There are no waves in eternity. only.

From the practice of Hades alone, it became the practice of two people with Hui Huo.

The seventh sense.

The eighth sense.

Although there is a gap in strength, it is not a change in quality. There is a gap between the seventh sense and the eighth sense, but it is more a change in the level of life.

Humans in the Golden Age were demigods from birth, with almost endless lifespans.

But in the future era, if you want to have such a system, you can only have a demigod system by reaching the eighth sense. so.

Huihuo's training is even harder. His own strength, the power of Mingyi, and the power of the small universe all need to be mastered by himself.



Hades slowly opened his eyes. In those dark eyes, it was like there was a bright universe, containing all life and everything, sweeping across the distance.

"Huihuo, to lead a guest here"


Huihuo knelt down on one knee and accepted the order. He stood up without any nonsense. He randomly chose a direction and headed straight for that direction.


Huihuo felt the fluctuation of space coming from somewhere, and strode away like a meteor.~~~

The moment Hui Huo arrived, the space was torn open, and a man with long black hair and his whole body covered in a black divine robe walked out.

Take one step.

Hui Huo felt the pressure that was not on the same level at all, and then the pressure disappeared instantly.

Is the small universe of The Eighth Sense strong?

It will be very strong in the future!

What if it were placed in the Golden Age of Gods?

Feel sorry!

That's garbage, just a little better than a newly born child. In this era, there are either Titans or third-generation god-kings like Hades. The eighth sense is nothing more than cannon fodder on the battlefield.

"Underworld warrior."

The god was slightly stunned when he saw the glowing fire.

Then he quickly regained his composure, his eyes flashing with wisdom. No one knew what these wisps of light meant.

"Your Majesty is waiting for you."

Hui Huo said very calmly.


The god nodded and followed Huihuo's pace.

The two of them walked very fast.


The god had followed Huihuo to Hades and looked at the man sitting on a stone seat. As a man, eternal sleep seems to envelope everything. Although his eyes are closed, he can see the eyes that contain the universe.

"god of wisdom"


"If you don't follow my brother's advice, how can you have time to look for me?"

Hades spoke indifferently, without emotion.


Prometheus smiled softly and said

"Naturally, he was ordered by His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven to come to look for His Majesty Pluto."

God of Wisdom.


This is the Titan God who created the Silver Age in the future after being purged in the Golden Age. He created technology and civilization for mankind, and took away fire. As a result, he was imprisoned by Zeus.

This is also a manifestation of Zeus's arrogance.

It was also after Prometheus was sealed that Hades and Poseidon gradually grew up, and finally became a real three-dimensional universe with Zeus.

In In the eyes of this God of Wisdom, there is no need for any lies.

Because any lies you tell are not worth mentioning in his eyes.

"Zeus, does my brother have a problem with me?"

Hades's indifference definitely comes from the heart, and the question that was clearly a question was said in a statement tone.


Prometheus was smiling. Although he didn't know the specific reason, he could certainly feel the flame.

The relationship between Hades and Zeus was not good.


Prometheus was thinking a lot, but he smiled and said

"Your Majesty Pluto, His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven hopes to cooperate with you"


"In order to overthrow the rule of the Titan King, the three of you, His Majesty Pluto, His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven, and His Majesty the Poseidon still need to work together to do it."


Hades's eyes opened, and Prometheus was slightly shocked by the eternal death, and secretly thought

"How is it possible that Pluto has not been born for a long time, and even if he has the ultimate power, it is impossible to reach such a level, and it actually makes me feel stressed?"

Prometheus is not a strong one among all the Titan gods, but he is not a weak one either. He is definitely above the first-class gods and close to the level of the main god. With such strength, he has already felt such pressure, and there is even a kind of , if Hades takes action against him, he will die almost instantly.

This is something Prometheus never expected.

"Prometheus, I want to kill you, but your wisdom is useless. Do you think the three of us have any chance of winning against God the Father?"

Hades asked in a rare way.


Prometheus was silent. As a Titan, he knew very well how powerful Cronus was.

That is the strength imprinted in the bones.

Titan King.


The figure holding the Scythe of Space makes people feel endless despair and cannot even think of any resistance.

"With the divine power of the three of us, it is just a fool's dream to try to compete with Father God."

"not to mention"

"Without a magical weapon that can fight against Chu Zhen, there is no chance of winning."

"Let's go."

Hades' words one by one made it very clear to Prometheus that this Hades knew a lot, and he was worthy of being the man who could kill Cronus out of the body with his own strength.

"Huihuo, seeing off guests"

"Lord Prometheus!"

"this way please!"

Hui Huo stepped in front of Prometheus. Even though he knew that he was definitely no match, he never stepped back.


Prometheus chuckled.

"As expected of His Majesty Pluto, you have indeed seen it very clearly. This time, it is natural that His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven has other things to do and wants to cooperate with you." ps: Brothers! Beg for collection! Beg for flowers! Beg for monthly tickets! Beg for reward! Beg for evaluation!!!

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