The god of wisdom who walks at night with hundreds of ghosts.

The princess of monsters, demons and monsters.

The former is just an offshoot of the latter. but!

However, the gathering of Hyakuki Yakou cannot truly unlock the true origin carried by Iwanaga Kotoko herself.

As a result, the god of wisdom of Hyakki Yakou, who is a branch, has become the source.

This is the wrong path to lock in the upper limit and block the upper limit.

As a true god, Su Bai holds the power of ‘omniscience and omnipotence’, even if he is a new god.

He could not directly push Iwanaga Kotoko to a perfect state. the difference is.

I can completely return the branch of ‘The God of Wisdom of the Night of Hundred Ghosts’ to the main line.

From the moment she was born, she has followed the main path of being a”princess of demons, demons, monsters and monsters”.

Instead of taking the branch.

What are the benefits of this?

Of course it goes without saying!

What you are following is the main line, and the road to the future will naturally be uneventful. Just keep going steadily.

The key is.

The main line itself is the main line, so it does not mean that the branch has been abandoned.

On the contrary, using the main vein to control the branches is a more perfect control.

Su Bai only had 15W of divine power left in his hand, so he was not polite and did not hesitate at all.

One breath.

All the divine power is directly consumed.

In an instant.

That represents the origin and concept of Kotoko Iwanaga, which was washed away by a large amount of divine power in a short period of time.

Under the effect of divine power, Su Bai’s ‘omniscience and omnipotence’ authority has been fully exerted. moment!

The origins and concepts of Iwanaga Kotoko are changing rapidly.

Then… everything returned to calm.

Accompanied by gentle footsteps, a petite figure with an upright appearance, wearing a beret, holding a cane, with short chestnut hair, wearing a pure white princess midi skirt, and her slender legs wrapped in white silk, stepped on A pair of dark boots.

She is as graceful as a lady, bowing and saluting, from etiquette movements to facial expressions, everything is so perfect and appropriate.

“god the father~~~”

Iwanaga Kotoko’s voice had a long drawl, but it was different from Shuten’s ghost clan.

Su Bai smiled and nodded, and said gently:”Qinzi, do you feel okay?”

“God the Father.”

Iwanaga Kotoko said obediently:”I feel very good. My life has been on the right path. As long as I follow the steps, I can make up for my right eye and left leg.”

Su Bai nodded gently.

At this point, he was quite helpless.

Iwanaga Kotoko’s single eye and single leg are limitations of his own origin. Only by pushing his own origin up.

At that time, can he perfectly complement himself..


Until then,

Iwanaga Kotoko can only maintain this state temporarily. The most important thing is that the origin of Iwanaga Kotoko is a direct path to the angel family.

Unless Su Bai has the authority of ‘omniscience and omnipotence’, not counting divine power. consumption and forced replenishment.

Otherwise, no matter what kind of power or recovery method, it is impossible to restore Iwanaga Kotoko’s right eye and left leg.

Of course.

If the crystal wall sea god said that he would take action, it would be something else. It’s the same thing.

Kotoko Iwanaga has a branch of the God of Wisdom of the Night of the Hundred Ghosts.

She saw Su Bai’s helplessness and said slightly exaggeratedly:”Father God, do you also want to see my complete beauty? However, I should be considered a lolita figure, right? Father God, do you actually like this?”


Su Bai would only feel that his head was full of black lines. this moment!

The words”pervert” seemed to be engraved on his body.

Su Bai shook his head helplessly and said:”Qinzi, you……”

Su Bai didn’t know what to compare.

Kotoko Iwanaga covered her mouth and smiled softly, as if she were a young lady, but she was terrifyingly sinister.

“Father God!”

At this time, as the voice came, Kido Saori came back.


Su Bai has not formed his own group of gods, there are some connections between them.

Ordinary dependents cannot feel it.

As one of the only two demigod-level dependents, Kido Saori certainly felt it.

When Kido Saori arrived, she was slightly stunned when she looked at Iwanaga Kotoko. There was a look of astonishment on her perfect face. She

It can be seen that Iwanaga Kotoko is even more outstanding than herself.

This is not something else, but the original excellence.

The concepts of the two women are different.

Kido Saori’s concept is the concept of indigenous gods.

Iwanaga Kotoko The concept is the concept of Hyakki Yakō.

But from the origin,

Kido Saori felt that Iwanaga Kotoko surpassed him by a little bit, and there was a slight possibility of reaching the angel level.

The origin is like a The upper limit of the level of a dependent is the same.

The concept is that the profession of a dependent is the same.

“elder sister!”

Iwanaga Kotoko took off her hat and greeted with a decent smile:”This is the first time we meet, my name is Iwanaga Kotoko.”

Kido Saori also looked serious, and greeted him with standard godly etiquette:”This is the first time we meet, my name is Kido Saori.”

The seriousness of the two women also proves that the status of the two women is equal.



In Su Bai’s eyes, they are all like their own children.

But this thing, how can I say…

It must be It is undeniable that there is a gap.

Saori Kido and Kotoko Iwanaga have the highest status, followed by their dependents, and then the dependents.

This is undeniable.

“Saori, Kotoko”

“Father God!”*2

Su Bai spoke, and the two girls also turned their heads and looked at their father quietly.

Su Bai said:”Saori, take Qinzi to see the Night Parade of Hundred Demons in person, secondly! In the upcoming war, Kotoko will also participate in it as the deputy commander.”

“Your will, Father God!”

Kido Saori bowed and said,”Qinzi, we are leaving.”

Iwanaga Kotoko also bowed and said:”Thank you, Father God.”


Iwanaga Kotoko turned her head and said with a smile:”Saori, please give me some advice next.”

“Qinzi, please give me some advice.”

Kido Saori was also smiling.

The two women then left.


Su Bai chuckled and shook his head, but didn’t say much.

It’s not surprising. After all, they are two equal children.

He would never interfere with the healthy internal competition.

It’s not surprising.!

Wherever there are people, there are fights.

Even the dependents are the same. They are all eternally loyal to their father.

But similarly, they also have healthy competition within them.

Saint Seiya, Teigu User, Hyakki Yakou , and the Meiluxin family


“So much has happened!”

Su Bai turned his head with a touch of emotion and looked at the blank crystal wall system that was different from the previous one.

Today, everything seems to be different and full of vitality.

Su Bai murmured:”Do you want to Completely transform the blank crystal wall system, and then change its name? Do you always feel that this is not appropriate?”

“never mind”

“Wait until the next crystal wall war is over and then think about these things.”

“after all”

“Divine power is no longer enough!”

Su Bai didn’t think too much and just did whatever he had to do.

Divine power!

Divine power.

It’s still not enough.~~~

Kido Saori and Iwanaga Kotoko left together.

Walk on the road.

Kido Saori said:”Kotoko, you need to take over the Hyakki Yakou family and the family first. Later, we will discuss the next crystal wall war.”


Kotoko Iwanaga said that she knew.


Kotoko Iwanaga left.

Saori Kido murmured:”The birth of Kotoko, next! I also have to work harder. There will be more sisters in the future, but I am definitely the most outstanding one.”

Chito Saori became serious.

Codename:”Crimson Eyes” Crystal Wall World.

No. 1 Crystal Wall World.

No. 1 Sheep Farm.

This crystal wall world with many names.

In essence, this is not a world belonging to the crystal wall world. In the context of Saori Kido, this is a world that belongs to the context of the Teiguji


Kido Saori murmured:”The first goal is to master the next crystal wall world.”

Kido Saori left seriously, and she had higher motivation.

Dependents and dependents each other.

There will be no infighting.


It is normal for healthy competition and friendship to improve and fight, and it is allowed by Su Bai.

This is normal.

Only in this way can it be improved in the shortest time.

Su Bai is the crystal wall sea god of the Peace Faction and the Herding Faction.


Su Bai allows healthy competition, but he absolutely does not allow real bloodshed.

But among the crystal wall sea gods of the martial arts sect and the destruction sect.

The dependents and clans inside are a real death competition.

Winner takes all, loser for Kou.

Those who survive are the ones who are qualified and will be loyal to themselves forever.


Kotoko Iwanaga leaned on a cane and stood on the green land, with the Demon Tree behind her. soon.

One by one, the relatives of the Hundred Demons Nightwalking Faction have arrived.

Kyoto: Tamamozen, Kuzuha.

Xicheng: Fairy Lingyue.

Dajiangshan: Shutun, Ibaraki.

Tengu Mountain: Riluo Yuan.

When the six girls arrived, they looked at Iwanaga Kotoko with a different feeling. in particular.

They can clearly feel it from Iwanaga Kotoko’s body.

That kind of… concept of demons, demons and monsters.

It seemed as if it was completely concentrated on Iwanaga Kotoko’s body.

Just from here.

Then you can already see what’s going on with the other party.


The six girls immediately understood what was going on. They all bowed slightly, which was regarded as a half salute.

The complete etiquette naturally involves saluting God the Father.

But they could also see what was going on with Kotoko Iwanaga.

Iwanaga Kotoko was very decent and said:”Everyone, this is the first time we meet, my name is Iwanaga Kotoko.”

There was no arrogance.

No arrogance.

There is no domineering sideshow.

Kotoko Iwanaga behaves like a perfect and decent lady for everyone.

And that’s enough.

It’s actually very simple among dependents.

The concepts are the same and the origin is more advanced than mine, so naturally, you are the leader of this faction.

The Saint Seiya, the Teigu user, Hyakki Yakou, and the Meru Shin clan.

These are the four dependent branches under Su Bai’s hands.

Of course, it goes without saying that he is of the Saint Seiya lineage.

A lineage of Teigu ambassadors?

There are a lot of people, eight people, but no real leader.

The lineage of Baigui Yixing itself is also like this. but!

Kotoko Iwanaga was born.

Esdeath, Najexitan and others all have very good relations with Shigwen.

As for the specific reason?

Esdeath and Najexitan.

Always thinking about tricking Sigwen into joining the Teigu User


Kotoko Iwanaga smiled and said;”The next step is to start a war, right?”

“Miss Qinzi”

“The war is about to begin.”

Kudzuha, as one of the few intellectuals present, is naturally the representative.

As for the others?!

Tamamo-mae, you let her seduce people and confuse her own father. Is it feasible? Use your brain? She prefers to lie down Showing it up on the tatami!

Not to mention Shuten and Ibaraki, Ibaraki is a little better, but in fact, both sisters are drunkards.

Ling Yue Xianji is very capable, but her strength is a little worse.

As for Hiluoin? Fun? People + curious people, purely powerful, useless!

Iwanaga Kotoko said seriously:”Everyone, what do you think about the next war?”

All of a sudden.

Among the six girls, they couldn’t help but look at Ge Ye and Lingyue Fairy.

You two are big-minded, come out and talk!

Lingyue Fairy looked at Ge Ye, Ge Ye felt that her head hurt, what’s wrong with her companions? Are they all like this?


Kuzu Ye thinks about it, others are just calm.

It’s not a big problem!

There are some intellectuals in my family.

Kuzu Ye said softly:”Miss Qinzi, I think we are only suitable to participate War is not suitable for excessive participation.

Immortal Fairy Ling Yue also agreed:”I think so too.””

“Yes, yes, yes……”

Others: Me too!

The three girls, Kotoko Iwanaga, Kuzuye, and Senji Lingyue, started discussing, while the other four people just watched the fun. soon.

Hyakki Yakou’s side has already set the tone for what’s to come.

And other people also discovered the birth of Iwanaga Kotoko


PS: The first day of release is 1/10! The author begs to subscribe! Customize! All data!

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