Uehara Fuyuno looked at several phone numbers in his mobile phone, and suddenly felt that this trip was full of gains.

"Fuyuno-kun, eat more oysters."

Mrs. Yori frantically picks vegetables for Uehara Fuyuno.

"Ahem, Yangli, show affection also have to pay attention to the occasion, we are still here."

Aika Sano next to him laughed with a meaningful smile.

"Just bully Brother Cheng when he is not at home, right, attack his younger brother, and mean me."

Yori looked at Satomi Sano fiercely, but the other party was an old fritters, not only was he not afraid, but he also said to Fuyuno.

"Isn't my sister's bosom smaller than Yangli, don't you think about it?"

Uehara Fuyuno's gaze to Sano, looking at Fuyuno on the other side, actually pulled the already loose shirt down, revealing the white and tender shoulders, and her two soft balls seemed to jump out in the next moment.

Sano Aika looked at Uehara Fuyuno without looking away, wrinkled her nose, and her movements became more and more bold.

Watching things develop towards the situation of the small movie, Shirakawa Miho spoke.

"It's true, Aihua, your temper should really be changed, and you won't be jealous when you see it."


Hearing Shirakawa Miho's words, Sano Aika walked behind Miho and said.

"Hehe, you are still so serious, anyway, everyone regards Xiao Dongye as a younger brother, what does it matter."

Sano Aika said, her hand still involuntarily pinching Shirakawa Miho's dango.


Besides, Miss Shirakawa Mihe, who has such a great sin, is not qualified to accuse me!" Alas..." "

You... Call...... Aihua quickly let go of his hand"

Uehara Fuyuno watched the farce of the two while eating vegetables, as a pure love warrior, he must always observe and protect the safety of personnel, so he has no consciousness of being rude at all.

Sano Aika noticed Uehara Fuyuno's eyes, and her movements actually became more and more bold.

And the victim Shirakawa Miho-sensei could not stop Sano Aika's movements, and could only block his face with two hands.

"Teacher Shirakawa Miho, aren't your students more excited when they look at you? Hahaha..." Hearing

her words, Fuyuno almost spewed out the dish in his mouth.

He was a little lucky, glad that Aika Sano was not a man, otherwise he would definitely be the number one on the Minotaur Tianzi list.

Next to him, Tsubaki Miyajima listened to the movements of the two, as well as Miho Shirakawa's plea for mercy, and coughed lightly.

"Okay, love flowers, let's eat first when you've had enough."

As soon as Miyajima's words fell, Sano Aika let go, while Shirakawa Miho lay on the chair, blushing and panting.

Uehara Fuyuno can see that the core of these four people, that is, the eldest sister is Tsubaki Miyajima.

But thinking about her previous life, she was instilled... I think it's a little exciting.

Ahem, Amitabha, benefactor, poor monks will help you get out of the sea of suffering.

Fuyuno worked hard with all his heart.

Mrs. Yangli brought over a few bottles of red and white wine.

"This was brought over from the last time they met at their company."

Speaking of Makoto, Mrs. Yangli's expression couldn't help but fall for a moment, but she quickly perked up and said with a smile.

"How can there be no wine at the party, take a few sips."

After seeing the wine, Sano Aika was obviously the most excited, and she immediately took a bottle of beer and drank a large mouthful.


After speaking, he burped very unladylikely.

Tsubaki Miyajima poured a glass of red wine and took a sip.

Sano Aika said to Uehara Fuyuno.

"Sister, my amount of alcohol has passed countless tests, and a thousand glasses are not drunk!"

Saying that, he took another large sip, and then looked at the drink Shirakawa Aihua and said.

"How? Don't dare to drink it. Hearing

this, Mrs. Yangli said with a smile.

"Okay, don't forget how you two looked when you were drunk, on the street, arguing to marry each other."

"Sister Yangli, don't say it, and now at home, there is Tsubaki and you guys watching, does it matter."

When Miyajima Tsubaki heard this, he smiled lightly, and through the red wine glass, the whole exuded the charm of a mature and intellectual wife.

Uehara Fuyuno didn't answer on the side, just looked at the four wives and drank a cup of mine.

A moment later....

Uehara Fuyuno looked at the four red-faced women dumbfounded.

"Please! Meihe! I'm going to marry you!!

Aika Sano said as she went to pick up Miho Shirakawa's clothes.

Tsubaki Miyajima next to him held heavy headlights and rode on Fuyuno Uehara's legs.

"You said... Is this thing of mine so unattractive? "

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