At this time, the campus was peaceful, and students were noisily scattered on the playground.

The school door was closed, and nothing unusual could be seen on the street outside.

In short - it looks like a normal modern city at this time.

But Hayata knows that the crisis hidden beneath this

"noisy... noisy……"

During the entire recess time, Hayabusa kept his hands on the cement wall, paying attention to what was going on outside.

"Ring ring ring……"

It's a pity that even when the bell rang, nothing unusual happened.

「Could it be that I thought wrong?"

Hayabusa was a little undecided.

In his opinion, in order not to let them take it too easy, the Lord God should officially start the apocalyptic survival mode soon after they came in.

After all, time has passed, and even if others don't know that the world is about to become the end of the world like Hayabusa, it will give them time to make various preparations.

And in fact, the zombie crisis in this world is foreshadowed. Before a large-scale outbreak, many people are infected and then bite others.

But what the news reports said at this time was that those people were simply murdering or being mentally ill, not zombies.

And if they were given time, they would probably know from these clues that a zombie crisis would break out in the world, and then make various preparations.

Just like the protagonists in those novels who are reborn from the apocalypse, they can survive in the next apocalypse just by relying on this foresight.

This is obviously not what the Lord God wants.

Based on this idea, Hayata feels that the zombie crisis will break out soon.

It's just that the get out of class time has passed and there is still no movement, so Hayabusa is a little shaken.

「Class is on now, should I go back?"

Shunta immediately rejected his idea.

If you don’t go to class, you will at most get a few words from the teachers in this world, but if you miss the zombie crisis, you will miss a good opportunity.

「Just wait a little longer. If nothing happens later, I will make some preparations. Hayabusa thought that if the zombie crisis didn't break out immediately, he could make some advance preparations first.

This can firmly occupy the upper hand.

Two minutes later, just when Hayabusa was impatient to wait, he suddenly heard a pleasant female voice coming from downstairs:

"Why don't you go to class?"

"Thinking about something."

The voice that answered her was a young man's voice.

「Someone actually skipped class."

Thinking like this, the somewhat curious Hayabusa leaned forward slightly and looked down from outside.

——I saw a head of slightly messy black hair.

It was a boy wearing the same black uniform of Fujimi Academy as Hayabusa. At this time, he was lying on the stand in the stairwell. The elbow of one arm was stuck on the wall that was half a person's height and was dragging him with his palm. profile.

Because of the angle, Hayata can't see the other person's face.

"And you? Why don't you go to class?"

The boy asked at this time

"I am a top student, so of course I have privileges."

The girl's voice was full of pride.

Since the girl could not be seen from outside, the curious Hayata walked quietly to the stairs and looked down.

What caught his eyes was the green girl. She wore a school uniform and pink twintails.

The girl had her hands folded on her chest and wore glasses, which gave her a arrogant look.

Although Hayabusa could only see the side of her face, he recognized her immediately. The other party.

Saya Takagi, one of the main female characters in"XX Apocalypse", a girl with arrogant glasses.

However, tsundere seems to be out of fashion now.

Saya Takagi, as a well-known beautiful girl in the school, There is some information in the information given by the Lord God.

「This beautiful girl is Takagi. In that case, the other boy would be the male protagonist Komuro Takashi. Hayabusa quickly deduced the identity of the boy. After all, as a beautiful girl + a top student + a young lady from a distinguished family, Takagi Saya didn’t have anyone she could talk to at school.

「This scene is somewhat familiar. I remember that there was such a scene at the beginning of the anime."

The familiar scene in front of him stimulated Hayata's memory and recalled some information.

Although he could no longer remember the specific conversation between the two in the anime, there was indeed such a scene.

「In this case……」

Hayata returned to the edge of the bleachers again and looked up in the direction of the school gate - but it was still calm and empty.

Takagi Saya and Komuro Takashi said a few words and left, leaving Komuro Takashi alone.

After Gao Cheng Saya left, the unchanged scenery at the gate finally changed - a figure wandered towards the school.

The gate of Fujimi Academy is made of welded iron bars, so Hayabusa can see outside through the gap in the middle of the gate iron bars.

The figure lowered his head and staggered slowly to the front of the door.

At this time, Hayabusa could already see clearly that this was a middle-aged man.

The man was wearing a suit and leather tie and looked like an office worker.

The door is locked with an iron chain - it is a school after all, and outsiders are not allowed to enter.

The uncle didn't seem to see any obstacles in front of him, he just hit the iron door like that.


The door clicked when it hit.

Because of the interaction of forces, the uncle took a step back, but as if he didn't notice that he hit something, he took another step forward and hit the door.


Just like that, he persevered and hit the door again and again, and was knocked back again and again. The big movement at the door immediately attracted the attention of the teachers passing nearby, and a female teacher walked towards the door and walked away. past

「It’s begun. Hayata immediately understood that the uncle outside the door was a zombie.

He knew that the zombie crisis had broken out, and many places in the city should have fallen by now.

Now that it was determined that survival in the apocalypse had begun, Hayata no longer wasted time and walked directly downstairs.

"dong dong dong……"

The sound of Hayata coming down the stairs immediately caught Komuro Takashi's attention. He turned to look at the stairs behind him and saw Hayata coming down from the fourth floor.

Hayata also glanced at him, sizing up the male protagonist.

Komuro Takashi should be about the same height as Hayabusa. He looks very strong, but in terms of appearance, he is very average.

Overall, he is an ordinary person.

Well, many male protagonists in anime are like this.

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