[Congratulations to the host for saving a girl in crisis, using the heavy punch of pure love to hunt down two scumbags, the system rating is B, and the reward is -]

[Pure love points: 150. 【

Extraordinary Item: Enhancement Potion.] [

Extraordinary ability: lethargic resistance max. Listening

to the constant sound of prompts ringing in his ears, Fuyuno grinned and walked over to the two who were pretending to be dead.

"Isn't it cold on the ground? Two bits. Hearing

this, Murashita's brows couldn't help but frown, and before he could hold on, the thin monkey next to him couldn't hold it first.

"Big brother! Uncle Fuyuno! I'm innocent, it's all... Yeah! It was all the idea of the beast in Mikami. Saying

that, the thin monkey knelt while kowtowing to Fuyuno.

Uehara Fuyuno still kept smiling, he was not in the mood to watch the two act.

Fuyuno crouched down, grabbed the thin monkey's yellow hair with one hand, and then said to his snot bubbled face.

"It's okay, I'll take the two of you to a fun place later."

Hearing this, the thin monkey's expression stopped, and the village, who was still pretending to be dead on the ground, also wanted to get up.

Without waiting for their next move, Fuyuno struck two heavy punches, and the thin monkey and Murashita instantly stopped moving.

Dragging the two, Fuyuno ran towards the other side of the alley.


for more than ten minutes, Mikami didn't stop until he ran to a bridge hole.

He couldn't help but look back and calmed his breathing for a long time before revealing a hideous expression.

"Grass! Where did the bastard come from, spoiled Lao Tzu's good deeds. Mitsuki

Sumise Mitsuki's proud figure entered his mind, and Mitsuki Sumuse, who was already his plate meal, didn't know where the bastard came from.

Mikami thought of Fuyuno's terrifying skill again, and couldn't help but be a little afraid.

"Damn it, it looks like I have to go to Donggang, huh... Mitsuki's first time... Cheap that old beast gave birth.

"However, I am not Mikami without this evil breath."

Mikami wantonly imagined himself stepping on Fuyuno.

"Oblivious... Haha..." Mikami's

laughter froze as he saw the water reflect behind him, and a figure was revealed.

Mikami's neck was pinched from behind, and both hands were restrained.

"After watching so many anime and web articles, I only learned one thing, that is, to kill decisively and cut grass and roots."

Mikami couldn't refute it, and before he even heard Fuyuno's complete words, he fainted due to lack of breath.

In the darkness, Mikami faintly heard a constant sobbing due to fear.

Mikami opened his eyes sharply, it was a room with only a small lamp, and across from him sat Murashita and Skinny Monkey, the same thing, all three of them were tied with their hands, covered their mouths, and tied to chairs.

"Are you awake?"

Mikami saw Fuyuno take out three potions and forcibly inject them into them.

"Don't worry, it's not toxic, something that enhances interest, this thing is still a waste when used on you."

Fuyuno explained to Mikami with a smile, and then, under Mikami's terrified expression, he untied the rope under the village, locked the door, and walked out.

That's right, what Fuyuno injected them with was a strengthening potion, but he controlled the dose well, not too much, giving them more strength, not too little, and unable to activate the side effects.

And he is injected in batches, that is, the side effects are turn-based and enjoyed three times.

Sure enough, in less than a minute, the slaughter of pigs sounded in the small black room.

"Murashita! What are you doing!



"Skinny monkey, you're crazy."

"Utter madness!!!!!!"

"I'm chao, you ™ pile driver!"

"Born!!!!!! I'm wrong, let me out!

Fuyuno listened to the silence in the room, and also turned on the system and exchanged an item for thirty points.

[Successfully exchanged: Shape Killer]

[Drop on the target, immediately make it shape like flying ash, and no trace can be found.

Fuyuno walked into the house, he didn't look closely, he was afraid of nightmares, he could only say that it was particularly tragic, but he could only say that they deserved it.

"In the next life... No, you don't want to have an next life. Walking

out of the house, Fuyuno looked at the sky and the moon.

[Congratulations to the host for greatly obtaining the settlement rating: S, birth should go where it should go, pure love warriors will never be merciful. ] 【

Get Reward-

】【Pure Love Points: 200

】【Extraordinary Ability: Shooting Max

】【Skill Points: 3】

Fuyuno didn't have much reward for studying the system, and he took a breath.

"It's been delayed for so long, Kaede, Suzu should be worried."

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