On the rooftop, Mu Bai looked at Ai Hayasaka and said: "Anyway, have you seen Infernal Affairs, if not, why do you have to choose the rooftop for the conversation meeting, you must know that the policeman in Infernal Affairs was thrown downstairs." "

Mu Bai looked at Ai Hayasaka and teased, but Ai Hayasaka said to Mu Bai: "I think Miss Kaguya should have already told you what that guy from Shinomiya Huangguang asked me to do." "

"I know, and then that's why you asked me to come to the rooftop because you wanted to... I didn't expect you to play so much in Hayasaka.,Here.。。。 "

Looking at Mu Bai, Hayasaka couldn't bear it anymore, and said to Mu Bai: "Shut up, you guy, I'm not looking for you to say this, but when are you going to do it." "

Mu Bai only asked Hayasaka Ai when he would do something to the Sigong Huangguang, and said to Hayasaka Ai with a smile: "It's not time yet, the Sigong Huangguang is still useful, so I won't do it to the Sigong Huangguang now, after all, there is still a need to use the Sigong Huangguang." "

"When is it going to take you until I tell Kaguya-sama that you've always been planning to use Kaguya-san to take over the Shinomiya family?"

"Your marriage to Miss Kaguya is to use Miss Kaguya to invade the Shinomiya family, so why don't you do it. "

Mu Bai's smile gradually disappeared, looking at Ai Hayasaka, Mu Bai was already facing the maid in front of him at this moment, and after a long time of confirming that the other party had really discovered this purpose, Mu Bai looked at Ai Hayasaka with calm eyes and asked, "How did you find out about this?"

Mu Bai was very curious about how Ai Hayasaka found out about this, Mu Bai didn't believe Ai Hayasaka could see this, Mu Bai and Shinomiya Kaguya's marriage was to use Sinomiya Kaguya to annex the Shinomiya family.

Earlier, Shozo Yuki proposed to let Mu Bai break the marriage contract with Kazuya Shinomiya, and the reason why Mu Bai was reluctant was because Mu Bai wanted to use this paper marriage contract to let Cheng encroach on the Shinomiya family and hold the Shinomiya family in his hands.

But how can Ai Hayasaka see it?

Hayasaka stared at Mu Bai lovingly, and then lowered his head.

"You're really Kaguya-sama with a close purpose. "

Mu Bai looked at Ai Hayasaka, and then said to Ai Hayasaka: "Isn't it good for some things to rot in the stomach? "

Ai Hayasaka's hair suddenly stood upside down, and she felt a sense of crisis, and a sense of crisis came from Mu Bai's body.

But soon this sense of crisis disappeared.

"Only you know about this?".

"Only I guessed. "

"Then just rot this matter in your stomach, don't force me to do something I don't want to do, my target is the Shinomiya chaebol, not you, not Kaguya, Kaguya will be the only heir of the Sinomiya family in the future, I think in that kind of family, Kaguya shouldn't have any people who need to care, right. "

Ai Hayasaka looked at Mu Bai and asked Mu Bai, "I just want to know what you think of Miss Kaguya, or if you really like Miss Kaguya!".

"Like? You're wrong, I love Kaguya, I love Kaguya deeply, whether it's Kaguya when she's cute, or Kaguya like Ice Hime, I love her, and I put my feelings into a bond that binds me and Kaguya together. "

"But you don't deny that you're using Kaguya-san, do you?"

"Why do you have to force me to say it so clearly, Hayasaka, you should know that many times people can't help themselves, whether it's you, or Kaguya, or me, you have your own things to carry. "

Mu Bai sighed, he didn't expect Ai Hayasaka to notice this, it was really a headache.

"Use Miss Kaguya to seize the Shinomiya chaebol, and wait until the Shinomiya chaebol is in the hands of Miss Kaguya, and then Miss Kaguya disappears unconsciously, and then all the four palace chaebols will fall into your hands, am I right?

"Don't think I'm so ruthless, it's true that I want to use Kaguya to annex the Shinomiya chaebol, but I'm not so ruthless to let Kaguya disappear unnoticed, with my understanding of Kaguya, if I speak, do you think Kaguya will refuse to hand over the Shinomiya chaebol to me?".


Ai Hayasaka replied, Shinomiya Kaguya is emotional, if Mu Bai speaks, Shinomiya Kaguya will give up the Shinomiya chaebol.

"So, is it necessary for me to make Kaguya disappear? So Hayasaka, you know about this, God knows, don't let anyone else know, I don't want to do something bad, you know. "

Ai Hayasaka looked at Mu Bai and was silent.

Mu Bai looked at Ai Hayasaka, and then continued: "Now, answer me about your decision, and I will give the corresponding result according to your answer." "

"If I choose to tell Kaguya-sama about this, will you kill me?"

"No, it won't. "

Ai Hayasaka looked at Mu Bai and was a little stunned.

"Even if you tell Kaguya about this, Kaguya may be angry, but she will never break me off because of this. "

"So what if I tell the Shinomiya family about this?"

"Then I'll kill you, and your mother, and I remember that the most important thing for you is your mother, right? "

Ai Hayasaka's face suddenly turned to the side, and she looked at Mu Bai with a hint of anger in her eyes.

"Hayasaka, I don't want to do anything to you, don't force me, you can be a maid by Kaguya's side with peace of mind, don't meddle in the rest of the matter, don't worry about anything, I'll solve it, I won't hurt Kaguya. "

"You're going to kill Kaguya-sama's father and brother, isn't that harm?"

"You're going to take away everything Kaguya-sama has, isn't that harm?".

"If none of this counts as harm, then tell me what constitutes harm. "

"Except for Kaguya, which of the people of the Shinomiya family would be a pity to die?".

"Kaguya lost her family, and I'll be Kaguya's family in the future, and those so-called family members can't give Kaguya, I'll give Kaguya. "

"That's enough for now, Hayasaka, tell me your options. "

Ai Hayasaka was silent, looked at Mu Bai and said, "I will help you hide this matter, but if you hurt Miss Kaguya, I will definitely not let you go." "

"You can rest assured that I won't hurt Kaguya, but don't let this matter be exposed, otherwise you've already guessed what the consequences will be, it's an outcome that no one wants. "

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