After finally entering the city, Freya was still riding on horseback, looking down at the merchants.

He changed his amiable face and asked sternly;

"Why did you, Ranalita, suddenly lock down the city?"

At this time, the merchant was so frightened that he was covered in cold sweat.

"Sir, I am following the orders of our archbishop...."

"In order to prevent the sudden outbreak of the epidemic in the city from continuing to spread, the city was ordered to be closed down as a last resort."

I have to say that this businessman does have some brains, and then he followed the trend and said;

"I also ask everyone to be careful when entering and not to be infected with the disease!"

However, his kind intentions were met with an even harsher scolding from Krech on the side;

"explain! Who is this archbishop you are talking about?"

The merchant didn't hesitate and immediately sold Zhou Mingyu's name.

"It was an outsider named Zhou Mingyu who brought three little girls with him"

"Just when the epidemic broke out, Yuling Religion was founded in the city and went around to save lives and heal the wounded."

"Without them, at least half of Ranalita would have died due to the epidemic."

Although the merchant sold Zhou Mingyu directly, he also tried his best to say some good things.

After all, he is now a member of the Yuling Sect.

The result is still no surprise. His flattery is still flattering. On the horse's leg

"Then do you know why we came to Ranalita on this trip?"

"I don’t know."The merchant shook his head.

Freya snorted coldly and struck the merchant with five thunderbolts.

"I am the first princess of the Kingdom of Gioral, the brave warrior Freya Elgrande Giolal"

"This time I came here under the order of my father, the King, to crusade against the Yuling Sect, which spreads lies and deceives the public!"

At this moment, the merchant was so frightened that he turned pale. In order to seek power, he worked diligently for the Yuling Cult for more than half a month.

In the end, he turned himself into what the kingdom calls a traitor to the cult?

He was just about to speak. Explain how many people the Yuling Cult saved in Ranalita and how much contribution they made.

But before he had a chance to speak, another soldier came running all the way to report;

"See Princess Freya! Freya glanced out of the corner of her eye,"

Get up and tell me what's wrong.""

The soldier then reported a piece of news that scared the merchants out of their wits.

"Back to Princess, let's go first to the vanguard troops sent to infiltrate Ranalita. It is very likely that all of them have been killed."

"Except for a few broken corpses, the rest were all dead but no corpses were found."

"In addition, other intelligence department personnel in Ranalita also suffered the same fate."

At this point, Zhou Mingyu's previous series of operations successfully conveyed two messages to Freya.

The first message was what the soldier had just reported; it was undoubtedly clear that we Lana Rita is suspicious and hostile to the kingdom.

The second message is that if you can say to close the city in this free city, then close the city.

It also shows that the influence of the Yuling Cult in Ranalita has been deeply rooted and deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

It is clear. After hearing these two pieces of news, Freya's next operation was to follow the script planned by Zhou Mingyu.

In order to eliminate the influence of the Yuling Cult and allow the kingdom to regain control of Ranalita.

Killing chickens to scare monkeys and making people awe through fear is undoubtedly the most effective and cost-effective method.

And the target of killing chickens is the merchant in front of him.

Freya gave an order and ordered people to arrest the merchant directly.

Even though the merchant honestly told the whole story, he was still severely tortured.

Freya's next move was completely based on her own extraordinary performance.

It can be said that Zhou Mingyu can plan it well. The outline of the script was performed even more brilliantly; a carpet search was immediately ordered, and every household was spared.

The culprit who founded the Yuling Sect must be found.

By the way, all the residents were Concentrated in the Arena.

It is the place in the original book where the kingdom publicly executed the villagers of Gun Yong's hometown.

The Arena was originally a place where you had to buy a ticket to watch humans and demi-humans fight for their lives.

Today, it is free. I watched it, and everyone was forced to watch it.

I saw on the stage in the middle of the arena, a family of merchants, and several unknown low-level officials of the Yuling Cult.

They were all tied tightly and kneeling. On the ground, she stretched her neck and was slaughtered.

After all the residents arrived, Freya appeared gorgeously with a smile on her face.

Through a speech that reversed black and white, she brainwashed the people.

The so-called Yuling Cult is the anger of both humans and gods. A cult.

No matter how nice she said it, the people knew in their hearts how much benefit the Yuling Cult had brought to Ranalita. They were just afraid of the kingdom's force, so they had to pretend to be confused.

Then follow Freya gave the order, and the executioners raised their knives and fell to the ground.

A dozen round heads fell to the ground.

At this time, the market demand had reached its peak.

Zhou Mingyu, a gentleman businessman, Naturally, it’s time to stand up and meet everyone’s needs.

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