However, this had little effect. If something was wrong, it was wrong, and it would not change because of Aqua's disturbance.

Luna could only laugh dryly and looked at Roya with a look of help.

Roya said helplessly: "Aqua, don't be like this. Isn't it because of you that this happened?"

"What do you mean by our reasons? I clearly risked my life to complete this mission, and even my arm was bitten by that damn wolf. As a result, you told me that I can't get paid? What a joke?"

Roya said to Luna speechlessly: "What's the problem? Just tell me directly."

Luna scratched the hair beside her ear and said embarrassedly: "Well, then I'll tell you directly. The reason why you can't get paid is that the client's ranch was destroyed, and the loss caused was greater than the wolf attack. So the guild has used your rewards as compensation and returned them to the client, and you must also repay 15 million Eris's loss fee."

"What? 15 million?"

Aqua looked dazed and her expression became extremely stiff.

Not only Aqua, but Kazuma and Huihui standing aside were also extremely stiff. Even Huihui quietly retreated behind Kazuma, ready to run away at any time.

However, the next moment, a ruthless iron hand grabbed Huihui's collar tightly, and Roya's voice came faintly in her ear: "Huihui, don't try to run, all this is your fault."

"What, what do you mean I caused it? Don't you have any responsibility at all? Don't throw all the blame on me."

Seeing that the three were about to get into a dispute, Roya's calm voice came from behind them.

"The debt owed is divided equally, do you have any objection?"

Aqua wanted to say something, but when she looked into Roya's eyes, the goddess shrank her neck and dared not say a word.

Looking at the reactions of the three, Roya nodded and said, "Then let's do it."

The debt of the three people has risen again, and the total debt has reached an astonishing 30 million Eris points.

Perhaps because they owed so much money for no reason, everyone became listless and looked a little sick.

Seeing that everyone was not very interested, Roya did not say anything about going on another mission, and asked everyone to get out quickly, remember to come to the gathering tomorrow, and find another front row by himself.

Everyone agreed that the team could be expanded. The current team has actually taken shape, and it does lack a profession like a warrior. If Roya can find a qualified warrior, it can make up for the impact of not having a front row.

Strictly speaking, it was because of the lack of a front row that the series of tragedies happened.

Kazuma is a roaming support type, and Aqua can't stand it head-on. Even if Roya goes to divide the battlefield, the remaining few magic wolves are enough to make everyone drink a pot.

This time, the three of them only need to reflect a little when they go back to know the problem.

So everyone has no opinion on Roya's decision, on the contrary, they agree very much.

Since there is no opinion, Roya directly dismissed everyone.

Then the next time is to sit in the Adventurer's Guild, quietly waiting for the masochistic knight to show up.

As usual, Roya sat on a chair in the guild. The young man called a pot of wine and sat alone on the chair, waiting for the target to show up a little lazily.

The request to recruit teammates has been sent out, just wait for the other party to show up, and then you can invite them to join you.

At this time, there is a task from Roya to recruit adventure teams on the bounty list.

"Recruit teammates, senior professions are preferred, requirements, front row, knights, with good endurance, meeting place: first floor of the Adventurer's Guild. Person in charge: Pamela."

The three idiots are not here, and Roya is too lazy to hide, so he just squats here to be a masochist.

The waiting time did not last long. Roya's sight soon saw the blonde knight wearing heavy armor and appeared next to the bounty list. The girl looked around and soon came to the task list issued by Roya alone, stared at the content on it for a few times, then took off the commission, looked around, and soon locked the target on Roya.

After hesitating for a moment, the girl walked towards Roya's position.

Roya sipped the wine in the glass slightly, and was not surprised by the other party's choice.

At this time, she had no team, so it was completely expected that she would make such a choice.

The young knight soon came to Roya. The main body of the knight's uniform was white and yellow. There was a red bow in front of the white breastplate. The young knight also had beautiful blonde hair, which was tied behind her back and formed into a ponytail.

There were some yellow runes on the edge of the knight's armor. This was a very solid armor. Walking on the road, you could hear the crisp sound of the chain mail colliding.

The girl came to Roya, coughed lightly, and said to Roya: "Well, I heard that you need a qualified forward here? Let me introduce myself. My name is Darkness, a paladin, a senior profession, and my level is level six."

Roya's eyes moved from the wine in his hand to Darkness's face.

Darkness has a good figure, belonging to the type of very plump.

Her level is below Ganlu Temple Mitsuri and above Luna, this kind of middle level.

Of course, such a figure is also heavyweight among girls, and it is the kind that Luo Qixi would envy to the point of muttering.

As a daughter of a noble family, Darkness's appearance is also quite durable. This knight is quite beautiful, with delicate features and no flaws in her appearance.

Well, but the premise is that the other party does not have those weird habits and can really sit down honestly.

Roya stood up and shook hands with Darkness. The pair of black-framed glasses flashed coldly, and the young man had an upright posture. Darkness was considered tall among girls, but compared to Roya, he was still a head shorter.

Roya said, "My name is Pamela, hello, I will be your captain from now on."

Darkness was slightly stunned when she heard this, and a strange expression appeared on her face. The girl behaved quite normally at this time. Darkness tentatively asked, "Don't you need to introduce something else? Just let me join like this, "

Roya thought about it and nodded slightly, "Indeed, our team actually has four people, including you, it's five, a high priest, an adventurer, a magician, and another, um, a thief."

Darkness nodded and said, "Is that so? The composition of the team is quite comprehensive?"

The girl's eyes also stayed on Roya, and at this time the girl really examined the person in front of her.

The appearance is ordinary, mainly because the glasses cover most of the face.

Black hair and black head, waist-length black hair, straight and slender posture, although the first glance gives people a low sense of presence, but a few more glances, you will find that the young man is the type who can inexplicably give others a sense of reliability.

However, the next moment, Darkness noticed the lines on the boy's collar, and her whole body froze, and her expression became very interesting at this moment.

That was the line of the imperial royal family.

Darkness seemed to be afraid that she had made a mistake, so she rubbed her eyes and glanced again.

Suddenly, she felt bad.

The tiny marks formed by the two swords intertwined together, if you don't look carefully, you can't find such tiny details at all.

This kind of medal is usually only worn by the royal family or the close ministers around the royal family.

And the current royal family is actually just a few.

And the favorites around them are just a few, and there are only a few of them who can leave the capital.

After thinking about it for a while, Darkness can infer a lot of things.

Except for the time when she was confused, Darkness was usually very smart.

At this moment, Darkness's brain thought a lot, looking at the mediocre appearance of the young man, she quickly selected one candidate after another in her mind.

First of all, the other party could not be the royal family. The royal family could not come here. As a noble, Darkness's family was very close to the royal family members. She had a good understanding of when the big figures in the capital would come out.

Roya was so young, even if he was disguised, he was definitely not old. Combined with the rumors from the capital, Darkness soon locked on a target.

Roya Greylat.

Nickname: Manipulator of the atmosphere.

It is said that he is good at casting magic. Although the magic he released is not as terrifying as the explosion magic, the power is also quite terrifying. When it is cast, it can change the color of the sky and the surrounding terrain.

If that's all, the other party can only be regarded as a powerful magician at most.

But the other party's swordsmanship is also very good. It is said that he defeated the leading knight of the palace and gained a lot of convenience.

In other words, the other party is a master of swordsmanship and a superb magician, which is very terrifying.

Adventurers in this world rely on the blessing of their own profession to a large extent, and basically cannot escape the framework of adventurer cards.

Generally speaking, if it says magician, then you can only be a magician, and the skills you know are also related to magic.

If it is a swordsman, then you basically only know swordsmanship skills.

The bonus of this profession is quite considerable, but the restrictions are also not small.

For example, a useless person like Huihui can perform moves comparable to king-level magic at level 6.

Of course, the restriction is that if you deviate from your own profession, for example, a magician has a brain cramp and wants to learn swordsmanship, the effort he puts in must be a thousand times more than learning magic, and the effect may not be good.

People's time is limited, so naturally everyone can't give up the near and seek something far away.

It is precisely this point that shows that Roya is so terrible.

It seems that because Darkness's reaction is too strange, Roya glanced at Darkness with some doubts and asked casually: "What's wrong, is there something on my face?"

After the young man finished speaking, he reached out and touched his cheek, and there was nothing on his face.

Darkness swallowed her saliva, and her expression was more flustered at this moment.

Darkness is a Templar Knight. Although she is a masochist, she is indeed a knight.

The professions in this world will subtly influence a person's character. For example, a knight will become more resolute and upright, and a mage will become more knowledge-seeking.

Of course, this change is not absolute.

If a person is bad to the core, even if he changes his profession to a knight, it will not change his bad character. At most, it can only be regarded as a slight improvement.

But there is no doubt that Darkness really wants to become a decent knight.

Otherwise, Darkness would not have chosen to run away, leaving her noble daughter behind and coming to a remote area to be an adventurer.

As a knight, she naturally admires higher knights.

In a sense, Roya, who is also a knight, is actually Darkness's role model.

Yes, Darkness actually admires Roya very much.

The deeds in the capital spread, and with the deification of gossip and the intentional publicity of the royal family, Roya's image became taller and taller.

He is almost a perfect person.

The young genius, upright, sincere, self-disciplined, constantly improving himself every day, he has all the virtues that a knight should have, and finally he was able to achieve such an achievement, and in the confrontation with the Demon King's army, he made a big splash.

It is precisely because of this that the boy was awarded the Empire's Glory Knight Medal.

Of course, part of the publicity was also because of Alice.

Darkness coughed lightly, and her expression became dignified and solemn. For some reason, when she recognized the young man's identity, the girl's attitude became much more serious.

The young man looked at Darkness strangely, and Roya saw her restraint. Roya didn't know that he was recognized by the other party. He was wearing the uniform issued by the royal family.

This is not Roya's fault. Who can imagine that someone can recognize his identity just by the uniform.

As for why he didn't change into other clothes, it goes without saying that the clothes issued by the royal family are quite comfortable to use.

Apart from other things, whether it is the knight's uniform or any of the shirts and coats inside, the materials used are quite luxurious. They are made of materials that only high-quality monsters drop, and they are sewn with silk spit out by cold insects. It is not just comfortable to wear, but also has a certain resistance to magic. Of course, Roya didn't take this resistance into consideration.

But it is indeed comfortable to wear, and this set of uniforms is customized to distinguish Roya from the knights in the royal capital.

Apart from the similarity in style, ordinary people really couldn't recognize him.

Moreover, Roja wasn't wearing the knight's uniform, but only a short shirt, but even so, Darkness recognized him.

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