This horrific attack was enough to rival the magic of the imperial level.

However, the next moment, the magic power that gushed out of the horrific wave was blocked by an invisible barrier.

No, it was not an invisible barrier, to be precise, it was a silver-white door.

This was Orsted's spell, called [Front Dragon Gate].

The violent magic power continued to wash over the Front Dragon Gate, crushing down with Orsted as the center.

The snow along the way turned into powder, all visible objects on the surface disappeared, and a bottomless gully ran through the entire path.

However, the spell called the Front Dragon Gate still held up.

Even though there were cracks on it and it was already showing signs of failing, it still held up steadily.

Orsted frowned, and his evaluation of Roya was raised again.

"With this level of magic power, it seems that you are the person I met before." Orsted had no expression on his face. He did not continue to choose to use the front dragon gate to resist, but also stretched out a finger.

Orsted uttered two words very calmly and indifferently.


At the moment when these two words were uttered, the wave of magic power began to collapse, and the black wave turned into four elements and dissipated in the air, returning to nature. At the same time, the magic power gathered by Roya's fingers was disturbed for a moment.

Not only the magic power on the fingers, but also the magic power on the body was also the same.

The release of magic requires magic balance, but the Dragon God's Chaos Magic is a spell made for this characteristic of the magician, which can forcibly disturb the magician's magic and prevent the opponent from releasing magic.

Even with Roya's level of magic control, this situation still occurred, which is enough to show how lethal this move is to ordinary magicians.

The magic power is disturbed, that is, Roya cannot release magic now.

But is it really so?

Roya took a step forward and disappeared again. The dragon blood and magic power were intertwined. Even if the magic could not be released temporarily, it did not mean that Roya had lost his fighting power.

Without much nonsense, Roya whistled, and the red dragon that was originally standing in the distance stood up instantly. The black scales were shining, and the red dragon's huge dragon wings were stretched out. The hot breath gathered in the red dragon's mouth. The red dragon soared in the sky, and the dragon's breath gushed out and tilted down towards Orsted.

The violent dragon's breath carried a terrifying high temperature and instantly came in front of Orsted.

However, facing this level of dragon's breath, Orsted did not even raise his hand to resist this time.

Orsted looked at Roya expressionlessly, and he just said lightly: "What? Is this all you have?"

The dragon's breath burned the ground, causing the ground to collapse instantly, and the terrifying high temperature engulfed the place where Orsted was.

The ground was scorched black, and the snow around melted because of the terrifying high temperature. The snow fluttered and disappeared in this world. This heavy snow came quickly, but it also went away quickly.

The flames shot up into the sky, the smoke and dust rolled, and the originally gray world became even more gray at this moment.

However, this level of dragon breath did not even break Orsted's defense.

Roya took this scene in his eyes, and he did not expect the red dragon to break Orsted's defense. Roya did not speak, but took another step forward.

The red dragon's dragon breath did not stop because it was ineffective against Orsted. The dragon flames continued to output and continued to burn Orsted, as if trying to hurt Orsted in this way.

"If it's just this level, you and this dragon have to stay." Orsted said with a cold expression.

Roya disappeared on the spot, and the eight-fold increase in the speed of the words in an instant brought Roya an extremely terrifying speed.

However, with this terrifying speed, it was still a bit difficult to face the Dragon God.

The Dragon God's golden eyes looked at a certain place, and the next moment, Roya, who had disappeared, appeared there.

Roya still did not choose to attack in close range, but pulled away for a distance, standing in the distance and began to chant: "Infinite darkness, slaughter our enemies - the dark thunder of death."

This time it was not just the gathering of magic power.

The alien darkness of the Sword Dance World broke out at this moment, and the terrifying energy continued to compress and gather. The purple-black lightning was mixed with the alien darkness, and the terrifying energy instantly annihilated everything that could be seen in front of it.

The purple-black lightning soared into the sky, and the violent lightning attacked Orsted at a speed exceeding the speed of sound. Almost in an instant, Orsted was hit by this fierce purple-black lightning.

Orsted could ignore the dragon's breath of the red dragon, and Roya's energy gathered by magic before, Orsted could also ignore it, because it was just Roya's control and control of magic.

But now, this is not something he can ignore.

The violent lightning carried boundless magic power and washed Orsted's body, and even the rough white coat made of ancient white dragon skin was washed by this energy.

Orsted's expression was still indifferent, and his clothes did not tear a hole, but his body was washed back several steps by this terrifying purple-black lightning.

"Very powerful magic, but for me, it's still a little short."

Orsted praised it a little, but this praise was not very good in Luoya's eyes.

Roya did not stop chanting the interruption magic. He stood at a very far distance and cast magic.

This was to prevent Orsted from suddenly pulling out the divine sword and killing him instantly.

You should know that the Water God can act at the moment of his second stage when he opens the Deprivation Sword Realm. If the opponent is the Dragon God Orsted, even if he opens the third stage, once the Dragon God's defense mechanism is triggered, he may be beheaded instantly.

And now, the Dragon God has only shown one skill of chaos.

However, even if he knew in advance that the Dragon God had the skill of chaos, Roya did not have any good countermeasures.

Roya did not waste words. Even if he had no countermeasures, he had to try to see to what extent he could force the opponent.

"Pierce through! The judgment magic thunder that destroys everything - the dark thunder of death!"

"Infinite darkness, slaughter our enemies - the dark thunder of death!"


This time, Roya chanted dozens of times.

It was still thunder and lightning. The purple-black thunder appeared again, and this time, there were dozens of purple-black thunder and lightning.

The black lightning intertwined with each other, forming a thicker and more violent thunder.

When these ten lightnings appeared, the magnetic field in the air became chaotic at this moment.

The original ten lightnings finally converged into five purple-black lightnings.

Five black lightnings fell in an instant, five purple-black lightnings plus the dragon's breath of the red dragon, five black and one red six beams of light constantly washed Orsted's body from all angles.

When the five lightnings fell, it seemed that there was only the roar of these five thick lightnings between the sky and the earth.

This time, even with Orsted's amazing physique and magic resistance, he could not ignore this attack.

If all the attacks hit the Dragon God, I guess even the Dragon God would be injured to some extent?

If the attack hit the Dragon God.

However, the smoke and dust rolled, and when the death thunder stopped, there was no one in the pit in the distance, and Orsted's figure had disappeared there.

"Did he hide?"

No, it shouldn't have.

Roya saw that where Orsted had stood, a pile of silvery white fragments were left.

Roya had just seen this thing, it was Orsted's [Front Dragon Gate].

There was no doubt that [Front Dragon Gate] had been broken.

The opponent should have relied on the short resistance of the Front Dragon Gate to temporarily break away.

No, the Front Dragon Gate could not withstand such a level of magic attack. There should be other means, perhaps the leather jacket, or the fighting spirit wrapped around Orsted.

But such a level of magic, just replacing a spell called Front Dragon Gate, is still too much of a loss.

Roya's golden pupils turned slightly, looking around. The third stage of the moment gave Roya an unparalleled perception. Within this range, everything would be clearly perceived by him.

However, even so, he did not notice how Orsted acted just now.

A strong sense of oppression still oppressed Roya's nerves. The Dragon God was the strongest enemy Roya had never encountered before.

This distance was simply not enough to cast decent magic.

It takes a long time to cast magic above the emperor level, and this time is enough for the Dragon God to cross thousands of meters and dodge directly to chase and kill.

Being able to cast the death thunder is already the limit.

He can indeed cast magic without chanting, but the so-called no chanting is only a low-level spell. Once it comes to magic at the emperor level and above, Roya can only omit a part of the lengthy chanting. As for omitting all of it, it is not impossible, but it will inevitably lead to the incompleteness of the spell itself and the power will be greatly reduced.

Facing a strong enemy like the Dragon God, incomplete spells mean that the defense cannot be broken.

However, he is not the only one who can rely on magic now.

His strongest is still close combat.

Roya took a deep breath, and the boiling dragon blood and violent power rolled in this body. The powerful power kept suggesting to him that even a head-on confrontation is not impossible.


Dragon blood.

Magic power.

Violent blood and violence.

These four things gave Roya the power to destroy almost any creature in the world. Even the so-called red dragon would be crushed by Roya's bare hands the moment they met. The so-called hardness was a joke to Roya at this moment.

Under this extremely inflated power, Roya wanted to have a hearty battle.

This was the world of Wuzhe Reincarnation. There was no so-called restraint or suppression. He was in an unprecedentedly good state.

Every cell in his body was shouting, urging him to go forward and tear the opponent apart with the most primitive melee and use force to make the opponent surrender.

The inflated power gave Roya unparalleled confidence. The boiling dragon blood and violent magic were stimulating every nerve of Roya.

Just as Roya carefully looked around, the red dragon that was originally soaring in the sky suddenly let out a shrill scream.

The burly and tall body seemed to have suffered some kind of heavy blow, and the huge body fell straight from the sky.

The dragon wings on both sides were broken and bent in an extremely strange posture. The red dragon fell heavily to the ground, creating a deep hole.

Luo Ya looked over, and the smoke and dust dispersed, revealing the scene inside.

Red Dragon's jaw was held tightly by Orsted's hand. Oldsted looked at Roya expressionlessly, took a deep breath, and then exerted slight force with his right hand, and Red Dragon's head was instantly twisted. Twisted at an incredible angle.

Orsted kicked the red dragon in front of him with such powerful force that it flew away. The violent force caused the ground to shake.

The dragon scales, known as the strongest in the world, seemed to be made of paper. The black scales were dented by this kick. The scales were deeply embedded in the flesh, and purple-black blood flowed. When it came out, the huge force penetrated the internal organs. At this time, the red dragon couldn't even scream.

The red dragon flew away in a spin and fell to the ground with a loud clang. Roja glanced at the red dragon and said nothing.

Needless to say, even if I feed this red dragon with my magic power, it will be disabled even if it is not dead.

Roja's face was still expressionless, but his eyes were slightly cold at this moment.

"You dare to kill my dragon?"

Roja's right hand slowly placed on the long sword lying across his waist.

My own magical attainments are still too shallow to be able to rely on magic to compete with the opponent. In the end, I can only rely on swordsmanship.

Faced with Roja's questioning, Orsted just said coldly: "If I kill him, what can you do?"

Orsted's face was expressionless, without any change. He seemed to be making a statement, but also seemed to be telling an insignificant fact.

But it is the other party's attitude that makes people most angry.

Roja looked at Olsted in silence, with two pairs of golden pupils looking at each other.

Roja didn't hesitate at all, and the sword was unsheathed at this moment.

The eight-fold speed brought an unparalleled increase to Roja. In just that moment, a distance of hundreds of feet was directly crossed by Roja, and the long sword named Fengya Dragon Sword was unsheathed at this moment.

The silver sword body is as white as snow.

The long sword slashed down, making no sound, just like a bubble.

This sword was so fast that it was almost unbelievable. It was so fast that even Orsted showed a trace of astonishment.

The long sword slipped, and in an instant, the atmosphere was divided, the gray sky was torn apart, the sky and the earth were split with a terrifying slash, and the earth and sky behind Orsted were cut into a huge gap.

The violent sword energy washed away, seemingly splitting the world in half.

However, the astonishment on Orsted's face soon turned into a smile. Orsted's smile was undetectable, but it could be clearly seen that he was smiling.

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