The long sword was silent and the not-so-good long sword suddenly slashed at the blue knight sword at an extremely exaggerated speed. That was the weakest part of the knight sword. Claire didn't react at all. She only felt a huge force that almost made the knight sword in her hand break free, and her body staggered a few steps to the side uncontrollably.

Claire forcibly unloaded the force, and the ground was instantly crushed by bricks and stones by Claire.

However, this was only the first sword.

The next moment, the long sword was against Claire's neck. The continental goods made of ordinary ore cut the collar on Claire's neck, and the long sword was quietly placed on Claire's neck.

Claire gasped for breath, and her right hand holding the knight's long sword trembled slightly, and the whole person seemed to be exhausted.

Roya shrugged and took the long sword back from Claire's neck. A complex expression flashed in Claire's eyes.

She expected Roya to be very strong, but she didn't expect Roya to be so strong, too strong.

Claire looked at the long sword in her hand. There was a gap on the blade of this expensive long sword. A trace of heartache flashed across Claire's face, but she said nothing and put the knight's sword back into the sheath.

The battle here was very fast. It was almost over in less than a minute. Before everyone could react, the battle had already ended.

"That guy actually lost?"

A short adventurer pushed his companion beside him in disbelief, and the surprise on his face was not concealed.

The short companion nodded seriously and looked at Roya with a little shock.

Claire's strength is definitely not weak, which is something everyone knows.

However, Claire lost, and lost completely.

Even if the battle just now was so short, he could see clearly that the blue sword light and swift slash of the knight's long sword could not be faked.

"Even the speed was used? Still can't defeat the opponent." The short companion murmured, and the caution on his face became even more serious.

This can only mean one thing, not that Claire didn't use all her strength to deal with it, but because Roya's strength was too strong.

So strong that Claire looked a little weak.

Roya didn't know what others thought, Roya just nodded to Claire calmly and prepared to leave.

Russell and Alice on the stage were slightly stunned when they saw Roya's amazing performance.

Although Alice knew that Roya was very strong, she didn't know how strong he was.

But looking at the posture just now, his strength was definitely top-notch.

Russell's expression became solemn, recalling the sword just now.

Claire's response was actually not a big problem. Claire herself also had a weapon that was proficient in long swords. Although Claire's foundation was not very good, long sword proficiency could also make Claire reach the level of a normal master. Besides, Claire's real strength was not swordsmanship.

But her skills.

Speed ​​was the skill she was famous for.

Although it is not as good as those top adventurers, this skill can be regarded as a skill that can be compared with those of the upper-level professions.

Claire's judgment was not wrong. If Russell was in that situation, he would choose to do the same.

However, even if he used the skill, he was easily defeated by the young man.

Moreover, he did not even see the slash that the young man swung.

If it were him, would he be able to take it? Can he defeat the opponent?

When he thought of this, Russell couldn't help but smile helplessly.

I thought that if those top adventurers didn't take action, although I was not the first in the palace, my strength must be among the best, and I should be more than enough to deal with these lazy and undisciplined adventurers.

But I didn't expect that I would be slapped in the face as soon as I said it.

Claire looked at Russell beside her, and then looked at Roya who was about to do nothing, and said to Russell: "You go and try."

Russell was about to step forward, and when he heard Claire's words, he couldn't help but sigh.

Her Royal Highness the Princess is also here. If he loses later, he will be mocked by those old guys.

Russell took a deep breath and walked down the steps calmly. With Her Royal Highness Claire watching on the stage, there would be no trouble. Now the only thing he had to think about was how to defeat the opponent.

The turbid air he exhaled slowly drifted in the air. The middle-aged knight grasped the long sword at his waist. The familiar feeling and weight seemed to bring a little confidence to the man.

Russell strode to Roya and said directly without saying much nonsense: "You defeated Claire, you are very strong, I want to compete with you."

It was a simple sentence, but the information revealed made the people on the field more surprised.

The middle-aged knight in front of him was naturally very strong, so strong that even Claire could not compare with him and put him in the same echelon.

Everyone might be shocked to be able to defeat Claire, but it was a bit scary that this guy even made Russell ready.

There were not many people in the palace who could make this group of dishonest adventurers honest.

Russell was one of them, and the reason was very simple. He used the simplest and most brutal means to beat up a group of adventurers.

Those adventurers who refused to obey were beaten and screamed. Some adventurers who refused to obey even formed a team to challenge the middle-aged knight.

Then he was also singled out.

Since then, no one dared to provoke him directly, except indirectly, of course.

And it was the guy who beat up a group of adventurers, and now he treated the young man in front of him with such an attitude. This was undoubtedly a shocking thing.

Roya nodded, and the two looked at each other. Roya saw caution in Russell's eyes, but Russell only saw indifference in the young man's pale golden pupils.

The young man was very calm, wearing a white short shirt, with an upright posture, and a long figure took steps and walked towards the center of the venue.

Russell followed closely behind, and the two stood opposite each other, separated by a distance of more than ten feet.

A team of adventurers and knights who were fighting next to them looked at each other and showed a look of surprise.

The two did not know what had just happened, but they both vaguely guessed something.

"Um, do you want us to stop first?" This adventurer was obviously a fun person, and he couldn't help wanting to join in the fun even if he was fighting.

I didn't see it before, but now the opportunity is right in front of me, why should I pretend not to see it?

The knight hesitated slightly, and was very tempted by the adventurer's suggestion.

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