhou Mingyu's nail clipper.

This wave of unblocked operations is very similar to how parents born in the 90s and 00s now raise their children.

It just so happened that after finishing breakfast, Zhou Mingyu continued to be in the room.

He placed Sylphy and Luo Qixi on the table and continued to teach them about the theory and practice of various postures.

At about ninety o'clock, Alice will still appear outside the door obediently.

"Teacher, it's time for class."

Only then did Zhou Mingyu pull away calmly.

Let the two little guys remember to review carefully and learn the new postures they just learned.

Zhou Mingyu then looked dignified. Taking Alice to cultural classes...

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