Leaving the house under the snow, Yuluo looked at Mu Bai in the flower blossom courtyard.

"What's the matter, Yuro, why do you keep looking at me. "

"President, why are you hiding it from them, it's not just that one of them is called Yukino under the snow, but the other two people are also cursed, why don't you tell them about it. "

"Yuluo, do you think it's better to let them feel at ease if you don't tell them about this now, or do you want them to eat badly and sleep and worry about the curse?"

Mu Bai's explanation directly made Yuluo of Huakaiyuan understand.

"I see, I know, you didn't tell them in order not to worry them, but I'm afraid this matter won't be hidden for long, and the curse on Yukino's body under the snow hasn't been completely removed. "


Blossom Courtyard Yuzu Luo has the power to see ghosts.,So the Flower Blossom Courtyard Yuzu Luo can naturally be seen.,Today's snow under the snow Xue Nai's body hasn't been completely removed.,It's just that now that part of the curse is temporarily hidden.,I don't know when it broke out.。

"President, what are we going to do next?"

"Cold salad, go back to sleep, girls lack sleep is a big enemy, and Yuluo is a big help today, so Yuluo how do you want me to thank you?".

Huakaiyuan Yuluo suddenly hurriedly waved his hand: "No, really no, the wine you gave me from the previous president has improved my strength a lot, and now it's just a small help, you don't have to take it to heart." "

"In this case, since Yuluo you said so, then take it as such, but if Yuluo has something, you can come to me at any time. "

Yuluo nodded.

"Okay, I see, President. "

After Mu Bai sent the flower blossom courtyard Yuluo back, there was a thoughtful look on his face.


something wrong with the house under the snow.,Under the snow snow is not so unlucky.,First the lady under the snow.,Then it's under the snow and under the snow.,Is it possible that the next moment will be the turn of the snow under the yang?

Mu Bai complained in his heart, but what did he think, and the next moment Mu Bai's mobile phone appeared on the phone under the snow.

"Yono, what's wrong?".

"It's me, my sister and my mother are in a coma, you, can you come back?".

On the other end of the phone came the slightly anxious voice of Yukino under the snow.

"Okay, I'll go back now. "

Mu Bai said to Xue Nai under the snow, and then immediately ordered the pilot of the helicopter to send him back to Xue Xia's house.

When Mu Bai returned to the house under the snow, Mu Bai saw the unconscious Xue Xia Yang Nai and the Xue Xia Lady, only Xue Xia Xue was awake, but Xue Xue Nai had an extra pair of cat ears on the top of her head and an extra tail on her buttocks.

The authentic cat-eared lady snow under the snow made Mu Bai can't help but take a few more looks.

"Have you seen enough, let's see what is going on with my sister and mother. "

Under the snow, Xue Nai shouted at Mu Bai.

"I said Xiao Xuenai, this is not a begging attitude, and you remember one thing, I don't owe you anything. "

Seeing Xue Nai's appearance under the snow, Mu Bai said in a cold voice.

Mu Bai is not a licking dog, helping the Xuexia family is only based on the friendship between his mother and Mrs. Xuexia, so he helps the Xuexia family, but this does not mean that Xuexia Xuenai can always give Mu Bai a face.

It's not nice to say, if Mu Bai doesn't want to help, he can just throw his hands and leave.

"Don't take my kindness for granted, Yukino. "

Xue Nai saw Mu Bai's cold face, and his smile disappeared, and that look made Xue Nai feel strange for a while, but in the end, Xue Nai still admitted his mistake.

"I'm sorry, my sister and mother have lost some sense of proportion except for the incident, I'm very sorry. "

"Actually, I knew about the situation of Yono and Aunt Ayano before, they are the same as you, they also have curses on their bodies, but I don't want to worry about you, I plan to solve it secretly in the future, but I didn't expect this curse to break out so quickly. "

Xue Nai looked at Mu Bai under the snow, with a trace of resentment in her eyes, as if she was angry at Mu Bai for not telling them these things.

"I'm willing to help you because I want to help you, but don't take my kindness to you for granted, Xiaoxue is what you want to blame, but you have to remember one thing, I don't owe you anything. "

Under the snow, Yukino pursed his lips and looked at the young man in front of him.

Suddenly, the ghost sent Xue Xia Xue Nai asked Mu Bai, "Have you ever resented me?"

"No, if I have to say it, I am probably a little disappointed, and then more sober in the world. "

Before being rejected by Xue Nai under the snow, Mu Bai did think that he and Xue Nai should get married, and then walked into the palace of marriage, like the protagonist to the peak of life, but unfortunately Mu Bai never thought that Xue Nai refused to marry under the snow.

This made Mu Bai's protagonist wake up from his dream, and also made Mu Bai completely understand that the reality of this world is often cruel.

And if you really want to say it, Mu Bai should also be grateful to Xue Nai under the snow, after all, Xue Nai under the snow can be regarded as a lesson to Mu Bai, so that Mu Bai understands what reality is.

"Don't talk about that, let's wake up Yang Nai and Aunt Ayano first. "

Mu Bai said, took out the wine of the gods, and fed it to Yang Nai and Mrs. Xue respectively.

The two of them, who had drunk the wine of the gods, woke up slowly.

"We are ... "

Lady Under the Snow frowned.

"Aunt Ayano, you've fainted. "

Mu Bai told the three cursed things of the mother and daughter under the snow, and after listening to it, Mrs. Xuexia's face was not good-looking, and Yang Nai under the snow also looked at Mu Bai and asked, "Xiaobai, is there a solution to this matter?"

"The solution is no, not even the curse on your body now, I just used the wine of the gods to wake you up, I am not good at this kind of thing, but I have asked Yuluo to help me find someone who can lift the curse for you. "

"I think it will come out soon. "

"Xiaobai, sister, I really want to thank you, otherwise how about letting my sister and I make a promise. "

Under the snow, Yang Nai asked Mu Bai in a joking tone.

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