“This is it.”

Along the way, Zenyuan Maki and three other people also killed a few curse spirits they encountered.

Without wasting time, they came to the place where the first-level curse was located in the intelligence.

This is a small square.

In the central lighted fountain, the light emitted There is a curse aura that can only be seen by those who have the power of the curse.

The aura of the curse is very strong.

It turns into wisps of black and gray power lingering above the pool.

“This strong curse is indeed a first-level curse.”

Zenyuan Maki said, looking at the magic power gathered above the pool from a distance.

“But why does it feel a little strange?”

“Why does this curse show no aggression at all, but we are all so close?”

The panda scratched his fat, furry face, showing a look of confusion.


Goujuanji also expressed his doubts.

“Are you afraid of us?”

The panda said in confusion.

The next second, the magic power lingering above the pool suddenly began to riot.

One after another magic power continued to flow into the bottom of the pool.

“wrong! It is gathering magic power to advance to the special level!”

Zenyuan Maki noticed the abnormality, and immediately held the spear and magic tool with both hands and rushed towards the pool.

At the same time, the same was true for the panda and the dog Juan Jian.

While running, the panda wore a pair of clothes with cute patterns printed on them. refers to tiger.

Goujuanji took off the collar that was high enough to cover his mouth, revealing the incantation on the corner of his mouth.

He opened his mouth and said towards the direction of the pool:


As the sound came out, the originally rioting spell power and the spell hidden under the pool were momentarily stagnant.

As a member of the curse master clan, Dog Curly Thorn’s birth spell is [spell].

He can speak language. Generate a curse and take effect.

But advanced spells also come with greater risks, and the spell power consumes a lot.

He stopped and coughed a few times.



The panda jumped up high, and punched the pool as it fell.

The curse spirit hidden under the pool was forced out.

He walked around to the other side of the waiting Zenyuan Maki, waving the spear spell tool with both arms, and fiercely The ground hit the cursed spirit.

It pulled it out more than thirty meters away, smashing several decorations along the way. It stopped and stood up unsteadily. Only then did Zenyuan Maki and others see clearly. The face of this cursed spirit is revealed.

It is three meters tall, like a wild man, with its body and face hidden under thick hair.

It has hands and four legs.

It looks particularly weird, making people look a bit funny..

However, the strong and thick murderous intention and ominous curse aura emanating from his body are such that no one dares to underestimate him.

“Although it has not been promoted to the first level, in terms of strength, it is probably stronger than the first level curse I encountered last time that can contain other curse spirits!”

“Perhaps it can already be called a quasi-special grade!”

Zhanyuan Maki looked at this cursed spirit filled with bloodthirsty and murderous intent, with a somewhat solemn expression.

The panda also had a serious face.

It was the first time that they faced each other after being cursed by a first-level cursed spirit.

“Dog Juan, are you okay?”

Zenyuan Maki didn’t look back and said to the dog Juanji behind.


Because the spell was us

ed on a spell spirit of this level, the spell power of the dog curling thorn was a bit consumed, and it also put a certain burden on the throat.

However, he could still bear it.

At this time, because of the desire to continue to improve, he The interrupted quasi-super-class curse spirit flashed a red light from its eyes under its thick hair.

The figure suddenly disappeared.

“Kill… you!”


Zhanyuan Maki’s pupils shrank, and she shouted a reminder to the panda beside her.

The next second, the panda that was just about to defend was knocked away and fell to the ground and rolled several times before stopping.


Zenyuan Maki brandished a spear and a magic tool to attack the wild man’s magic spirit.

The latter was about to turn around, but heard the sound of a dog rolling a thorn in the distance.


A heavy force suddenly pressed on the body of the Savage Curse, making its movements difficult.

Zenyuan Maki’s attack also came as expected, hitting the latter’s head heavily.

The powerful force made the Savage Curse Spider-web-like cracks appeared on the ground under the spirit’s feet, and the body sank several centimeters.

When Zenyuan Maki wanted to continue attacking, she was blown away by the powerful spell force of the wild man’s curse spirit.

She plunged her spear into the ground, After plowing out a few more meters, she stopped flying upside down. She pulled out the spear on the ground, swung it behind her in a fighting stance.

On the other side,

Dog Curly Squirted a throat smoothing agent into her mouth, slowing down the movement. The burden of the curse on the throat.

The panda also stood up, and the pain at the place where it was hit stimulated it.

Its body changed.

The body became more burly and majestic, with faint features of an orangutan.

The original naive appearance revealed Showing ferocity and power, his eyes flashed with purple light.

At this time,

Dog Juanji, Zenyuan Maki, and Panda surrounded the Savage Curse Spirit on three sides in the middle.

And the latter also walked out from the sunken ground.


It let out a roar that resounded throughout the square.

The terrifying magic power was released from its body.

Then, it condensed a high-concentration magic bullet and threw it at Dog Curly Thorn.

As a curse that exceeded the first level Spirit, it has a certain amount of wisdom and can also speak human words.

In the short battle just now,

Dog Juanji had great restrictions on itself, so it was the first to attack Dog Juanji.


The curse was activated.

The spell bomb immediately fell to the ground and exploded.


The astonishing power caused the ground to shake slightly, and a large pit with a diameter of ten meters appeared in front of Dog Juanji.

Zenyuan Maki and the transformed panda launched an offensive against the savage curse spirit at the same time.


“This is the battle in the magic world, it is really amazing, and the current battle is much more intense than the one I have seen before!”

“This level of scale is simply not comparable to the battle between ghouls and CCGs!”

In the distance, hidden on the top of a building, he watched the battle between Zen Yuan Maki and the three people and the savage curse spirit from a distance.

Fangcun Aite’s heart was shaken, and he couldn’t help but said to himself in amazement. ps: The evaluation vote and the monthly ticket are all the same I’m not moving anymore. I’m looking for data. I’m looking for data. (The picture shows Dog Curly Thorn)

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