"real name! moment...Setsuna can tell you my real name!"

Hearing these words, Zhou Mingyu paused.

This time, this big fish not only took the bait voluntarily, but also confirmed it.

"real name? You should know better than me what the true name means to you demi-humans, right?"

In an instant, she clenched her small pink fists and finally nodded with determination.

"The real name is the name engraved deep in the soul"

"Once you know your true name, you can call us demi-humans whatever you want."

"Because of the importance of real names, even if you choose other people as slaves, they will not tell you their real names."

"but...But Setsuna can"

"so...Please also spare the rest of her tribe."

In this regard, Zhou Mingyu frowned slightly.

Why do you hear this little guy saying that being a slave to yourself is a very uneconomical thing?

But forget it.

Let's not say that given time, he can be killed by one person. More than ten thousand people.

Zhou Mingyu is naturally confident that he can make this little guy fall in love with the taste of lollipops.

After taking a deep breath, Zhou Mingyu said in a pretentious manner;

"Okay, since you are willing to tell your real name, you can do it reluctantly and not cause trouble for your tribe."

"Then from now on, you will be my slave"

"Wait until night, then tell me your real name, that way there will be a sense of ceremony."

Hearing Zhou Mingyu finally let go, he immediately said in turn:"Thank you."

Anyway, looking at this little guy's reaction, it's not that he was very reluctant.

When Zhou Mingyu led the moment and went back to find Yu Ling, most of the wounded in the village had been killed by Yu Ling with the help of his divine power. The hand is rejuvenated.

Regardless of whether it is a broken hand or a broken foot, as long as the person is not dead, it can be immediately alive and kicking.

However, the style of Yu Ling also changed due to this.

The whole body became extremely pale, and he collapsed directly on the chair.

It was said that it was Dying is not an exaggeration at all.

Seeing Zhou Mingyu's appearance, Yu Ling immediately began to sell out.

After all, this little fool's only little thought; apart from thinking about the lollipop every day, is to hope that Zhou Mingyu Yu can become his own believer

"Ming Yu....I...I've overdrawn too much of my divine power, and I'm going to die soon...."

"If you don't give me your faith right away...You can...But you are about to lose me~"

When Zhou Mingyu approached, Yu Ling raised his hands tremblingly.

His voice was extremely hoarse, and he looked like he was about to die.

However, just How could her poor acting skills deceive Zhou Mingyu's fiery eyes?

"Hey, this trick is terrible, you just used it once, right?"

"You have at least hundreds of believers now, why do you still need to overdraw your divine power?"

"If you continue to be naughty like this today, I won't have any lollipops to eat tonight."

Zhou Mingyu had an indifferent expression on his face and once again used the lollipop as a threat.

He easily beat this little fool back to his original form.

It was at this time that an elder-looking Ice Wolf clan member , take the initiative to step forward

"Sorry to excuse you, but I haven’t asked my benefactor’s name yet?"

Zhou Mingyu didn't say his last name, but just replied with the word 'Mingyu' at the end.

After all, his full name didn't sound like what it should have been in ancient Europe.

This old man said with respect. ;

"The younger one is the leader of the Ice Wolf Clan, Mogusuo. Could you please lend me a moment, Lord Mingyu?"

Obviously, the village chief wanted to come specifically to talk about the two conditions.

Zhou Mingyu went happily and took Yu Ling with him.

When he arrived at the village chief's house, Zhou Mingyu As soon as Ming Yu sat down, he got straight to the point.

The first condition was that he had already volunteered to be his slave for a moment.

The main thing was to discuss in detail the content of the second condition.

Although after the healing session just now, most of the The ice wolf voluntarily became a believer in the Yuling.

But for the sake of safety, and in order for this village to stably provide the power of faith to the Yuling. It is not enough to be voluntary, it must be mandatory.

Zhou Ming Yu didn't say yes, and even discussed it with the village. He just announced it and asked the village chief to set new village rules on his own, so that everyone in the village must believe in Yu Ling.

And every two days Every month, a sacrificial activity will be held to strengthen the power of faith.

In a word, in this village, the divine power of Yuling must be greater than anything else!

It cannot be said that it is not overbearing.

But while being overbearing, there is still enough room for it.

Although Yu Ling's divine power is greater than anything else, he will not 'actively' interfere with everything in the village.

And when the village encounters a major crisis, he and Yu Ling will definitely have an obligation to help.

In general, it is like collecting The protection fee was the same.

The villagers were allowed to exchange the power of faith for the protection of the Yuling God.

The village chief gratefully agreed to the various treaties proposed by Zhou Mingyu.

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