Su Bai leaned on the recliner and drank tea.

Beautiful clothes.


The two women stood behind Su Bai wearing pure white maid outfits with short skirts and stockings.

Worth to talk about!

Hundreds of years have passed.

The two girls, who were once only teenagers, are now more mature.


We have arrived at the most perfect age.


Su Bai leaned on the recliner, squinting his eyes slightly, and soon recovered.


Su Bai started to study it, and after thinking about it for a while.

Raise your hand.

A stream of light emerged, and in its place was a petite girl with a pair of ghost horns, special crimson runes on her body, long gray hair, and a yellow kimono.

Ibaraki Doji!

With her bare feet, she bowed slightly and said in a cool voice:”Father God!”

Su Bai looked at the Ibaraki boy in front of him and nodded with a smile.


Su Bai continued to be busy.

This time.

After buying it myself, whether it is the harvest from Gaia or the harvest from the Enchantress, there is a lot.

Shutun, Ibaraki.

These two ghost kings from across the country are both part of it. and!

When he was born, Su Bai used his divine power to improve himself to a deeper level. He not only purified and fused the origin and concept of the heroic spirit he obtained, as well as the concept and origin of the Tao from the Enchantress. besides.

My own improvement is also my own improvement.

‘Drinking wine’



Su Bai was thinking that he still had more than 40,000 divine powers left in his hand, which should be enough for the time being. but!

Overall this is really hard to say.

If it is not enough, it will be a little more troublesome.

After a while.

Su Bai just thought about it for a moment and continued to create the dependents one by one.

No big deal!

The worst case scenario is to create it temporarily and leave it alone until the divine power is enough before transforming it.


This is the most important world of the Hundred Ghosts Nightwalking Crystal Wall System under the Enchantress.

It can be said.

Just like the heroic spirits of Gaia and Alaya, they are definitely not for sale.

It would have been absolutely impossible to sell it.

But Su Bai.

Finally, I purchased one from the Enchantress.

Riluo Yuan!

Based on the setting of Gensokyo, this person already belongs to God, to the God of Tengu, and to the God who surpasses the Great Tengu.

In terms of status.

Hiroin is already the equal of Shuten, the daughter of the Dragon God, after perfect fusion.


Hiroin is on a higher level than Shuten.

Just like Kotoko Iwanaga’s initial entry into the angel level, Hiarain’s initial entry into the demigod level.

Although they only stepped into it slightly.

But this means that the essence is already on a slightly higher level than the other party. here we go!

Su Bai used his divine power to construct and create.

Slowly… dark shadows began to gradually cover the sky.

A girl with only jet black wings and different appearances, but all beautiful girls appeared.

The Tengu Clan!

Tengu are divided into many types.

From the highest level of demons.

Count down!

Then there are the Great Tengu, Thunder Tengu, Crow Tengu, White Wolf Tengu…

These are all races of Tengu.

The Tengu clan created by Su Bai are basically Crow Tengu.

“Father God!”

Under the leadership of Riluo Yuan’an, the Tengu clan with a total of 1,000 people also bowed and saluted. The second family appeared.

Xigwen stood aside, just watching all of this quietly, well-behaved and cute.

Worth it. Mention.

Su Bai has included Shigwen into his family, and is no longer just a family member.


Shigwen does not belong to the system of Saint Seiya or Teigu user.

Mayura and Najexitan both It’s to win over Xigwen.


Xigwen has no idea about these two directions for the time being.

“Tengu clan?”

Xigwen murmured softly.

Su Bai nodded and said calmly:”Yuan Ming, please bring these children down for the time being. Your residence still needs to wait.”

“Obey, Father God!”

Although Hiluoin fell down very obediently.


Hiluoin was very curious, and the curiosity on his face could no longer be suppressed.

Hiluoin was a standard curiosity + hedonist.

This is in front of God the Father.

But if we change places, it would be time to start shopping in Hiluoin. First, we will visit the blank crystal wall system, and then enter the No. 1 Sheep Farm.

Hiluoin, this is Gensokyo. Among them, Hyakuki Yakou is the only one whom Enchantress sells to her.


The Tengu clan is much simpler.

In the crystal wall world of Hyakki Yakou owned by Enchantress, there are too many.This time!

Su Bai bought a total of four races.

The Tengu clan, the dog demon clan, the fox demon clan, and the ghost clan.

Four races.


In general,

Su Bai is still very satisfied, although the basics are not the same. It’s not very good.

Of course.



The foundation of Meiluxin was not good at the beginning. In the hands of the original body of Shu and Sea, the crystal wall world codenamed:”Original God”.

That was indeed Shu and Sea. It is an important world for cultivating the core of the original body.

Can the Meruxin clan be used?

It can only be said!

It is a relatively common race among them and is not included in the key training categories. The

Meruxin clan and Tengu, Dog demons, ghosts, and fox demons.

They are basically the same.

They don’t cost much divine power. One race costs several thousand to temporarily make up for the foundation, and then you can slowly improve it later.


“Father God!”

“Father God!”

She has long snow-white hair and a crescent-shaped mark on her forehead. She is paired with a not-so-gorgeous kimono and a heavy coat. She looks very elegant and decent.

Immortal Fairy Ling Yue!

Immortal Fairy Ling Yue bowed and said:” Ling Yue leads the dog tribe to meet Father God!”

“See God the Father!”*NThe dog-eared girls knelt on the ground obediently and saluted.


PS: Daily updates! The author is begging for all the data!

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