time! space! universe!

Everything will one day be swallowed up by fate. when.

When all things are born, your destiny is already determined. No one can change your destiny, not even the supreme gods.


Accompanied by a painful groan, the dark eyes slowly opened. In these eyes, it seemed that they contained the endless universe and the eternal darkness, but the owner of the eyes murmured.

"Am I still alive?"


"Didn’t he die under that eternal fate?"

The man wanted to raise his head, but found that his body could not move. Looking around, a familiar but unfamiliar desolate scenery emerged in his eyes.

At this moment.

The man's eyes were in disbelief and he said in shock

"How can it be?"

"Not here……"

In his eternal memory that lasts for countless years, this is the place where he first traveled. Here, he was sealed by his so-called supreme father.


His nominal third brother saved him, and he began his legend as one of the three god-kings in the Silver Age.



Hades smiled bitterly.

"It's really sad. I never thought that I would be swallowed up by eternal destiny, and I would come back here again and walk through this eternal destiny again?"


It is always out of reach, irresistible and irresistible. It can only be endured passively, even if you know that fate will destroy everything about you.

But in the end, you have no choice but to follow the arrangements of fate. Helpless

"This is the second time. In that eternal destiny, why did I come here in the first place?"

Hades lay quietly on this desolate land, murmuring with his eyes containing the eternal darkness of the universe.

He did not try to unlock the secrets of his supreme father God, the Titan God King, Cronus. Seal.

Instead, he fell into memories, recalling his past.


In his first life, he was just an ordinary otaku in Blue Star and Yanhuang. Many memories of that life Although it is clearly recorded in my mind, it is already too far away. By chance, I traveled through time and became Hades, who was sealed just after birth. In the second life, as Hades, Hades, I He began a life that can be called a legend. In the age of mythology, he teamed up with Poseidon and Zeus to defeat Cronus, gained three parts of the world and the underworld, and became the supreme king of gods. In the endless years, the gods had great influence on him. As if it were a joke, he would always be the superior God King.


The so-called holy war was just a game he wanted to play, a game with his niece Athena.


That's it! A game came from the age of mythology to modern times. In the end, Hades fell in that holy war. In


In that holy war, he still couldn't leave his fate behind, no matter how brilliant his life was. , in the end, under the cage of fate, he could only fall under the butcher's knife of fate like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.


"What a glorious but disgusting life!"

Lying in the sealed land, Hades said with emotion

"In that battle, how could I be defeated by the mere divine power of Pegasus? But in the end, fate blocked everything about me, and I just fell into fate."


With this last sentence of emotion, Hades gradually recovered his demeanor. His emotions of indifference, indifference, and calm were restored. Those dark eyes also contained endless endings and death.


A dark sound emerged from Hades' body, gradually corroding the seal that sealed him.

One year?

Two years? ten years?

For Hades, this is not important at all. Over the endless years, he has long been accustomed to this eternal loneliness and silence. after all.

The seal of Crocus, the supreme god-king, was corrupted by the power of Hades

"After all, this is a newly born form, and my divine power is still too weak. In my previous life, my divine power was always at the level of the will of the gods. Even if it is not inferior to the ultimate power, it cannot be further sublimated, let alone transcend fate."

Recovering his almost exhausted divine power, Hades said quietly.

The countless experiences in his previous life are stored in his mind. Even his newly born self can use the Pluto Laws extremely amazingly. As long as you're careful, it's not difficult to break Cronus' seal

"The ultimate power is the source of divine power. Whether it is the Creator God or the Titan God, it is the ultimate power. Because of this, their progress is like eternity, and they will only get stronger and stronger."

"And the will of the gods that I hold is only a weakened version of the ultimate power. Whether it is the small universe, the power of God, or the ultimate ω that humans burst out, they are all nothing but the ultimate power. the power of"

"Want to transcend destiny"


"The best way is to obtain the ultimate power."

Hades restored his divine power, but the man said to himself.

Carefully analyzing the next path.

"If I remember correctly, the multiverse created by Cronus contains many secret treasures he collected, and one of these treasures also exists here."

Take a step forward and say lightly.

Hades resisted the tremendous pressure brought by the universe and left this desolate planet, heading in a direction in his memory.

Give up?

Hades has never thought of it this way. , at the moment of rebirth, after regaining his composure, he already knew the next goal. Since he had to do it again, he would naturally surpass his own destiny, and he was destined to fall under the Pegasus fist. The first step was to My own will of the gods transforms into the ultimate power. ps: Xiaoqing's new book! Brothers upload it on the first day! I beg for a collection! I beg for a wave of flowers! I beg for a wave of monthly votes! I beg for a wave of rewards! Please give me a review!!!

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