Su Bai and Gaia made detailed plans for the follow-up situation of the Yuyi Fox.

As for that!

Will this make Hagoromo Fox very uncomfortable?

Can only say.

Since Yuyihu chose this path himself.

Not as a domesticated fox.

You have to pay the price for your own choices.


Su Bai had already delivered the Yuyi Fox to Gaia.

Gaia also arranged for the Hagoromo Fox to start reincarnation.

It won’t take too long.

It will take thousands of years to survive.


If the Hagoromo Fox has not been able to hold on for the rest of his life, he may come back directly within decades or hundreds of years. This is all possible.

After arranging things about Hagoromo Fox.

When Su Bai returned to the Blank Crystal Wall System, he started his own peaceful life.


‘Why can’t I contact the God of Food? ‘

Su Bai just felt helpless.

This god of food just can’t be reached.

Even said.

Gaia is a middleman and a social butterfly.

Unable to contact the God of Food.

Su Bai also felt helpless.

Please contact us slowly.

Su Bai was enjoying the peace. On the other side, under the leadership of Kido Saori, he really started to transform and sublimate in a drastic way.


Codename:”Crimson Eyes” crystal wall world.

Sheep Farm No. 1.

Kido Saori was studying, releasing wisps of divine power, and combining elemental power to gradually form special items. over time.

A ray of bright light spread out. next moment!

An item that looks like a decoration emerges.


Kido Saori let out a long breath and explained:”Shigwen, you know the elemental power best, come and test it.”

Shigwen nodded and took Kido Saori’s version of God’s Eye. soon.

Xigwen studied a circle

“Generally there are no problems, there are still some small flaws”

“Then change it, no flaws will appear”


Kido Saori and Shigwen are studying the perfection of the Eye of God.

As for the Heart of God?


The Heart of God also needs to be perfected.

The Heart of God is actually a sublimated version of the Eye of God.

Because So.

The follow-up plans and steps need to be formulated.


It can’t be said.

When people have developed the Eye of God to the extreme, it should be sublimated into the Heart of God.



I am The Heart of the Border God has not been completed yet.

Wouldn’t that be a shame and be thrown into grandma’s house?



This is definitely not possible.

So, before the initial transformation and sublimation of the world, these are the things that should be done To do it well, there can be no problems in any details or positions.


God’s Eye and God’s Heart are really easy for Saori Kido.

It only took a few days. Time.

It means it has been completely perfected.

Next, it is time to start promoting it.


Kido Saori said:”It seems that the promotion matter has to be left to you. After all, this is also your world.”


Najiexitan nodded seriously, naturally she would have no objection.

Najiexitan took six Teigu users including Red Eyes and Black Eyes and started to take action.

The action was very fast.

Or rather!

This In fact, it is really very easy.

The Eye of God!

It can be called a gift from the gods, and only gods who devoutly believe in God the Father will be gifted by the gods.


Saying this, doesn’t it feel very special all of a sudden? Is it easy?


Some things, as long as you have a little understanding of them, it feels very easy.

This is really, too easy.


“O supreme ancestor god!”

“I will be willing to dedicate everything to you!”


In the church, the devout nuns were praying quietly. and!

Wisps of light emerged from her body.

In an instant.

When she opened her eyes again, a God’s Heart exuding the bright light of water was floating in front of her eyes.

“This is……”

She was stunned for a moment, then clasped her hands together and said piously again:”Supreme Ancestor God, thank you for your gift!”

She didn’t know what it was.


She knew that this was definitely a gift from the ancestor god.

After she continued to pray sincerely.

She finally stood up and carefully picked up the Heart of Water God. next moment.

The system represented by elemental power poured into her mind.

She instantly understood what these were.

After a brief moment of confusion.

She continued her prayer. even though.

She has mastered the power of elemental forces, but these cannot affect the nun’s faith.


In the crystal wall world codenamed”Red Eyes”.

There is no extraordinary power in this world at all.


This is the only system that is extraordinary.

Now that the Imperial Equipment has been taken away by Su Bai, from then on, nothing is left.

Dangerous species?

Super dangerous species?

Although these exist!

But this does not mean that humans have mastered extraordinary power.

What magic!

What kind of martial arts!


During this long period of time, it has not developed at all. The reason is very simple, whether it is a dangerous species or a super dangerous species.

They are certainly powerful.

But the top super dangerous species will not interfere with human beings at all.

And ordinary super dangerous species and dangerous species.

Theoretically speaking.

Human beings can be hunted, as long as they form an army, they can be hunted.


Humanity just hasn’t given birth to extraordinary seeds.


As it became more popular, although it was not widely popularized, it also began to gradually spread from the church to the entire world.

All of a sudden, the whole world started to boil.

The entire crystal wall world.

With the emergence of a complete system of extraordinary systems, things have begun to change.


PS: Daily updates! The author is begging for all the data!

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