Noble, majestic, calm and calm

Qin Yu didn't know how to describe the posture of the comer, obviously not much taller than him, not much stronger, standing in front of him, the impact caused by it was stronger than Hasgart, a behemoth with a body of more than 2 meters tall, especially the other party's eyes as deep as the sea, revealing calmness and wisdom, as if he could see through all the vanity of time, and when he was looked at, Qin Yu felt as if his secret had been seen through.

Aquarius Cresto.

It's the name of the comer.,It's also the strongest gold in the real sanctuary during the LC period.,In the Saint Seiya plot.,It's a character who belongs to the LC prequel (pre-jihad),

But he does not belong to this era, but the Golden Saint Seiya 500 years ago, and he is also the first Golden Saint Seiya in the history of the Saint Seiya to experience 2 holy wars and survive.

Its strength is far above Leo Ilias, and during the LC pre-generation holy war, he easily defeated Leo, Scorpio, and Capricorn three golden saints.

Similarly, because of its strength, the final ending was killed by the plot like Ilias.


Cresto's footsteps stopped, and in an instant the whole world seemed to be frozen by ice, and the temperature dropped rapidly in an instant, and after a while, the surface of the earth was covered by a thick layer of ice, and seeing this scene, the horse suspended in the air, his pupils dilated, and his expression was in disbelief.

Being able to create a god that could feel the icy climate, which already involved the power of the god, narrowed his eyes: "Who are you?"

"You're the little guy in Sage's mouth?".

However, Kresto didn't pay attention to Qi Ma, but turned his head to look at Qin Yu who was standing on the side with an interesting look, nodded and praised: "Yes, at such a young age, the universe is about to catch up with Ilias, I believe that when the holy war comes, it will definitely become a nightmare for the Hades army." "

At the same time of praise, Cresto vaguely saw the trace of his former friend Etia from Qin Yu's body, the same talent, and the combat power of his teenage years was already so strong that other Golden Saint Seiya could not compete with him.

Qin Yu was slightly stunned, then hurriedly put on a polite look, bowed, pretended not to know the identity of the other party, and asked, "Thank you, my lord, for complimenting you, but may I ask, who are you, I remember that the Holy Domain doesn't seem to be..."

Speaking of this, Qin Yu raised his head and looked at the Aquarius Gold Saint Seiya on Kresto's body, pretending to have a very puzzled expression.

There's no way, Kresto's existence is a top secret in the LC Sanctuary, and only Sage, Bai Li, Elias, and Rugnis know about it, and if he doesn't ask, he will definitely arouse Sage's suspicion again.

"You can call me Cresto!" he smiled

"Damn you, how dare you ignore the gods!".

"Pointer Shoot!".

Qi Ma was furious, and for the same question, Cresto only answered Qin Yu and did not answer him, which made Qi Ma feel extremely humiliated.



Countless black hour hands pierced the night sky at superluminal speeds, completely blocking the space where Cresto and Qin Yu could dodge in an instant.

"Hundreds of years have passed, and you gods have not changed the bad habit of being rude, and acting indiscriminately. There's a faint sneer in Cresto's mouth, and then he shakes his head, his left hand raised, and his index finger lightly pointed towards the air.


With just a finger, the cold wind raged, and endless freezing air appeared out of thin air, spreading in all directions, blowing through those black hour hands, their speed suddenly stagnated, as if the space and time in their position were frozen, all condensed, and finally all fell down, fell to the ground and shattered.

Qin Yu was directly dumbfounded, although he knew the strength of Kresto from the LC prequel records, he was not strong enough to neutralize the soul-inspiring horse move with a single finger

"How can this be..."

At this time, the horse was shocked, but the strong icy cold wind also blew to his position, only to hear a click, the surface of his body also quickly froze, and gradually walked all over the body, but in the next second, the ice trend stopped and quickly backtracked, and the horse returned to normal.

"The power of time, no wonder Hades dared to trespass into the Sanctuary before Hades arrived, and there was really some means!"

Slanting his eyes at the horse in the air, Kresto sneered, and then shook his head: "It's a pity that your human body limits your play, otherwise I really won't be an opponent in the face of one of the strongest laws." "

"Damn, you saint warriors, all of you are like this!".

Listening to Kresto's words, Qi Ma couldn't help but think that Qin Yu had also looked down on the gods in such a tone before, and his expression couldn't help but become angry, he must definitely give the Golden Saint Seiya in front of him some color.

But just as he wanted to burn the small universe, he found that his body was surrounded by a huge ice ring that emitted a cold light, which firmly bound him, and the ice ring also exuded a powerful ice law, making it impossible for his small universe to release from his body.

"Wh.... What the... When!" The horse looked at the scene in front of him in surprise, and the words of surprise were incomplete.

"It's been shackled, and the small universe of Qima is also sealed!" Qin Yu's pupils shrank, and he had serious doubts in his heart about Cresto's defeat in the battle with his apprentice Dejieer in the future due to his self-confusion.

Just rushing to Cresto can easily suppress the combat power of the Divine Soul, and it is not a matter of one finger to kill Aquarius Dezel in seconds.

Made, this is a release of water, it is simply a release of the sea.

"It's ironic that the power of a human being can bind me as a god, I'm really unwilling!".

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't break through the shackles of the ice ring, and he let out an unwilling roar.

"It's sad. It's just a human with an empty soul, but he still thinks of himself as a god. Seeing the impotent and furious expression, Cresto sneered.

"Damn, I am God, not an ant like you. "What he cares about most is that he used to be a god, but now he is hit by Kresto, and he immediately becomes hysterical.

However, Kresto sneered: "Recognize the reality, I met Hades, the king of Hades, in the holy war, although he was possessed by humans, but the small universe that gushed out at that time was directly with divinity, not like you

You must first release the small universe, and then go through the transformation of the divine soul behind you who is bound by the clock, and return to your body to have divinity, and then use it to release the attack. "

As Cresto's words fell, Tsuma's face became extremely embarrassed

This scene fell in the eyes of Qin Yu, who was watching the play, and immediately understood that what Kresto said was the truth, and immediately squinted his eyes, and under Kresto's reminder, he recalled the battle scene between Gemini Aspros and Qima in the LC plot.

At first, Aspros was pressed to the ground and beaten by Aspros, and even the power of time was cracked by Aspros using extradimensional means, but when Aspros summoned the spirit, Aspros was not a match for Aspiros at all, but in the end, Aspros pushed Aspiro into the God's Passage and killed him at the cost of sacrificing one of his arms.

And the passage of the gods cannot kill the gods, including the human bodies possessed by the gods, but the body of the horse was destroyed the moment he stepped into the passage of the gods, indicating that the body of the horse is completely different from the body of the gods such as Hades and Poseidon.

"Hey, hey!".

Thinking of this, Qin Yu couldn't help laughing, and immediately decided to wait for Aspros to become a Gemini Golden Saint Seiya, and then go to him to play a good trick, and get the trick of the different dimensional space, and when the time comes, when he meets Qi Ma again in the future, even if he comes to the manifestation of the divine soul, he will not find a way to defeat him.

Qin Yu's evil laughter also caused Kresto to glance at him, but quickly returned his gaze to Qi Ma: "You are actually just a human being, but you rely on the transformation of the god soul behind you to make your small universe become a small universe of gods, and as long as your body is sealed and the small universe is not converted, your strength is only the peak of the eighth sense." "

Hearing this, Qima's face turned pale, his eyes burned with anger, and his heart was full of endless anger, but he couldn't vent it in front of the two humans in front of him.

It's just the peak of the eighth sense, and that's it?

Qin Yu glanced at Cresto, his face was also full of embarrassment, and he said depressedly in his heart: "Big guy, when you say this, can you consider that there are other people around you!".

But soon he was discouraged again, no way, who made the family not pretend, but really awesome.

"Alright, enough talked, it's time to send you away!" Kresto raised his right arm, palm up, countless ice crystals were released from the palm of his hand, surging towards the horse, but it did not cause any damage to the horse, only countless ice mirrors appeared around the horse's body, but in the next second, the finger was lightly touched again, and a beam of light shone on one of the mirrors.

In an instant, this beam of light was continuously refracted to form a net-like move like the "Plasma Light Speed Fist", enveloping the body of the horse...

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