And her original status as a saint was also deprived of her, and finally she was exiled by the church...

Even for the sake of the good intentions in her heart, she could continue to use the power of the artifact to treat illnesses and save people, so she took refuge in the fallen angels. However, in the eyes of those people, she is just a tool...

"U-um...can you tell me where the church is? I-I just came to this town and I'm a little confused about the direction..."

Glancing at the suitcase behind the girl, Nishimiya nodded slightly.

Has the plot actually developed to this point...

After thinking for a few seconds, Nishimiya said with a smile.

"I see... By the way, no one came to pick you up? Did you come here alone?"

"Yes, it is."

The little nun seemed very nervous. Even though Nishimiya acted friendly, she was still a little timid.

Seeing this, Nishimiya smiled sadly.

"Don't be so nervous! I'm not a bad person, just an ordinary high school student."

At this moment, a cooing sound came from the little nun, and her little face was instantly filled with crimson.

"Are you hungry? There's not much to eat in a place like this. How about I take you to a place to fill your stomach first, and then lead you to the church in this town?"

"Really, really!? Thank you so much! The Lord will always bless you!"

A hint of surprise flashed in the little nun's eyes. She didn't expect that the first person willing to talk to her after she came to this city would be such a friendly and kind person.

"Of course, oh yes! My name is Nishimiya Ya."

Seeing the surprised look on the girl's face, Nishimiya nodded with a smile, and then reported his name.

"Nishinomiya night...Nishinomiya night..."

The little nun muttered the name of the young man in front of her in a low voice. It took a while before she seemed to realize what she was doing. She felt helpless and mustered up the courage to bow to Nishimiya Ye.

"H-Hello! I-I'm Aisha, Aisha Alget."

The next second, the innocent little nun looked at Nishimiya Ye with a firm expression and said.


It was getting dark.

Carrying the girl's suitcase, Nishimiya took Aisha to the family restaurant he often went to.

Nishimiya sat opposite the little nun named Aisha. There were two bowls of rice and several common Chinese dishes on the dining table.

The girl looked at the food in front of her in surprise and was a little overwhelmed. After all, she had grown up in Europe, and she had never been exposed to this kind of oriental dining.

"Don't just look at it, this restaurant is very famous. I heard that the owner is from China and this restaurant has been open for many years. I believe you will definitely be satisfied."

"Yes, really!? China... Well! It is indeed a magical country, but..."

Aisha looked at Nishimiya Ye in surprise, smiled and nodded. Then after hesitating for a moment, she said carefully.

"In that case, then, I'm not welcome..."

As she said that, Aisha picked up the rice bowl in front of her, but she seemed to know nothing about chopsticks and utensils. She just held the chopsticks tightly in her hands, not knowing how to start and was a little at a loss.

Seeing this scene, Nishimiya Ye couldn't help but laugh.

"That's not how you use chopsticks. It's up to me."

Nishimiya directly demonstrated the use of chopsticks to the girl. While explaining, he motioned to the girl to pick up the chopsticks and learn from them.

After about five minutes, Aisha finally understood how to use chopsticks.

So the girl reluctantly finished the meal with very stiff movements.

"Thank you very much for the hospitality, Mr. Nishimiya! This meal can be said to be the best meal I have ever had."

Drinking the hot tea after the meal, Aisha expressed her gratitude to Nishimiya with a smile on her face.

"Don't be so exaggerated, it's the best..."

The smile on Nishimiya Ye's face gradually turned into helplessness. What she said was too pitiful...

"not real!"

Aisha waved her hands and said quickly.

"I used to only eat bread and soup from church, but this is the first time I have eaten such a delicious meal. I am really happy!"

There was a bright smile on the girl's face, and that sincere feeling made Nishimiya clearly understand that she was not just talking! This was really how she lived before!

After thinking about his words for a while, Nishimiya asked directly.

"Then Aisha, I suggest you don't go to the church in this city."


Aisha, who was drinking hot tea happily, suddenly stopped moving her hands, and her expression became a little surprised.

Putting down the tea cup in her hand, the girl asked the boy in front of her with confusion.

"Why do you say that, Mr. Nishimiya?"

"Why...I hope Aisha won't get excited after listening to this."

Nishimiya sighed softly, and then also put down the tea cup in his hand, a trace of solemnity flashed in his eyes.


Elsa nodded equally seriously.

She had a feeling that the next topic might be very serious.

Then, under Aisha's gaze, Nishimiya slowly spoke.

"The church here no longer exists... I heard that it has been occupied by fallen angels and lost priests for a long time. It seems that all the original church members have been killed, and those fallen angels and lost priests will kill people for no reason. According to the rumors, it seems to be a purge of heretics..."


Listening to Nishimiya's narration, Aisha fell directly into a sluggish state...

It was obvious that she couldn't accept the news.

(PS: New book, Tender Miao, please collect it, please give me rewards, please give me flowers, please vote for your support~! The picture shows Aisha).

Chapter 22

In the family restaurant, other places are in full swing, but the table in the corner is extremely quiet.

"Yes...that's it..."

The little nun didn't know how long she was silent before she murmured in a low voice, but her eyes seemed as if the sky had fallen and they lost their luster.

"T-If you put it this way, I don't even have... I don't even have the last place to stay..."


Nishimiya looked at the girl with a complicated expression. If he could, he would not think about this cruel fact about this innocent girl.

However, this was not possible. He could not just watch Aisha jump into the fire pit and become the tool of the fallen angel.

"It's okay... Mr. Nishimiya, I believe you."

The girl's face was full of sadness. She had clearly promised herself that the organization that was willing to take her in was a collection of devout believers.

Why is it like this now...

"Can you tell me what happened? I can still do this as a qualified listener."

Hearing Nishimiya's words, the little nun seemed a little hesitant, but after thinking for a long time, she finally made up her mind and met Nishimiya's eyes.

"I was born in a European countryside. I was abandoned by my parents shortly after I was born, and then abandoned at the gate of an orphanage."

Aisha paused, and then continued to speak with a complicated expression.

"I think you can imagine what happened next, Mr. Nishimiya. I grew up in an orphanage, and when I was about eight years old, I awakened the artifact. It was the power that could completely restore injuries to their original state.

Then I was discovered by the church priest and taken to the headquarters. I have the power of healing and have taken on the title of saint. To be honest, this kind of name is really embarrassing... and then..."

Nishimiya listened quietly to the girl's story. Compared with understanding it from the picture, hearing this kind of thing with his own ears really made him feel a little complicated.

"You said you healed a wounded demon?"

Listening to Aisha's story, Nishimiya raised his eyebrows unconsciously.

Even though he had known about this for a long time, he still couldn't help but sigh at the kindness of this girl.

"Is...what's wrong with this?"

Elsa's smile turned a little sad. From her point of view, Nishimiya seemed a little disgusted with the fact that she had cured the devil.

"That's right, because the power of the Lord will not give any protection to the devil."

Whether it's in the Bible or other myths and legends.

The devil is undoubtedly synonymous with darkness and evil, and is the culprit responsible for the fall of mankind.

In the history of the development of this world, the forces of heaven, dominated by gods, did frequently go to war with the demons living in the underworld a long time ago. The fight even reached the point where both sides were injured, and then they reluctantly stopped.

At the same time, that war also created the current situation of demons, angels, and fallen angels cultivating themselves.

Therefore, for a church that believes in God, it has the ability to heal even demons who are not protected by the Lord. This kind of power has long been contrary to the Lord's will and has become a so-called heresy.

Even if he didn't know anything about this girl, Nishimiya could easily imagine what her final fate would be.

And the saddest thing is the people attracted by Elsa's artifact. In the end, no one was willing to stand up and defend her. People who were extremely friendly to her in the past, after learning about that incident, their kindness towards her also turned into disgust and hatred.

It's just because she bears the title of 'witch'.

“It must be that I don’t have enough faith in the Lord, so the Lord chose to abandon me, right?”

The girl smiled and said this to Nishimiya Ye.

But to Nishimiya Ye, that smile looks too sad no matter how you look at it...

"So this is all my fault. If only I could be more careful when saving Mr. Demon..."

From Elsa's sad smile and sincere words, Nishimiya could tell that these were completely true words from the girl's heart. Even though she was treated like that, she still believed in the God of the Bible who had disappeared long ago, and even placed all the faults on herself.

I believe that one day I will be able to obtain salvation from the God of the Bible...

The world is neither black nor white, but a delicate grey.

Where there is intelligent life, there is darkness. And what Aisha experienced was the darkness of heaven and the church. Although there are various factors, darkness is darkness.

It's obviously the fault of that and the devil, but he imposes the sin on himself.

This child is too innocent and kind.

Nishimiya shook his head secretly.

"As expected...I still don't have a good impression of the church."

Nishimiya murmured to himself.

"Hmm? Mr. Nishimiya, did you say anything?"

Aisha tilted her head, as if she didn't hear what Nishimiya said to herself just now.

"It's nothing, it's just small things, you don't have to worry about it."

Nishimong Ye smiled and shook his head, suppressing his unhappiness in his heart calmly.

"So you, who were completely abandoned by the church, had no choice but to take refuge in the 'devout believers' organization run by the fallen angels when you had no other choice?"

"Yes, yes... Because there is no place I can go back to... It doesn't matter even if I am a fallen angel. As long as I can continue to save the suffering people, it doesn't matter how I am treated."

Aisha said with dark eyes. Even though she already knew the whole story, Nishimiya felt a different kind of emotion.

She became a tool for the church to gather faith, and then was kicked off the altar and given the title of "witch". Finally, she took refuge in the fallen angels when she was desperate... This was still too cruel for a girl of her age.

But now she actually has no complaints at all, blaming all the faults on herself, and still believes in the so-called Bible God...

Well, since he had the ability to save this poor child from that situation, he would do it. Even if there is no system, he will still do this!

Perhaps it was out of pity, or maybe it was because of Aisha's appearance and personality that he had the desire to protect her?

Who knows.

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