Looking at Yuuki Asuina's soul in his hand, a smile appeared on Mu Bai's face.

"If you want to kill me, then this is yours!"

Facing the threat of An Bei Zhongxing, Mu Bai sneered and said.

An Bei Zhongxing looked at Mu Bai, his eyes suddenly became hideous, and then in the next moment, An Bei Zhongxing shouted directly: "Kill him!"

Obviously, Anbei Tadayuki has already decided to kill Mu Bai, and no matter what, Anbei Tadayuki wants to recapture another part of Yuuki Asuna's soul.

Yuki Asukina has the potential to become a twelve-day general, and Anbei Zhongxing is determined to become a great onmyoji who can be compared to Anbei Qingming, so Anbei Qingming has a twelve-day general, and Anbei Zhongxing must also have.

So even if he kills Mu Bai here, An Bei Zhongxing will not hesitate to do so.

It's a pity that Mu Bai just sneered at what An Bei Zhongxing said, and Ming looked at the Shishen who came out of the shadow under An Beizhongxin's feet, and the golden light flashed in the next moment, and a sword directly nailed Anbei Zhongxing's Shishen to the ground, and the next moment the black smoke rose, and Anbei Zhongxing's Shishen died directly.

An Bei Zhongxing was stunned for a moment, then looked at Mu Bai and said: "I see, it seems that I underestimated you, I originally thought that someone was just building momentum for you, but I didn't expect you to actually step into the extraordinary, this time you won, but I will definitely take it from Yuki Tomorrow." "

After saying that, Anbei Zhongxing's body shrank directly and slowly, and then turned into a paper figure and fell to the ground, no, there were two paper figures that fell on the ground, and one of them vaguely looked like Yuuki Asuna.

Mu Bai walked over and picked up the paper figure of Yuki Asukina, and then looked at the paper figure that Anbei Zhongxing incarnated and dropped, and a cold color flashed in his eyes.

"Yuro, come out. "

Huakaiyuan Yuluo walked out, and then looked at Mu Bai and said: "The other party is indeed an onmyoji, and his strength surpasses me, even my grandfather, the other party's mind is attached to the paper man to form an out-of-body incarnation, even if the paper man is injured and dies, there will be no damage, but the strength will also drop significantly." "

Mu Bai looked at the paper man who was loyal to Anbei, smiled and didn't say anything, this person understands people, and he can't retreat directly, so that Mu Bai didn't catch any of his handles at all.

"Although the other party may not be the original appearance, but it's better to take a look at it later, I believe that the other party should not be a very simple character. "

Mu Bai is very sure that this guy is probably still planning this bigger plan behind his back, the other party knows himself, and the other party's yin and yang strength...

Thinking of this, Mu Bai suddenly said to Yuluo in Huakaiyuan: "Yuluo, you said that there are those people in Chongying who can do this kind of thing, who is the most likely?"

Huakaiyuan Yuluo said directly without any hesitation: "Legend has it that the great onmyoji An Bei is very good at using this kind of external incarnation technique, so the most likely is the descendants of An Bai Qingming, but the descendants of An Bai Qingming split into the An Bai clan and the Tuyumen clan, and Anbei and Tuyumen are both descendants of An Bai Qingming, but later I don't know for what reason, An Bei split into Anbei and Tuyumen, but if you want to say who is the most likely, then there is no doubt that it is the Anbei family!"

Huakaiyuan Yuluo's answer made Mu Bai smile, and sure enough, it was the same as Mu Bai thought, the Anbei clan and the Tuyumen clan had the biggest suspicion, and Mu Bai could see the matter of the Fujiwara family clearly before.

Those old guys of the Fujiwara family want to restore the identity of the Chinese family, but if Mu Bai is not mistaken, the Anbei family is also Chinese, and before being subdued by the Ming Dynasty, the Anbai family has always been a doctor of astronomy who served the Chongying royal family.

Speaking of which, the Chongying Imperial Family did not kill all of them at the beginning, but just demoted the other party to a common person, so will the other party be entangled together?

Mu Bai's mind was spinning, but there was no words on his face, and he directly took out the paper man and the doll in his hand, and when the paper man and the doll appeared at the same time, it seemed as if there was a suction, and the soul in the paper man and the soul in the doll suddenly became one.

Mu Bai was worried about how to return Yuki Asuka's soul before, but now it seems that there is no need to worry.

A smile rose at the corner of his mouth, the doll in his hand became more and more agile, and the paper figure was completely turned into ashes, Mu Bai said to Yuluo in Huakaiyuan: "Yuluo, now we can go back." "

Hua Kaiyuan Yuzu nodded.

Returning to Yuuki's house, Mubai handed the doll to Hanagain Yura, and Hanagain Yura began to return Yuuki's soul to her body.

It's just that...

Seeing that Yuuki Asuka's soul couldn't enter his body after coming out of the doll, it was as if there was a wall of air blocking Yuuki Asuki's soul back into Yuuki Asuki's body.

Hanakaiin Yuzuro continues to increase the output of aura.,Want to send Yuki Asuka's soul into Yuuki Asuna's body.,But。。。

That wall is in the way.

"Smack. "

Mu Bai snapped his fingers, and the divine wine appeared in Mu Bai's hand.

"Yuro, drink it. "


wine of the gods was sent to the flower blossom courtyard Yuluo's lips changed, the flower blossom courtyard Yuluo did not suspect it, and drank it directly, and the god wine entered the body of the flower blossom courtyard Yuluo, and suddenly turned into an aura, which quickly spread to the limbs of the flower blossom courtyard Yuluo, supplementing the aura consumed by the flower blossom courtyard Yuluo.

And Mu Bai looked at Yuki Asuna, and walked over directly to pick up the divine wine and poured it on Yuki Asuna, but Yuuki Asuna can't drink it at all now.

Mu Bai looked at Kyoko Yuki and Shozo Yuuki: "I'm sorry, it's urgent, please forgive me." "

He took the god's wine in his mouth, and then Mubai fed the god's wine to Yuuki Asuka.

After the wine of the gods entered Yuuki Asuka's body, the wall that blocked the soul from entering suddenly disappeared, and Yuuki Asuka's soul smoothly entered Yuuki Asuka's body.

Yuluo breathed a sigh of relief, and then a wave of alcohol suddenly made Yuluo's head dizzy, and then he lay down directly with a click.

Yuuki Shozo saw that Yuzu Luo in Hankaiyuan fainted, and he didn't care about Mu Bai feeding his daughter imported wine in front of him, so he hurriedly prepared to call the doctor.

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