Rather than being each other's subordinates, it would be better to say that the two of them became partners.

No need to worry about the dangers that may be encountered on the road, no need to worry about whether someone will poison the food when eating, no need to worry about someone suddenly jumping out and looking for him to fight, and no need to worry about wild animals suddenly coming to attack him when he is asleep.

This kind of life is something Orsted has never experienced before.

The spirit that has been tense all the time actually got a moment of peace at this moment.

The curse on his body has not disappeared, and Orsted is still hated and feared by everyone.

But every time at this time, the boy can smile and talk to him for a few words and chat about some trivial matters, Orsted will have a strange feeling.

This feeling is awkward, but it seems pretty good.

A life that has never been experienced, an ending that has never been experienced, if it continues like this, it seems to be pretty good.

Daily life is calm and there are no accidents.

After February, Roya took time to take Orsted to the territory of Fitoya.

This winter, the snow was particularly heavy, but fortunately, Ariel is the emperor now, and she has arranged some disaster relief measures. If it were the old emperor before, the lives of the people would have nothing to do with him.

However, there is magic and magic power in this world. Even ordinary people should have no problem surviving this winter if they have the corresponding living supplies.

Of course, no matter which world it is, there will always be people who freeze to death, and there is no way to deal with this kind of thing.

The management of Fitoya's territory is pretty good. Alice's father, the one with squinting eyes, although he gives Roya a very sinister feeling and looks like a smiling tiger, he is indeed good at governing the territory.

Although he has been promoted and given a higher position, he has not given up the original territory and still pays enough attention to it.

Although this heavy snow has caused the economy to fall into a short-term stagnation and brought a lot of inconvenience, life cannot stop because of this heavy snow.

When Roya and Orsted arrived at this not-so-small territory, there were not many people around, but there were still some.

When these people saw Orsted, they would hurriedly speed up their pace and choose to avoid the two.

Orsted was used to this, just walking in front with an expressionless face. His rough white skin swayed with the cold wind. Orsted had a stinky face and walked forward on his own.

Seeing this, Luo Ya shook his head helplessly.

The two did not walk far before the crowd dispersed on their own initiative.

The street, which was originally occupied by some people, became completely deserted at this moment.

At this moment, both of them stopped because they saw a black magic ball gathering in the sky.

The black magic ball was constantly compressing, emitting an unspeakable terrifying energy fluctuation.

This kind of fluctuation made even Orsted frown. The magic ball was constantly compressing and absorbing the magic power of nature every moment.

Orsted said, "It's a terrifying magic power. I don't know what it is. If we continue to let it go, once something happens to it, I'm afraid no one in this area will survive."

As we all know, magic power is the fuel of magic. In many cases, the strength of magic depends on the amount of magic power injected.

Even if it is a fireball spell, if it is injected with magic power above the emperor level, then this fireball spell will undergo a qualitative change. If the caster has a good control over the magic power, it is not impossible for the power of the single unit to reach the emperor level in the end.

So, although I don't know why such black magic power appears in the air.

But once there is a problem, these problems will inevitably be a devastating blow to the people in this town.

And if the spell cast is an attack-type magic, then it is not impossible for the Fitoya territory to be annihilated in an instant.

Both Roya and Orsted knew this. Roya nodded slightly and agreed with Orsted's words, but now he was thinking about how to deal with this troublesome matter.

The expansion of the magic ball seemed to become more intense.

Roya asked directly: "Orsted, do you have any solution to it?"

Orsted shook his head, and a rare helpless expression appeared on his cold face. He said bluntly: "I don't know what type of magic it is, or what type of natural disaster it is. I don't have a good way to deal with it.

Roya nodded, accepting Orsted's words.

However, since it is impossible to stop the other party from erupting, there is only one choice left.

That is to let all the people here migrate away.

If the problem cannot be solved, just minimize the loss.

The biggest reason why the transfer event caused such a huge loss is that the event itself is unknown.

No one would have thought that they would be randomly teleported to any corner of this continent.

Because there was no response measure and it happened too suddenly, most people died. It was lucky for two or three out of ten people to survive.

But that's all.

Roya is a time traveler. Although he cannot be sure when the transfer event will happen, as long as he knows that it will happen, he will have corresponding measures, so the harm of this event will not be as great as imagined.

And Roya's response method is also very simple, that is, evacuation.

Evacuate these people temporarily and clear a city. Although there will be many troubles in doing so, at least their lives are saved.

All unstable factors are eliminated.

Paul, Senis, and his two sisters will not have to go through so many twists and turns, and Alice's family will not die tragically.

In this way, everyone has a bright future, and a world where no one is hurt is achieved.

This is a very direct, simple, but indeed effective idea.

It is also an idea that a normal person would think of first.

Although doing so will reduce Rudeus's tempering experience, and Norn and Aisha will also reduce their unforgettable memories.

But is suffering really a good thing?

It is true that it tempers people, but the pain it brings cannot be ignored.

Roya is now a sword god. Behind him are the dragon god Orsted and the old sword god Gal. He alone has gathered two great powers in the world. The Kingdom of Asura has become his backyard. It has come to this point. Is there still a need for the tempering of the transfer incident?

Roya didn't want to see the tragedy happen. He didn't want this to fall on his head, so he chose to take Paul and Senis away.

The sky fell, and there was a tall one to support it.

And now, he is the tallest one, as long as he is at the front.

Looking at the black magic ball that was constantly compressing in the sky again, Roya thought about everything and said directly to Orsted: "Let's go, there is already a solution, and the rest is left to Philip."

Orsted looked at Roya in surprise, but Orsted didn't ask anything. After so many days of getting along, Orsted also found that Roya was a person with a more delicate mind. Since the other party said there was a solution, there must be a safe way.

Orsted nodded slightly, and did not continue to dwell on this topic, but asked: "Do you really have the 'key' to the world of nothingness?"

The world of nothingness is the world that Roya used the traveler's ring to reach after paying a lot of magic power.

That blank world, the human god is hiding in it.

Roya nodded slightly, raised his right hand, and on his ring finger was the artifact called the traveler's fantasy.

Roya replied: "I can consume magic power to open the door to that world, but even with my ability, even if I open that world, my magic power will consume about half of my magic power."

Orsted was also slightly surprised when he heard this.

"Even you need to consume more than half of your magic power? That is indeed an incredible consumption."

Orsted also knew Roya's strength. Magic power is something that even Roya needs to consume so much magic power. In reality, he can basically support such an exaggerated consumption.

Orsted's brows gradually frowned, and soon he thought of a very critical problem.

"If you consume half of your magic power, doesn't that mean you can't do your best?"

Roya nodded and said, "You are right."

At this moment, Orsted understood why Roya would find a way to find him to cooperate.

If the two's goal is really the human god, cooperation is almost necessary.

Roya has the key to open the door to that world, but using that key will consume a lot of magic power.

And Orsted has no way to enter that world. If he wants to go to the world of nothingness, he will inevitably face the five dragon generals.

Because the key to the world of nothingness is firmly in the hands of the five dragon generals, only by killing them or forcing them to hand over their respective keys can they go to the world of nothingness.

But it is obvious that even with Orsted's combat power, it is not easy to achieve this step.

And to deal with the human god, once the dragon god's magic power is only half, or less than half, even if he goes to the world of nothingness, the dragon god cannot defeat the human god.

The fighting power of the human god is also quite terrifying. It is only because he was forcibly sealed in the world of nothingness by the first generation of dragon gods and could not interfere with reality that he took the form of "apostles" to change the direction of the world.

Not being able to interfere with reality does not mean that the power of the human god is very weak.

In fact, as a god, a true god, the power of the human god is actually quite powerful.

So powerful that even the dragon god has been defeated by the human god again and again.

The reason why the dragon god failed is also very simple. The curse destined him to be alone. Although he has the best fighting power in the world, others are not vegetarians.

If he keeps consuming, even Boss Long can't stand it.

But this time, Orsted came to the turning point of fate.

Here, he met Roya.

A strong man who is not weaker than him in terms of strength or magic.

"If that's the case, otherwise we will work together to get the key of the Five Dragon Generals. I believe that with the strength of the two of us, they will not refuse to give it."

Orsted still had that cold expression, and Roya could feel the urgency in Orsted's tone.

Roya thought about it and hesitated.

"Do you know where the Five Dragon Generals are?"

Faced with such an answer, Orsted gave a positive answer: "I know."

Roya asked again: "Will they give you the key so honestly?"

Speaking of this, the Dragon God Orsted's expression became not very good.

Although the Five Dragon Generals are also five dragons, the Dragon God has a bad relationship with the five of them.

To be precise, the Five Dragon Generals are ordered to guard the key to the gate to the world without a human god to prevent the human god from running out.

This naturally includes the Dragon God, and they will never hand over the key so easily.

But the key is that the seal of the human god has been loosened. Although the human god cannot directly interfere with reality, it can induce others, provoke war, or use various means to make the world chaotic.

In addition, the human god has a buff, that is, the buff that will be trusted by any creature in this world.

This is a rather abnormal and practical buff, and it is this buff that makes the apostles of the human god always more and more.

It forms two distinct extremes with Boss Long.

In addition, the human god has the ability to see through the future. As long as he makes a little move and gives the opponent a little sweetness, he can pull the opponent to his side, and this trick is almost always effective.

This is also the most difficult part of the human god, which is why even Orsted has never been able to beat the human god.

It's very simple, that Boss Long has too many enemies, and there is a human god who is secretly holding back big moves and making trouble. In this case, even the dragon god Orsted has not found a way to break the situation.

He has been trapped in this cycle, and he has been looking for a way to break the situation.

And now is the best time to break the situation.

Seeing Orsted's expression, Roya knew that it might not be realistic to force him to hand over the key by intimidation. The remaining dragon kings were not fools. Once they got the news, they would find a place to hide. The world of Wuzhai Reincarnation was so big that it would take a while just to search for it.

Moreover, the dragon clan had been the real overlord since ancient times. No one knew whether they would leave any dragon clan treasures.

After thinking about it, Roya felt that it was a bit too much to find all five keys to open the door to the world without a world. ,

The simplest way now is to open the door to the two worlds directly through Roya, and then project the full-status dragon boss over, and then go in and support him from behind to see if he can get some benefits.

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