It's not polite to peek at someone else's panel.

So even in this case, Asuna tries to avoid staring at the screen, and just wants to open the inventory quickly, but ......

"This ...... What's going on?"

When her eyes glanced over the panel, Asuna couldn't help but exclaim~.

The home page of the system panel is basically divided into three areas.

At the top is the name and elongated health and experience bars, the lower right half is the equipment figure, and the left half is equipped with the command button-list.

Although the style design such as the option image display can be freely customized, the basic configuration cannot be changed.

That being said, Yui's window at the top only shows the strange name of Yui-MHCP001.

Neither health nor experience bars or even levels exist.

Although there are equipment figures, there are many fewer command buttons than usual, only two items and settings.

Seeing that Asuna suddenly stopped moving, Hayabusa, who didn't know why, walked over.

After seeing Yui's panel, Hayabusa also knew the reason.

"That's what it is...... Is there a system bug?"

Asuna muttered.

Hayabusa's eyes rolled and he thought of a reason:

"Probably because Yui is not a normal player, after all, she is not old enough, so it stands to reason that she can't log in.

Although I have landed now, there are some limitations, and it is not impossible. "

Asuna reluctantly accepted his claim.

She shrugged her shoulders and re-moved Yui's fingers to open the inventory.

After placing the sweater picked up from the table, the props were retracted into the panel with a burst of light.

Then drag the name of the sweater onto the gear figure.

"Jingle bell......

In the next moment, with the effect of a bell, particles of light surrounded Yui's body, and the pale pink sweater also materialized.


Seeing the sudden change in the clothes on her body, Yui showed a happy and interesting expression and looked at her body with open arms.

Asuna then outfits Yui with her matching dress, black stockings, and red shoes, and finally puts the dress she was wearing back into the inventory and closes the panel.

It seems very happy to change into a newly dressed Yui, rubbing your cheeks with the gentle texture of a sweater, or pulling the hem of your skirt with both hands.

Sure enough, girls are girls.

Looking at Yui happily, Hayabusa sighed in her heart.

"Alright, ready, let's go. "

"Hmm. Daddy, hugs. "

Yui smiled innocently and stretched out her hands to Hayabusa.

Seeing this, Hayabusa could only drag Yui up with one hand and let her wrap her arms around her neck.

After going out, Asuna's mood was extremely complicated.

She is very fond of Yui's child.

Although she really hopes to find Yui's guardian, Asuna feels very uncomfortable when she thinks about separating from Yui.

It's only been a day since they met, and Yui seems to have completely captured the most tender part of Asuna's heart.

It's been a few months since the last time I came to the first level of the starting town.

Asuna felt mixed emotions as she stood just out of the portal, looking around the huge plaza and the horizontal street opposite.

This is the largest city in Ayn Grant, and the necessary functions for adventure are naturally more abundant than on other floors.

Prices are cheap, and there are many hotels and other businesses, so if you only think about efficiency, this is definitely the best place to use as a base.

It's just that players who have the ability will not make this choice.

Because here, just look up and remember the events of that day.

On that day, Asuna was born.

Looking at the familiar streets, Asuna remembered the beginning of the game, when Asuna locked herself in her hotel room in the town.

Asuna, who was squatting on the bed, kept feeling the chaos for no reason. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

- Sometimes screaming, or banging on walls while shouting.

In the winter of the third year of junior high school, the joint entrance examination will be held soon, and the new semester will come soon.

For Asuna, derailing from this established trajectory is the end of her life.

Asuna was almost mad with daily trouble, but she also had deep, dark convictions.

Rather than worrying about their children's health, her parents must be more disappointing in their daughter who fell off the list because of the game console.

Friends should also lament and pity or laugh at the group's eliminators.

When this black thought reached a critical point, Asuna finally made up her mind and left the hotel.

Instead of waiting for rescue, you have to leave here on your own, that is, become a hero who solves the incident.

Asuna had no other way but to do so.

Asuna gathered her gear, memorized all the reference manuals, and headed for the leveling area.

Sleep only two to three hours a day, and spend the rest of your time working your way up.

Once all the innate intelligence and willpower are used in the game strategy, it doesn't take long to squeeze into the ranks of the highest-level players.

- The Berserker Sparkle Asuna was born.

It was also at that time that Asuna met Hayabusa. []

Looking back on this past, Asuna feels a little pitiful for herself at that time.

At that time, she didn't know what it meant to be alive.

It's just that I keep sacrificing the present and thinking about the future I should have.

The present is simply a process to the right future, so while it becomes the past, it disappears into nothingness without leaving anything behind.

But after meeting Hayabusa, she changed her mind.

People who only pursue the future will move forward like she did in the past, and those who think about the past will only hide in the hotel room with their knees crossed.

But in this world, there are still people who enjoy the present, make memories, and work hard to get out of here.

After Asuna wished she could live like Hayabusa, she changed the color of every day.

If it were now, as long as this person was by his side, even that shell of the real world could be broken.

Asuna leaned over to Hayabusa, who was standing beside her.

Looking up at the stone cover above again, the pain I felt became weak.

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