None of these people dared to look at Luo Ya, and they all avoided Luo Ya's sight.

Although they were indignant, they did not dare to be the first to do so.

Since no one stopped him, Luo Ya would not look at a group of big-headed soldiers.

So he walked to his room in a swagger.

After Luo Ya left, everyone rushed to the hall in a swarm.

Some of the girls fell to the ground, while others hid behind the pillars and trembled. The scene was in a mess. The marble tabletop was smashed to pieces, the pillars collapsed, and an old man sat on the ground, his body was tattered and looked extremely embarrassed.

Not far from the smashed marble tabletop was a headless corpse.

A soldier bravely turned the body of the corpse to the front. The fat and greasy body and the noble clothes on the body were very recognizable. The soldier recognized who this person was at a glance.

Darius, the favorite of His Highness, is a master of political gamesmanship. He is notorious among the common people and nobles.

Although Darius is old, he likes those girls who are fourteen or fifteen years old the most. Any girl who is valued by him will not escape.

There is no need to say much about the common people's girls. They can either be robbed directly or bought with a little gold coins for a legitimate reason.

The daughters of the nobles are also simple. Darius will tell the noble that some small nobles will be obedient and send their daughters to him under the prestige and authority of Darius. If Darius is tired of playing, he may return the sent girls when he is in a good mood.

Of course, there are also some nobles who do not want their daughters to be insulted like this. At this time, Darius will use various means to find ways to bring down these nobles, so that these nobles will either go bankrupt directly or encounter a major crisis and have to listen to Darius.

In short, Darius is a person with a very bad character. The girls sent there will most likely suffer mental breakdowns because of Darius' abuse. Only a few girls can survive.

Even the girls who survived will have problems with their mental state. After all, it is hard to say what their future life will be like after being killed by Darius.

Although Darius's reputation is extremely bad, it must be said that he is indeed a master of political struggles, his methods are also excellent enough, and he is deeply loved by the king.

However, such a person died when he said he would die, his head and body moved, and his neck was cut off.

The soldiers' palms were more or less soaked with sweat, and they were checking the surroundings with serious expressions at this moment. If nothing unexpected happened, something big was going to happen in the Kingdom of Asura.


What happened there had nothing to do with Roya. Apart from what happened just now, Roya returned to his residence and waited for a while, and then the door was knocked.

Roya opened the door, and the person standing outside the door was none other than Ariel.

Compared with her pale face before, the girl's cheeks are much rosier now, not only her face, but her complexion seems to be better than before.

This made Luo Ya feel a little puzzled.

Can being frightened still keep your body and mind healthy?

Luo Ya was a little confused, but he still made way and invited Ariel to come in.

Ariel was not polite and went straight into the room and closed the door.

Luo Ya didn't think too much, pointed to the two chairs next to the table, and said casually: "Sit down, you can sit anywhere you want."

Ariel smiled, she didn't choose to sit on the chair, but came to the bed and sat down.

Luo Ya shrugged and said: "You can sit there if you want."

Ariel smiled, and the girl patted the soft bed. The bed was big enough to accommodate three or four people to have a party on it.

Because it was winter, Ariel was wearing very thick clothes, which covered her figure. Otherwise, Ariel could show her kingly mind, but unfortunately, she was wrapped tightly.

Ariel looked at Luoya, who tilted his head strangely. Ariel patted the bed again, and the girl's crisp and pleasant voice sounded. Ariel smiled and said, "A man and a woman are alone in the same room. Don't you want anything else?"

The girl pulled open her collar, revealing the whiteness of her neck. When Ariel didn't tell dirty jokes, she looked worthy of her princess status, with a dignified manner and a quiet and elegant look.

Ariel is in this state now.

It looks quite tempting.

However, Luo Ya smiled and said, "Ariel, if I hadn't seen your attitude yesterday, I might have really been moved, right?"

That attitude naturally refers to being scared to the point of urinary incontinence. This topic is a killer topic for any rich lady. Luo Ya brought up this topic to make Ariel behave herself.

However, Luo Ya still underestimated Ariel, or underestimated Ariel's integrity.

Ariel was not only not ashamed at all, but also said excitedly, "Indeed, that feeling is really unprecedented. It is different from doing this kind of thing before. I was really scared by you. My hands and feet were so scared that they didn't obey my commands. It took me a long time to recover."

Luo Ya looked at Ariel and was a little speechless. He didn't expect that he could still be taken over by the other party like this.

Ariel saw that Luo Ya had been staring at her and didn't say anything. The girl stood up from the bed bravely and came to Luo Ya's side.

Roja pointed to the chair opposite and said, "Sit down and let's talk."

Ariel smiled and said, "Didn't we just keep talking?"

"That's right, but it was just a casual chat. Now maybe we should talk about business." Luo Ya nodded slightly.

Ariel didn't shirk anymore and came to sit where Roja just pointed out. The two of them were so close that they could see the mist exhaled by the other.

Roja raised his head, fearing that this strange princess would lead the conversation to something else again: "How are you considering it?"

Ariel was honest this time and said directly: "Yes, I can agree to your request."

Hearing Ariel's words, Roja finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Killing Darius was indeed a troublesome matter. After all, Darius was not a vegetarian. The connections he had accumulated and the dense connections of interests among the nobles were not something that Roja could sort out.

At this time, Roja needs a reason that can be explained on the surface, otherwise the nobles will inevitably unite to fight against Roja, and even make a decision that will kill them all.

Dogs will bite people when they are in a hurry, not to mention those shrewd nobles.

To give the other party a hope, don't do things too hard.

Roja does not want to be the king, and cannot become the king, because once Roja becomes the king, the power of the Asra Kingdom will be equivalent to falling into the hands of outsiders. Those nobles who hold the power in their hands will certainly not allow this. situation occurs.

But it's different when Ariel becomes the king. Although Roja is still essentially in charge of the country, at least on the surface the king is still Ariel, and he is still the blood of this family. Everyone's rights may be damaged, but at least there is still A glimmer of hope remains.

In the final analysis, Roja is an outsider after all, and they cannot trust an outsider.

Although Ariel is not favored, whether it is those who support Ariel or those who do not support Ariel, there is not so much resistance to Ariel's ascension to the throne and the yellow robe on her body.

But if Roja becomes the king, it means that the rights will be shuffled in a big way. At that time, the old nobles who hold those rights will inevitably be liquidated by Roja.

So compared to Roya, they would rather choose an Ariel who had at least been hugged as a child.

In short, it would be too troublesome for Roja to become the king, and there would be many variables, so Roja would choose to support one person.

And Ariel is the one that Roja values.

Ariel saw that Roja's expression softened, and while Roja seemed to be in a good mood, she immediately asked: "Although I know that you are the Sword God, with my current strength, it is really difficult for me to follow you. The brothers went to compete.”

Roja leaned on the chair. Now that the deal was settled, Roja no longer put on any airs as a swordsman, but casually crossed his legs, with a faint smile on his handsome face.

Luo Ya said: "Simple, you don't need to worry about this matter, I will always have a way to solve it."

Ariel nodded slightly and said: "Since you are sure, I won't say much here. So, can you give me some small reward? As the future, I am forced to be tied to this position. What about lifetime compensation?”

Regarding Ariel's statement, Roja simply said: "This country can be preserved and you can get the support of a great power. Isn't this reason enough?"

"That's enough, but that's for the Kingdom of Asra. What I want is private compensation."

At this point, Ariel's face flushed, as if she had said something very embarrassing.

However, Roya was indifferent to Ariel like this.

Just kidding, someone who can chat about dirty jokes with a guard will blush after just a few words?

Mostly Ariel was just pretending.

In fact, this was indeed the case. When Ariel saw that Roja had no expression, she couldn't help but sigh and put away her little daughter's attitude.

Ariel complained: "You really don't understand amorous feelings."

Faced with such complaints, Roja simply replied: "I just inherited something from a guy who looked very innocent and was deceived."

While the two were talking, Roja's door was knocked, and a sudden voice came.

"Roya, is this bastard here?"

There were hurried footsteps outside the door, and a very angry shout. This was Izaluti's voice, and only Izaluti could shout like this.

The door clanged and was pushed open. Izaluti, who was wearing armor, saw Roja and Ariel sitting in the room at a glance. Izaluti was slightly startled, but she reacted quickly.

The girl first bowed slightly to Ariel, and then glared at Roja.

Ariel raised the corners of her mouth and looked at the two of them with a playful smile. Ariel chose to be a bystander at this moment.

Izuruti didn't talk nonsense and said directly: "How could you do such a thing and kill Darius directly!"

Izuruti was very excited and spoke very loudly. The girl, who was covered in armor, stared at Roja sharply.

Izaruti is in a bad mood right now.

Leda is Izelti's family. She has been brought up by Leda since she was a child. Although Leda is very strict with Izelti, Izelti knows that Leda is doing this for her own good. Izelti is also very competitive. In order not to embarrass Leda, she has been constantly improving her swordsmanship. Talent is the cornerstone, and her diligence has laid the foundation for the present.

However, it is such Leda who is now sitting on the ground with a decadent look.

Facing Izelti's doubts, Luo Ya said calmly: "First of all, Leda is not dead. Don't think too much. I showed mercy, otherwise I could have killed her."

Just this sentence completely blocked Izelti's words.

"Secondly, what kind of person is Darius? I think you should know better than me who have been here all the time, right?"

Izelti was speechless. She found that she couldn't say anything at this moment. Izelti's eyes flickered.

Luo Ya continued, "If you really want to say it, he should be the villain you mentioned."

Izelti wanted to refute, but Luo Ya interrupted directly, "Oh, you saw those girls, you can see that you two, the master and the apprentice, should have a good relationship with him, but a good relationship is one thing, whether he is a villain or not cannot be explained by a good relationship. Maybe in your eyes, Darius is a gentle and kind old man, but in the eyes of those girls, he is an out-and-out devil."

What Luo Ya said makes sense, and it is indeed the case.

Izelti is not completely ignorant of what Darius did.

After all, such things are circulating in the aristocratic circle now, and the reputation is so bad that it can't be any worse.

Darius's reputation can reach this point, and it can't be groundless. There must be a reason for its existence, but because Darius has always treated Izelti well, she turned a blind eye and pretended not to see or hear these things from him.

But pretending is just a matter of existence. Izelti pretended not to see it, but it actually happened.

After Roya finished speaking, he did not speak again.

Ariel was watching the show, but when she heard the news that Darius was dead, her expression became serious, and her relaxed mood disappeared.

Ariel did not know that Roya had killed Darius directly. She had been struggling with it before, weighing the pros and cons in her mind.

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