My pure body can ignore some of the opponent's magic effects. My magic power is A+ level. If I want to compete with Roya in mental power and take Roya away in one set, I can only say that the opponent is too naive.

Whether it is the enhancement brought by perfect dragon blood, or the fool (second stage), or some strange passive skills, these passive skills accumulated together make Roya very difficult to kill.

No, to a certain extent, he cannot be killed, and when the dragon blood is boiling, even if the head is cut off, or a big hole is directly broken in the heart, these injuries cannot directly kill Roya.

In other words, it is very difficult to really kill Roya.

"Forget it, don't think so much, now let's see if that guy Momonga has come to this world." Roya muttered. After understanding the general information of this world, many ideas appeared in his mind.

Taking out the map, Roya began to continue to analyze the current situation.

The three main human countries on the map are the Kingdom of Li Yestjie, the Bahas Empire and the Silian Theocracy.

These three human countries are located in different directions on the map. Among them, the Silian Theocracy is located in the south of the map, the Re-Estize Kingdom is located on the left side of the map, and the Bahas Empire is located on the right side of the map.

The relationship between the three countries is not good at all, and it can even be said that they are completely hostile, so every year they will go to war in the fields near this fortress city.

War is like this. Even if there is no Bone King, the world will not be able to achieve peace. People will always fight each other.

There is a huge mountain range between the Re-Estize Kingdom and the Bahas Empire. To the south of the mountain range is a vast forest. This fortress city belonging to the Re-Estize Kingdom is located at the end of the forest, and then the Silian Theocracy.

In other words, the fortress city of E-Rantel is not only the border of the Re-Estize Kingdom, but also the kingdom city closest to the two neighboring countries.

What Roya is looking for is the junction of these three human countries.

Because when Lao Gu came through, he brought his entire force and the headquarters of his guild, and landed at the northwest end of the continent, at the junction of the Kingdom, Empire, and Theocracy.

When the protagonist in the original work came over, what caught his eye was the grassland, and what Roya needed to do was to block Lao Gu there, and then use the advantage of the intelligence gap to fool Lao Gu.

The reason for the specific fooling method is also very simple.

It is to create an unfathomable appearance. After all, their Lord Ainz Ooal Gown’s favorite thing to do is actually to make up his mind.

The first thing Ainz Ooal Gown did when he came to this world was to collect intelligence.

If Roya wants to learn magic, he must calm the other party and then trick the other party into trading with him.

Roya has the talent of a fool, and his affinity for elements is at the maximum level. He has absorbed the power of chaos. Magic, unless it is super-level magic, can be learned by just looking at it.

After thinking through all this, Roya made a decision in his heart. It seems that he has to hurry up and see how the plot develops.

Roya quickly took action. The initial point was actually quite close. The fortress was relatively close to the area where Lao Gu was.

When Lao Gu crossed over, he brought his entire force and the guild base where he was, and landed at the northwest end of the continent, at the junction of the Kingdom, the Empire, and the Church.

And that area is not far from here. After looking at the map for a while, Roya quickly had a goal in his mind.

There are some small villages around the prairie. The name of one of the small towns instantly attracted Roya's attention.

"Kahn Village? Let's take a look."

If I guessed correctly, Lao Gu's first invasion was to attack this town.

What Roya has to do is to go there and meet Ainz Ooal Gown.

But there are still some small troubles to get there.

The fortress is not just a grassland. There is a forest between the two areas, and this forest is marked with a big red cross, which means that there may be quite a lot of monsters in this forest.

This forest occupies a lot of area, and there are a lot of monsters living in it.

No matter which world you are in, the dangers hidden in the forest are actually quite a lot.

After all, it is unknown what kind of monsters are hidden under the dense vegetation and complex shade.

Moreover, in Roya's impression, there seems to be a monster called the King of the Forest in the deepest part of the forest.

Yes, that hamster.

According to the map information, the monster not only uses magic, but also has amazing power, and has survived for hundreds of years. Even the highest-level steel-level adventurers cannot defeat it in the forest. This is why the guild map draws a big red cross on this area, because of this reason.

Of course, this kind of guy can't even go one round in front of Roya.

Roya thought about it and still didn't want to go through the forest.

The reason was simple. There were too many bugs. He didn't want to walk around. If a leech popped out or a long bug hit his face, it would make Luo Ya feel very sick.

If he didn't enter the forest, there would only be two routes from this urban fortress to Kahn Village in the northeast.

One is to go east first, and then all the way north to reach Kahn Village. The other is to go north first, wait until you reach the edge of the forest, and then move east along the perimeter of the forest.

As for the first route, it completely bypasses the forest. Although the road is a bit longer, there is no danger at all.

The second route is actually bordering the forest. If you choose this route, you will inevitably encounter some wild beasts that escape from the forest. In other words, this route is not particularly safe.

It's just that it's much safer than walking directly in the forest, and there's no mess.

Roja chose the second route, and there were no accidents on the way. Even when he encountered a few monsters like Demon Wolf, Roja kicked his neck directly.

It went very smoothly. In less than an hour's journey, Roja arrived at Kahn Village.

The village of Karn is very peaceful, and there is no scene of any invasion or massacre.

This means that the Knights have not appeared here, and Ainz Ooal Gown has not taken action yet.

After wandering around in Kaen Village for a while, Roja lost interest and was a little bored.

The town was calm and the villagers were filled with happy smiles.

But presumably after a while, the town here will be slaughtered.

And this time, it won't be too far away.

Thinking of this, Roja frowned slightly. To be honest, Roja naturally felt that he was not a good person.

After all, with too much blood on his hands, he no longer deserves to be called a good person.

It's just that he also hates massacre, especially the massacre of the weak and the massacre of civilians.

After hesitating for a moment, Roja injected magic power into the surface, and the dark threads rolled and hid on the surface.

These dark threads are equivalent to his senses. As long as there is movement here, Roja can detect it, and then control these magic powers to get rid of all those guys.

These knights are very weak people, and they are not good enough in front of Roja. They can easily deal with them by leaving these magic powers behind.

Of course, this is just a back-up. After handling the next thing, I will definitely go back and take a look.

What's important right now is the Bone King guy.

What he needs to do now is to give the other party a warning, so that the other party cannot be sure of the reality of the world, so that they can avoid making rash moves.


Another place.

Ainz Ooal Gown, who had finished handling the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick, was looking at the sky in the distance with an intoxicated expression.

"Really, it's a different world."

This is a man wearing armor that looks quite expensive and impressive. Under the illumination of light, the armor exudes a deep metallic luster. It's just that if you see the other person's original appearance clearly, you will definitely be shocked by the other person.

Because what caught his eye was not a human head, but a skeleton.

A skull with no facial features, no skin and flesh, just white bones.

The current him should not be called Ainz Ooal Gown, but Momonga.

His real name in the game is Momonga, and he is also called Momonga now. After he begins to step into this world and come into contact with the people of this world, he will change his name to Ainz Ooal Gown.

It turns out that he is just an ordinary human being, too ordinary to be ordinary. His real name is "Suzuki Satoru". He is a busy salesman. His parents are dead, he has no friends, and he lives a lonely life in the real world. Life.

And such people are referred to as social animals.

But now, he has traveled to this world through "YggDRasIL" and has become the supreme existence in this world.

The world of the game has become reality, and anyone would feel a little confused and unreal.

The same is true for flying squirrels.

The floor area of ​​the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick is two hundred meters square. It is protected by a six-meter-thick wall, with an entrance at the front and at the back.

The weeds in the cemetery are kept short to create a refreshing atmosphere. But on the other hand, the cemetery has large branches with thick leaves and shade everywhere, creating a gloomy feeling. There are also many white stone tombstones arranged haphazardly.

The huge ancestral hall in the center is the entrance to the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick, where Momonga came out.

Momonga stood on the wide limestone steps and quietly looked at the scenery in front of him. Helheim, where the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick is located, was originally a cold world of eternal night. ,

Affected by the eternal night, the atmosphere here is quite gloomy, and the sky is often obscured by thick black clouds. It’s just that the scenery is completely different today.

What I saw before me was a beautiful night sky.

Momonga looked at the sky, sighed with emotion, and kept shaking his head as if he couldn't believe the scene in front of him.

This is the night sky that I have never seen so clearly in my life.

Feeling the sound of wind whistling in his ears, feeling the extremely real touch, and the scenes that can only be dreamed of, Momonga took a deep breath and murmured: "Scenes that cannot be seen in reality are different from those in the game. I can’t feel the reality. Is this all real? It’s just like a dream.”

Speaking of which, Momonga used the skill [Flying].

Freed from the shackles of gravity, the flying squirrel flew lightly into the sky. Then he kept speeding up and ascended straight up in one breath. A kind of hearty pleasure appeared in the flying squirrel's mind.

But as he flew, the flying squirrel became sentimental.

"What a pity, they are gone."

Now he was alone, without any companions around him.

Bubble teapot, blue planet, the names of close friends flashed through his mind, but unfortunately, none of them came.

"Master flying squirrel, please slow down."

A voice full of magnetic voice came from behind the flying squirrel. Looking back, he could see the servant following behind the flying squirrel. It was a guy about 1.8 meters tall, with tanned skin and straight back, who was quite gentlemanly in both dress and behavior.

However, this gentleman exudes an evil aura all over his body. He also has a tail covered with silver metal plates behind him. The front end of the tail has six spikes. There are huge black membrane wings with moisture on his back. He is a real alien.

Momonga stopped moving forward and slowly floated in the air. The next moment, he heard the sound of flapping wings.

A guy with huge black membrane wings with moisture on his back and a face that changed from a human to a frog appeared in front of Momonga.

His name is Demiurge. He is one of the NPCs who traveled to this world with Momonga. He is the guardian of the seventh level of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick, the headquarters of Momonga's guild "Ainz Ooal Gown". He is the highest-level demon at level 100—Demiurge.

"Don't call me Momongo outside. We don't know what the world is like yet. We have to avoid accidentally revealing our identity, okay?"

"Ah, is that so? Then what should I call you?"

"Call me Lord Dark Knight."

"... Lord Dark Knight?"


After talking to Demiurge for a few words and venting his frustration, Momongo planned to return to the dungeon.

However, the next moment, Momongo's eyes fixed, and he saw a young man in a white robe below.

"Demiurge, do you see it?" Momongo pointed at the young man below.

Demiurge, who had been following Momongo, was slightly stunned. He looked in the direction Momongo pointed, and saw that the young man was Roya.

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