Comprehensive comic: Starting from jobless reincarnation

Chapter 311 A difficult team to lead (4K)

Megumin didn't ask for anything and went out empty-handed, but she asked Roja to borrow three million Eris.

At this time, there was no risk yet. The three people in the team all owed Roya a high fee for Eris.

Standing at the door, Roja did not go directly to the crusade with the three idiots who were obviously excited. Instead, he said to everyone: "Since I can lend you such a sum of money, don't think about just taking this money." It doesn't matter if you take it for free. I also know many important people in the capital. If you run away because you owe too much money, I will send people to find you out no matter where you are. So, don't even think about running away. ”

Roja warned everyone.

No wonder Roja would say this. He really doubted that these guys would do anything like running away.

Roya said it bluntly. Everyone was separated from the excitement of just getting the weapon (Eris). When they thought about having to pay off their debts in the future, everyone's expressions turned bitter.

Sato Kazuma said with emotion: "Captain, what you said is too straightforward, right?"

Roja shrugged and said casually: "I just hate others treating me as an idiot. This money is not much to me, but I don't like others treating me like an idiot because I have a lot of money. "

After Roja said this, he stopped talking and headed towards the Adventurer's Guild, leaving only three people looking at each other.

Sato Kazuma whispered a few words to Aqua, and followed Roja's steps forward.

Just like that, Roja led everyone to the guild to receive the mission.

Roja scanned the bounty list above with ease. The monsters that had dominated the list before had been defeated by Roja long ago. The top column was empty, but in contrast, there were more monsters at the bottom and in the middle. stand up.

This has also caused the adventurers in the town to become busier recently.

After all, if left alone, these monsters would cause considerable trouble when they suddenly attack the town.

The targets of this crusade are wolves.

There will naturally be wolves on the plains. Wolves alone are not very powerful monsters, but if there are more of them, they will become quite difficult to deal with.

Especially among these wolves, there is obviously a leading wolf king.

A large number of white wolves gathered together, and there was a big brother who took the lead. Without the suppression of those natural enemies, they began to get ready to move. This group of livestock would choose a suitable time to launch an attack on the surrounding farms, which made those farmers It was miserable.

What Roja received was the mission to defeat those white wolves that had become overpopulated.

Of course, it is impossible to count on the three people in the team. Wolf nature is cunning. Although these guys are still beasts, they have begun to have wisdom. Under the leadership of the Wolf King, they will be very difficult to deal with. These are not those stupid people. toad.

Roja called everyone together and said to a group of people: "Kazuma, Aqua, you two have to find a way to lure the wolves over, or contain them within the range of Megumin's magic. Megumin's magic is released. It takes a long time. During this time, you have to control those guys in one place. If they run away, it will become quite troublesome."

Sato Kazuma nodded, but then shook his head.

Sato Kazuma looked at Roja with a serious face, pointed at himself, and then at Lan Mao next to him, and said with some uncertainty: "Well, captain, you are sure to count on the two of us to contain those guys. I think the mission clearly states that there are at least a dozen white wolves there. Isn’t it too hasty just to rely on the two of us?”

"Well, Kazuma, you should think about it and think of a way."

Roja patted Sato Kazuma on the shoulder, as if he was optimistic about you.

The corner of Sato Kazuma's mouth twitched. The young man suppressed the speechlessness in his heart and said expressionlessly: "Even if you say so, captain, I have no choice. If I can't do it, I just can't do it. Captain, it's not me who said it. I just said it now." "Oh, that mentally retarded goddess next to you is a complete loser. If you expect the two of us to contain them, you might as well expect that a meteorite will fall from the sky and kill the devil directly."

Aqua next to her heard Kazuma calling herself an idiot again, and her expression became unhappy. The goddess wanted to maintain her glorious image and tried to defend herself, but was directly interrupted by Sato Kazuma: "Aqua, "Don't speak. If you speak, this task will be handed over to you."

"Ah? I don't want such a troublesome thing."

"If you don't want to, don't talk."

Aqua calmed down instantly.

After finishing dealing with Aqua, Sato Kazuma looked at Roja with a serious face, and Roja's black eyes looked back at Sato Kazuma.

The two looked at each other for a moment, and neither of them spoke.

Roja thought about it for a while and found out that what Sato Kazuma said was not unreasonable.

But could it be that because Sato Kazuma and Aqua were not good enough, he personally took action and helped the two losers take the risks they should bear?

Just kidding, I am the captain and they are the members. How can it be reasonable for the captain to do it in person when the members are just watching?

Roja asked again: "Really, is there no way at all?"

Sato Kazuma said decisively: "No."

Roja sighed and said with some embarrassment: "Kazuma, if that's the case, what is your role? Aqua in the team can serve as support, Megumin can serve as firepower output, what about you? Kazuma, you What can you do? This will make it difficult for me. "

Sato Kazuma was a little confused. He said directly: "Captain, no, why is it involving me? It's really not that I don't want to help this time. It's really difficult to deal with so many white wolves."

"No, no, no, this is different." Roja retorted.

The two had a heated debate about this.

After some haggling, in the end, Kazuma Sato bit the bullet and finally agreed to Roja's conditions, with Kazuma Sato and Aqua dealing with half of the white wolves.

As for the remaining half, it was given to Roja.

Roja shook his head, feeling a little speechless.

Arriving at the agreed upon location, there were several birch trees on the endless plain. It was the junction of the plain and the forest. The terrain was a little complicated. At first glance, it was the spot that those cunning creatures liked to choose.

Roya chatted with the farmer for a few words, and the other party's request was not much. As long as he could wipe out all the damn white wolves in this area, he was willing to pay an extra generous Eris as reward.

Naturally, Luo Ya would not refuse an extra sum of money. After asking about the time when the white wolf might attack, Luo Ya smiled at the farmer and said, "Don't worry, we'll leave this place to us."

The farmer breathed a sigh of relief, chatted with Roya's team for a few words, and then retreated.

Aqua stared straight into the distance, and couldn't help but mutter: "By the way, why do you want me to share the other half of the white wolf with you?"

Aqua's response was Sato Kazuma's death gaze. Sato Kazuma tugged at the corner of Aqua's mouth and said very unhappy: "Do you really want me to die? At least we only have to deal with half of the white wolves. That’s it, you just need to buff me and hold on to one or two white wolves. Can’t you do this? Aren’t you a goddess?”

Aqua curled her lips and said with some displeasure: "When something happened, I remembered that I am a goddess. Since you know that I am a goddess, can you show me some respect?"

After Aqua finished speaking, she fiercely slapped Kazuma Sato's hand away and strode forward, ignoring Sato Kazuma who was standing there. Aqua said as she walked: "Okay, okay, aren't they just two demon wolves?" , just bastards, let the goddess beat them all to pieces.”

After saying that, Aqua strode forward with a courageous momentum.

Sato Kazuma sighed and followed Aqua's pace.

It's still some time before the white wolf attacks, and Sato Kazuma is ready to go and observe the situation.

Because they were just waiting for something to happen, the farm was nearby, so everyone was on guard nearby.

Megumin's hand holding the staff was slightly stronger. The girl was breathing heavily, and her childish loli face was obviously slightly flushed. The girl came to Roja and said nervously: "Wait a minute, I should do what?"

Luo Ya patted Huihui on the shoulder and said casually: "Just cast spells normally. Just read out your long list of second lines and hit the target."

Megumin swallowed subconsciously, but the girl still had a nervous look on her face. Megumin said weakly: "Then, what if they are not all wiped out?"

Roja shrugged and said, "Not all of them? That might be a bit troublesome, but that's not the point. Megumi, do you know what I'm most worried about?"

Roja looked directly into Huihui's eyes, but Roja didn't speak and just walked away silently.

Huihui was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly caught up with Roja and asked, "What are you most worried about? Please finish speaking."

Luo Ya still didn't speak. He found a place with a good view and looked into the distance.

The young man silently responded to the girl in his heart: "What I fear most is that your hand shakes and the meteorite hits the farm."

Logically speaking, although the farm is right next to it, it is impossible to release explosion magic into the farm.

But everything has accidents, what if?

It is not impossible for this three-person team to do such a thing.

These guys were unreliable, and Roja already had a clear idea in his mind.

Can Aqua and Kazuma Sato really keep their other half?

Can a group of people really escape unscathed?

Megumin felt a little nervous after hearing what Roja said, and her attitude was not as confident as before. The hand holding the staff kept shaking. Megumin became a little unconfident by Roja's words.

Time passed little by little, and soon the time agreed upon by everyone was reached.

It was around nine o'clock in the morning, that is, at this time, Roja clearly saw a wolf with gray-white fur hiding in the shadows. The wolf hid very well. Although Sato Kazuma and Aqua were both Around the alert, but didn't find the guy.

Roja saw it, but pretended not to notice the other person, quietly applied a hidden buff to himself, and then hid aside and watched the other person silently.

Megumin was still nervous, and her hands holding the staff were already sweating. The girl took a deep breath and repeated it several times before adjusting her heartbeat.

Megumin didn't notice at all that Roja beside her had disappeared without knowing when.

Sato Kazuma in front looked around. Due to his level, Sato Kazuma's perception was not very strong. Even though he had the skill to detect enemies, he was unable to detect the danger hidden in the forest because of his insufficient level.

Seeing the serious expression on Sato Kazuma's face, Aqua simply handed over the task of checking whether there was any danger in the surrounding area to Sato Kazuma. She didn't care whether Sato Kazuma could detect the danger or not, and sat aside in a daze.

When Aqua thought about it, since there was already someone working so hard, it wouldn't matter if she relaxed a little.

Soon, seven or eight demon wolves appeared in the birch forest, and they all stared at Luo Ya's group of people eagerly.

To be precise, what he was looking at was the farm behind Roja.

The uneasy braying of cattle came from there. The livestock seemed to instinctively sense the danger and began to become restless.

After all, Sato Kazuma realized something was wrong. Sato Kazuma grabbed Aqua who was in a daze, retreated behind him, and said with a solemn expression: "Aqua, you use the enemy search to see how many white wolves are around. "

Sato Kazuma asked Aqua to confirm how many white wolves there were, instead of confirming whether there were any. It was just because he happened to meet a white wolf just now, and the cold gaze made Sato Kazuma couldn't help but sigh. Shocked, but fortunately Sato Kazuma's mental quality was pretty good and he managed to calm down, and then he pulled Aqua over without missing a beat.

Aqua complained: "Kazuma, you are really troublesome. Don't you have the skills to track down enemies? You still need me to see you."

Aqua reluctantly used this skill that is said to be used by adventurers all their lives.

However, with just one glance, Aqua's face froze instantly.

Seeing Aqua's expression, Sato Kazuma couldn't help but ask: "How many?"

Aqua showed a smile that was uglier than crying, her legs began to tremble, and Aqua silently turned around and started walking behind her.

Sato Kazuma pulled Aqua expressionlessly and asked again: "How many?"

Aqua then said in a panic: "Probably, there are more than a dozen red dots lit up inside, right? Those guys should all be in the woods, uh, the woods in front of us."

As soon as Aqua finished speaking, a loud wolf howl came from the birch forest.

Immediately afterwards, from the shadows blocked by tall trees, groups of strong wolves emerged.

The wolves are not all white as the farmer said. Some wolves are gray and white, and some are white mixed with black. However, the characteristics of these creatures are obvious, that is, they are strong and vigorous.

The limbs are strong and the fur is shiny. It seems that the farmer has fed this beast quite well.

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