"Isn't that the royal palace? Why is there suddenly such a half-human, half-demon monster in the palace?"

"Look, the monster's lower body seems to be wearing...The king's armor?"

"It seems to be the king's armor. Could it be that what the envoy said just now is true?"

"Did the king really betray humanity and have an affair with the devil?!"

More than 99% of the people in the imperial capital are not qualified to enter the palace.

But this does not prevent them from getting a glimpse of the tip of the iceberg inside through the high walls built around the palace.

Therefore In their inherent impression, the so-called imperial palace represents authority.

It should be a sacred, majestic, and supreme symbol.

Through the crystal ball above the imperial capital, which is broadcast live throughout the city, the scene inside the palace can be clearly seen..

Seeing such an infiltrative monster, sitting on the throne studded with gold and silver jewels, ruling the entire country.

It is conceivable how much impact the people's world view has been.

On the contrary, It was equivalent to silently publicizing the justice of the Yuling Sect.

And the tentacle monster, seeing its true face suddenly exposed to the world, became even more furious and roared like a wild beast;

"who is it? who is it?!!"

It probably never dreamed that it would start this live broadcast.

It was its precious eldest daughter, Freya.

Zhou Mingyu looked up at the crystal ball in the sky, and was continuing to live broadcast the scene of the tentacle monster looking up to the sky and howling. , the expression is naturally very satisfied.

It seems that Freya’s little bitch is quite aware. She finally understands that he who has gone astray and knows the current situation is a hero.

After the kingdom is destroyed, he must have a customized one for her. Collar.

At this time, the tentacles suddenly became unstable.

Two tentacles extended from the body and stabbed towards Zhou Mingyu.

For a moment, it felt like a low-end version of the black light virus.

Of course, it was so low-end The difference between the matching version and Zhou Mingyu's is more than ten thousand and eighty miles. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is directly different by several worlds.

However, in full view of the public.

Zhou Mingyu will definitely not show that his black light virus The evil side.

He transported the magic power in his body into Brad's divine weapon and forcibly used it for himself to enhance its power.

Then he continued to hold the sword in one hand and cut off the tentacles with two swords with great ease.

The tentacle monster continued to attack Zhou Mingyu without leaving any room.

It is estimated that after seeing that the matter was irreversible, it broke the pot and tried to fight to the death with Zhou Mingyu.

As long as he won, he could continue to be The king of Gioral.

However, with his strength, does he hope to beat Zhou Mingyu?

It is more reasonable to hope that the national football team can win the World Cup.

Zhou Mingyu raised his hand and used Wanxiangtian again. Attracting the king, he directly sucked the king over and forcibly interrupted its attack rhythm.

Then in the middle of it flying towards him,

Zhou Mingyu used another move of Shenluo Tianzheng, causing this thing to be hit by two consecutive waves. Chuang.

Suddenly, it flew hundreds of meters into the sky.

It came and went again, and this scary-looking tentacle monster was completely powerless to fight back.

Just when it reached the highest point along the parabola, At the moment when he was about to start free fall,

Zhou Mingyu closed his eyes and opened the Eye of Shaka, which had been charged for five days.

In an instant, a terrifying energy burst out.

Just like last time, this Ability does not have any existing situation; it does not have to be activated according to elements such as metal, wood, water, fire, and earth like conventional spells.

It is just a very pure energy. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Therefore, at this moment, the people in the imperial capital just felt that a blazing wind wave suddenly blew from the direction of the palace, making people unable to open their eyes.

It was this strong wind that directly wiped away the injured people and flew them into the air. The existence of the tentacle monster.

In the original work, it has terrifying vitality and regeneration ability; in the face of the absolutely destructive energy, it is not worth mentioning at all. Not only was it evaporated instantly, but Freya was also The crystal ball used for the live broadcast also evaporated.

In the end, the layers of thunderclouds that originally stretched thousands of miles in the sky and were overwhelming could not escape the end of being evaporated.

In one fell swoop, half of the sky was cleared..

After all, Yu Ling and the others are still in the air, continuing to light themselves as lighting engineers.

Zhou Mingyu will definitely take this into consideration and adjust the eruption angle of the Eye of Shaka to avoid accidentally hurting them.

Thus, the thunder on the other side of the sky Against the background of clouds, the dawn finally shines through, and it is so dazzling and even dazzling.

This also makes the next wave literally clear the clouds and reveal the sun; at the same time, the sight of the sky breaking through the clouds is so shocking.

Let this funeral of the Kingdom of Gioral be remembered forever by every witness. after this.

The thunderclouds in the remaining half of the sky also dissipated.

The apocalyptic natural disaster that seemed to destroy the world suddenly turned into a cloudless and beautiful weather.

Yu Ling and the others also flew down, followed Zhou Mingyu, and officially entered the main hall of the palace.

Not to mention, this kingdom has indeed accumulated huge wealth by exploiting demi-humans for so many years.

The palace was decorated in a splendid and luxurious manner.

And every detail of the design reflects the majesty of the imperial power.

However, in Zhou Mingyu's eyes, this is very suitable for use as his own private garden.

You can feel free to have fun with the girls here.

Zhou Mingyu continued to take steps and came to the lofty throne.

Above the throne, there is still an oil painting of the king hanging.

On both sides of the oil painting photo, there are oil paintings of the two princesses Freya and Noren.

Zhou Mingyu was not in a hurry to remove the king's photo.

Then he boldly sat down on the throne and said hello to Freya.

"Come here and rub your legs for me!"

This order is not like a monarch giving orders to his ministers.

It is more like a dog owner giving orders to his bitch.

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