It’s a new school day.

As usual, Liu Chen met my wife Yuno at the station where he took the tram to school.

The two of them went to school together.

Walking on the campus, Liu Chen looked in one direction


“What’s wrong, Chen?”

“Yuno, please go to the classroom first.”

My wife Yuno nodded. After watching Liu Chen leave, he also went to the classroom.

The direction Liu Chen was heading towards was the grove.

Because he saw a pair of familiar blond hair and twin ponytails.

The other party had a pink one around his waist. Shark waist bag, with his hands behind his back. The two blond pony tails with split ends swayed in the air following the girl’s brisk footsteps.

In the small forest, Matsushima Mitsuru looked around, as if he was looking for something.

“Do you hide any hidden secrets in this small forest?”


Matsushima was startled.

When he turned around and saw Liu Chen, he said angrily:

“Why do you walk without making any sound? It scares me to death.”

“Is it because you are too involved in it?”

Liu Chen came to Songdao Man and looked at the surrounding environment.

“So, are you looking for it?”

“Humph, I’m not looking for anything… Meow~”

Matsushima folded his arms and hummed a little arrogantly.

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a cute cat meow from behind.

“Kitty meow!”

Matsushima’s eyes showed a hint of surprise, and he turned back to look at the owner of the voice.

“I see. Are you here for this cat?”

Liu Chen looked at the little black cat that was not much bigger than a palm and came to Matsushima Manchu with kitten steps.

It looked cute and had its tail swaying behind it.

“””Nine-eight-three” is not the case. I just happened to come here. I didn’t expect that there would be kittens here.……”

Liu Chen’s voice also brought Matsushima back to his senses, and he quickly calmed down his expression and pretended to be normal.

But the performance just now has already exposed the purpose of this blond girl with twin ponytails.


The little black cat came to Matsushima Mitsuru’s feet and rubbed Matsushima Mitsuru’s shoes with his body.


Matsushima Man secretly glanced at Liu Chen, but still couldn’t help taking out a small piece of biscuit from his pink shark pocket.

After breaking it into pieces, he put it in the palm of his hand and squatted down to feed it to the little black cat.

The little black cat came up to eat it without sniffing it carefully with its little nose.

This skilled interaction seemed like it was not the first time.

The girl looked at the little black cat who was concentrating on eating the biscuit in her hand with cute movements, her eyes showing love and happiness.

The other hand touched the little black cat’s head.

The latter also cupped Matsushima Mitsuru’s palm with some enjoyment.

Liu Chen looked at this warm and beautiful scene. After the little black cat finished eating all the cookies, he tilted his head slightly and asked:

“I’ve never seen one before. Is this a wild cat that recently entered the school?”

“I don’t know who was so cruel and abandoned Maomiao.”

Matsushima patted the cookie residue on his hand and stroked the skirt of his school uniform.

Looking at the little black cat lying lazily on the lawn with his belly exposed, he smiled and stroked the little black cat’s belly.

“The cat I met outside school a few days ago, after feeding me some biscuits, seemed to like me and followed me to school.”

“If you are discovered, you will be kicked out, right? It seems that pets are prohibited in schools”

“Well…it’s true, but it would be too pitiful to leave this child alone.”

“Since you like it, wouldn’t you consider taking it home and adopting it?”

Liu Chen looked at the blond girl with twin ponytails.

“I live with a few girls, and……”


At this time, the girl seemed to have lost a bit of her usual vitality, and an inexplicable look appeared on her expression.

But it flashed away.

Matsushima Mitsuru smiled at Liu Chen again

“No, nothing”


Looking at the latter, Liu Chen said nothing.

A blush appeared on the girl’s flawless cheeks, and she said in a panic:

“Why, why are you looking at me like that?”

“I guess I won’t lose a piece of meat when I look at you. You usually spend a lot of time looking at me. Liu

Chen said calmly

“W-what, I don’t have that!”

Time passed.

There was not much time left before the morning class. After Matsushima touched the little black cat, he left here with Liu Chen with some reluctance.

The little black cat also turned over and ran away. Small woods.

A math class in the morning.

Because the first week of school has passed, the teaching content has also passed the initial introductory stage.

After finishing the last question, the class bell rang.

The math teacher arranged The content and homework of the next class left the classroom.

And Mitsuru Matsushima, looking at the math textbook on the table, felt dizzy.

She didn’t understand the question the teacher just finished at all.

Let alone Do it again.

Holding the pen in her hand, Matsushima Mitsuru looked at the math problem that made her brain start to smoke, and her eyes almost turned into mosquito-repellent eyes. A voice brought her back to reality from the sea of math problems. Come

“Man, haven’t you had any vitamin C drinks today?”

“What, vitamin C……”

As he spoke, Matsushima Mitsuru’s cheeks began to gradually turn red.

Because last time I drank a lot of vitamin C drink in front of Liu Chen and said that I must impress Liu Chen.

Later, I was told by Amano Hina that vitamin C is not what makes people smart.

DHA is found in the brains of fish.

At that time, Songdao was so embarrassed that he wanted to find a crack in the ground and burrow into it.

Fortunately, Liu Chen was not there at that time.

Then she no longer resisted drinking vitamin C drinks.

“Hey, that’s so long!”

Looking at the tsundere girl who had recovered again, it seemed as if the inexplicable and complicated expression she saw in the morning was just an illusion.

Liu Chen put one hand on his waist and said:

“If you drink more, maybe you can solve this problem.”


Matsushima Man noticed that this guy was teasing him again.

He glared at Liu Chen angrily

“Well, after all, it is full, so this question should be done like this”

“Humph, what do you mean, after all, it’s me.……”

Matsushima Mitsuru looked at Liu Chen who came here and wrote out the steps to solve the problem with a pen. He folded his arms and snorted proudly.

“I didn’t ask you to help me…but thank you anyway”


Time flies by like a flash, and soon the day passes.

Liu Chen walked out of the classroom with Hanekawa Tsubasa, Amano Haruna, and Matsushima Mitsuru.

Behind, Kirishima Touka also packed her schoolbag and left the class.

Several people said this and chatted before arriving at the school gate.

There seemed to be some commotion at the school gate.

Several g

irls are discussing

“There is a very gentleman outside the school, he looks like a nobleman”

“Yes, why are you here? Who is your relative?” (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“But even though that guy is very handsome, he still can’t compare to my Chenjun.”

“Although that gentleman is indeed no match for Chenjun, but what is your Chenjun is my Chenjun!”

“We are good sisters, and you actually said that to me? In this case, I will give you the gentleman at the school gate. Chenjun belongs to me!”

“You are the body of Lord Chen, if you draw the sword, Lord Chen will belong to me, and that person will belong to you!”


Matsushima opened his dead eyes and listened to the discussion of the plastic sisters pinching him next to him.

Then I was a little curious.

It’s not that I’m curious about how handsome the person at the door is, or what a fine gentleman he is.

I was just curious as to who the person who caused the commotion at the door was waiting for.

As he got closer, he could see the gentleman among the girls who were surrounding him and asking for their contact information.

She suddenly noticed that the other party seemed to be looking this way.

And also showed a gentle smile.

Matsushima Man followed the other person’s line of sight and discovered that the other person seemed to be looking at Liu Chen among them.

“Isn’t that one coming to find you?”

“Well, it looks like he actually came to find me.……”

Liu Chen knew since yesterday that he was being targeted by the other party.

But he didn’t expect that the other party was so impatient and came to school to wait for him the next day.

Since this gentleman-like aristocratic ghoul is so eager to seek death.

Then, just deal with the other party today.

“ha? Do you still know this kind of person?”

The man in the red suit gave him an indescribable strangeness.

Matsushima Man looked at Liu Chen in surprise and said

“do not know”


At this time, several people also came to the school gate.

Yueshan Xi walked out from surrounded by several girls and came to Liu Chen

“Mr. Chen, I think we might have had some misunderstandings yesterday.”


Liu Chen will not treat the ghoul in front of him who has ill intentions towards him like he treats the girls around him.

He said in a calm voice

“In order to express my apology, I took the liberty to come here to wait for Chenjun. I want to invite Chenjun to have dinner with me in my restaurant.”

“I see.”

Seeing that Liu Chen didn’t refuse this time, Yueshan Xi’s eyes flashed with excitement and desire.

His throat rolled, but he suppressed his desire for delicious food.

Hold on a little longer, hold on a little longer!

Soon you will be able to taste this beautiful feast!

He opened his arms with a slightly elevated mood, seeming to be solemn and honored in a noble and ceremonial posture.

“Great, I’m still worried about what I should do if Chenjun refuses again”

“In this case, the car is over there, we……”

At this time, a girl’s figure walked over.

When Yue Shanxi noticed the visitor, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes, and then he greeted with a smile:

“Oh, did Kirishima-san also go to school here? It’s been a long time no see.”

“What are you doing here?”

Kirishima Touka knows the other person.

Gourmet, Tsukiyama Shu.

Sometimes he goes to the antique to drink coffee.

But she doesn’t have a good attitude towards this pervert, and is even a little disgusted.

“I just want to invite Chenjun to my dinner party as an apology for my rudeness yesterday.”

Tsukiyama Hao said elegantly.

Kirishima Touka looked at Tsukiyama Hao who had a desire to eat that could only be detected by a ghoul in his eyes. He just felt that the other person was a funny clown.

It’s not good to find anyone, you have to find him. A super existence that no longer belongs to the specifications of the ghoul and CCG industry as a target.

She does not believe that Liu Chen did not discover the face of this disgusting guy.

In her eyes, Tsukiyama Xi’s ending is already doomed

“Um? Ms. Kirishima, is there anything you want to say?”


After saying that, Kirishima Touka glanced at Liu Chen without leaving any trace.

Then he bypassed Tsukiyama Xi and left.

“Then, Mr. Chen, let’s go too.”

Yue Shanxi showed the invitation etiquette of a gentleman, and the people behind him also made way for Liu Chen, leading directly to a luxury car parked opposite.

Liu Chen said hello to the girls and sat in the back.

And Yue Shan Xi sat in the passenger seat.

As the car drove away,

Matsushima Mancai complained:

“Wow, that person just now felt so weird”

“He is the young master of the Yueshan family, Xiu Yueshan. He is also featured on the cover of some fashion magazines.”

“Yueshan family? what is that?”

Amano Harina looked at Hanekawa Tsubasa a little curiously.

“The Yueshan family is a family that has been in Neon for hundreds of years and is very powerful in both the financial and financial circles.”

“so smart!”

Matsushima was a little shocked.


Moon Mountain Restaurant.

As a high-end restaurant, it is not located in a bustling street, but in a somewhat remote area.

The investigation of the high-end restaurant owned by Tsukiyama Shu is in progress 0.2, with Ibeoru and Manato Akatsuki.

Right outside this restaurant.

Thanks to the thoughtful advice of Mato Akatsuki.

Both Yi Bingru and Manato Akatsuki were in a nearby hidden place, observing the diners entering and leaving this high-end restaurant during the day.

Both of them were wearing casual clothes and had portable Kuinks hidden on their bodies.

After all, CCG’s clothing and the suitcase containing Kuink are too conspicuous.

If you are discovered by a ghoul, you will definitely be alerted.

And after a day, they found nothing unusual.

The number of diners coming in and out is not large, which is in line with the regularity of dining.

But it was late afternoon.

However, they noticed that some gorgeously dressed men and women in formal attire entered the restaurant one after another.

Akatsuki Mano noticed something strange:

“Is there going to be a banquet here today?”

“Let’s just go in and take a look.”

Yi Bingru said.

Mato Akatsuki was a little hesitant. After all, there is a high probability that there are ghouls here.

And there may be more than one, and it may even be a gathering point for ghouls.

She plans to send it to CCG first News.

If anything unusual happens in the restaurant, immediately initiate support.

However, at this moment, a high-end black car drove over and finally stopped at the entrance of this high-end restaurant.

Guards greeted him. He walked out of it There was a figure that was quite familiar to Yi Bingru.

She opened her eyes slightly:

“Achen?!” ps: Thank you to the 1000 VIP point reward from Zhuantou Niao 3, continue to ask for first order, custom order and everything! (The picture is Songdao Man).

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