As time passed, and the genocide plan gradually advanced.

One piece of good news after another was delivered to Eve's desk.

It was all a battle report about how Freya and Setsuna and the others used the name of the Spirit Control Cult to kill those militant high-level demons.

As a result, Eve, as the devil, had to work overtime until late at night.

Also in order to be able to concentrate better and work hard instead of passing the time in a drowsy way.

Instead of sitting as usual, Eve chose to stand up at work to stay awake.

She spread her two slender and sinuous legs and stood straight in a straight line, making her look even more slender.

I no longer have to stand on tiptoes and adjust the height of the entrance to the appropriate position.

The principle is almost the same as standing in a military posture. In short, just don't let your heels touch the ground.

Lie on the table with your upper body and support the table with your elbows.

Her long silver-white hair spread down from her shoulders.

It also swayed with the rhythm, looking strangely beautiful.

But even though she was standing working, under the dim candlelight, Eve was still so sleepy that her eyes were blurred.

His body swayed uncontrollably, causing the entire desk to shake and creak.

While continuing to read the contents of the battle report, he was out of breath while doing the reporting work.

Generally speaking, the process of Rikka and the others fighting against the demons went smoothly.

After all, there is someone named Zhou who teaches everyone the exercises day after day and urges everyone to practice hard.

Let's not talk about anything else, at least in this world of stick warriors without extraordinary high-level combat power, he must be invincible.

Among them, the performance of our mother, Zhen Zhenzi, is particularly outstanding.

Eve was emphatically reporting on Makoto’s achievements.

"According to the information coming back from the front, Mako’s mother, she...uh-huh...She comes with two very strange weapons"

"There are two magic swords. According to Makoto’s mother herself, one is called the Flame Sword and the other is called the Ice Sword."

"These two weapons seem to be...Aha...They all seem to have the effect of god-level weapons."

As a result, before Eve could finish her words, she was suddenly slapped.

After that, another stern scolding came into her ears;

"How did you become the devil?"

"It’s not like I’m asking you to lead troops in battle, I’m just asking you to be a clerk and be responsible for sorting out the paperwork."

"Why are you so choppy even when giving a verbal report on work? Can you still work well?"

Hearing this was like a big boss scolding an employee who was slacking off.

Eve raised her head, turned around and threw a look behind her, with a very resentful eye roll.

This expression was undoubtedly asking, who is not doing this? Want me to work hard?

However, although Eve's position is that of the Demon King, the highest leader of the Demon World, to put it bluntly, she is just like a prostitute, working for someone.

And she has to work 24/7 When she was young, she had to be on call to serve the real big boss behind her. Even if she was really a secretary or a secretary, she probably wouldn’t be as hard-working as her.

Not only was there no overtime pay, there was no year-end bonus, and even It’s not even sure whether there will be a holiday.

The only thing that is certain is that there will definitely be maternity leave after the baby is pregnant.

Therefore, Eve did not dare to say anything except rolling her eyes in protest.

In order to avoid getting sick. Anyone who gets in trouble through the mouth and comes out through the mouth will be punished, and will be grabbed directly by the pair of horns on the top of his head.

After taking a deep breath, Eve had to lower her head, try hard to endure the sleepiness, and continue to cheer up. Then report;

"Another thing (cefc) is that every time Mako’s mother takes action, she will have some strange skills that attack everyone."

"Anyway, according to what Setsuna said, as long as Mako's mother swings her sword, a large number of monsters will be instantly killed by a critical hit."

"Originally, Setsuna was arranged to be a bodyguard for Mako's mother to prevent any accidents from happening."

"However, my mother wiped out pig-headed tribes, ghouls and other races in one breath."

"In an instant, another person was arranged to go...I went to serve as a guard for Princess Freya."

"Then he ordered Sen Xia to follow her mother...uh-huh...Let’s mix experiences together." (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"So far, Makoto's mother's record of slaying high-level demons is firmly in the first place, far better than anyone else's."

Even though the numb one didn't hurt, it was a very skillful slap that cheered Eve up again.

But when she continued to do the reporting work later, Eve still couldn't help but yawned.

Later, she mentioned Kelehe. Although their record is far behind that of our mother, Makoto.

But in general, as mentioned before, they are invincible all the way.

As for Rikka and Sanae, in order to prevent these two little guys from getting together Together; there is a chance that they will suffer from the secondary disease and become epileptic. Of course, the master and servant must be separated. As for

Liuhua, she will leave it to her sister Shihua to take care of her.

After all, apart from Zhou Mingyu, who can Apart from Rikka, only Toka, her biological sister, can barely control her.

There is also Sanae, and she will not be arranged to go experience with Makoto because there is already Morika there.

Otherwise, this When a pair of enemies who exuded the scent of lily and orange met, they had another fight.

So Sanae was assigned to Kelehe.

Except that only in front of Zhou Mingyu, Kelehe would look like a delicate one, no matter what Except for the naughty little wife, most of the time, this sword master is still very resolute and serious.

Anyway, judging from the current situation, there should be no problem in letting her watch over Sanae.[]

After Eve briefly reported everyone's situation.

Seeing that she would be off work soon, Eve raised her head and arched her body, stretching out uncontrollably.

Then I felt sleepy and fell directly on the table.

As a boss, Zhou Mingyu will not be like those capitalists who patronize and exploit his employees, not even taking a holiday on New Year's Eve.

Seeing that Eve was so tired from working overtime, he was very considerate and prepared a hot and fragrant supper for her..

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