Nu Liang immediately laughed when he heard Mu Bai's words, but there was a mockery in that smile.

Nu Liang looked at Mu Bai in front of him and said to Mu Bai: "Do you mean that not only do you need to help you find the rip girl, but my slave group needs to be incorporated by you in the future, so what good is this for my slave group?"

"Your advantage is to be able to walk openly, and then the Linyi Defense Department will co-opt all the demons and monsters, if the Ministry of Defense will issue a certificate for those harmless demons and monsters, and then you can walk freely in the sun, otherwise... "

When Nu Liang Slippery Scoop heard Mu Bai's words, his eyes suddenly became sharp, and he looked at Mu Bai and said, "Do you want to make monsters surrender to human beings?" "Three Ninety Zero" A huge momentum suddenly crushed towards Mu Bai, but Mu Bai was indeed completely indifferent to the momentum sent by Nu Liang Slippery Scoop, and even looked at Nu Liang Slippery Scoop with a flat expression and said: " Remember one thing, whether it's gods or monsters, your time has passed, and the name of this era is human, and the current era is the age of mankind!"

Nu Liang squinted his eyes, and the rest of the monsters on the side looked at Mu Bai murderously one by one!

A cold sweat broke out on the back of Yuluo's already nervous eyes, but Mu Bai still looked flat, as if these monsters were a joke to him.

Seeing that he hadn't shocked Mu Bai, Nu Liang had a surprised expression on his face, and then looked at Mu Bai and said, "Don't you think you're forcing youkai to start a war with you humans?" It's impossible to make all youkai submit to humans!"

"There is nothing impossible in this world, if there is one, then it is caused by insufficient strength, as long as I have enough strength, then even if even if the monsters want to do something to me, the final result will inevitably be that I destroy all the monsters and then the remnants of the monsters will surrender to me. "

"All in all, this era is the era of human beings, whether it is a god or a monster, we must abide by the rules of human beings, we must take care of what monsters can't control, we have to manage what the gods can't control, the trend of the times, human beings are the masters of this era, everything has to follow us. "

Huakaiyuan Yuluo looked at Mu Bai with a hint of adoration in his eyes.

Mu Bai's current appearance is so handsome, it directly makes Yuluo of Huakaiyuan can't help but worship Mu Bai.

Nu Liang Slippery Scoop looked at Mu Bai's heart in front of him, and then Nu Liang Slippery Scoop said to Mu Bai: "I can ask the Nu Liang Group to help you find the Rift Girl, but I need your promise, until the Nu Liang Group has not made any mistakes, you are not allowed to target the Nu Liang Group for any reason." "

"As long as you obey the law, even if you are a monster, I will allow you to live openly, provided that you abide by the laws formulated by the Ming Dynasty. "

Nu Liang Slippery looked at Mu Bai and didn't say anything more, but Nu Liang Slippery Scoop was already sighing at the change in Mu Bai's strength in his heart.

If it is said that when I first saw Mu Bai before, Nu Liang Slippery Scoop could easily pinch Mu Bai to death, then now Mu Bai is completely on par with Nu Liang Slippery Scoop, this is because Nu Liang Slippery Scoop, as the general of the Nu Liang Group, has all the important fears of the Nu Liang Group, otherwise, Mu Bai has completely surpassed Nu Liang Slippery Scoop with his own strength.

"I agreed to your conditions, I will let the monsters of the unscrupulous clan search for the rift girl, and I will notify you as soon as there is news. "

Mu Bai looked at Nu Liang and stood up: "Then I'll bother you." "

After finishing speaking, Mu Bai no longer cared about Nu Liang, got up, and left with Hua Kaiyuan Yuluo.

It wasn't until after leaving the headquarters of the Nura Group that Hanakaiin Yura breathed a sigh of relief.

"President, is that one the one just now the Slippery Ghost of the Lord of the Ghosts and Spirits? You actually dare to talk to the other party like that, don't worry that if the other party turns his face, it is very likely that we will not be able to leave the headquarters of the slave group at all, and we will be directly left in the headquarters of the slave owner!" (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu novel network!)

Listening to the inquiry of Yuluo in the Flower Blossom Courtyard, Mu Bai laughed: "Everything is based on the equality of strength, and the Nuliang Group does not dare to do this, first of all, this era is the era of human beings, even if I do it too much today, I can only swallow my anger, once we are left in the Nuliang Group, then the consequence is that the Nuliang Group will become the number one enemy, and the human race will destroy the Nuliang Group at all costs0."

Yuluo didn't understand what Mu Bai meant.

"Now that the supernatural is reviving in this era, do you think that human beings will be willing to let monsters override humans? If you don't want to, then you need to find a bird, if the Nuliang group singles out this bird, then the result is that all the people in the Nuliang group will be regarded as the number one enemy of the human race, and the first thing the human race will do at that time is to find a way to kill the chicken and warn the other people. "

Yuluo in the flower blossom courtyard had a cute expression on his face, and then seemed to understand, but he didn't seem to understand.

Mu Bai didn't continue to explain too much.

"President, what are we going to do next?"

Huakaiyuan Yuluo asked Mu Bai, and there seemed to be nothing to do next.

However, Mu Bai's mobile phone rang suddenly, and then looking at the call from Twilight Thirteen on the call, Mu Bai said to Yuluo in Huakaiyuan: "Maybe there is something to do." "

Mu Bai had already guessed what was going on with Twilight Thirteen making a phone call to find out what was going on on 1.8, Mu Bai was sure that the other party was calling him for Fei Yingli's business, Mu Bai had seen something on Fei Yingli's body before, and estimated that Fei Yingli should have met that thing at this time. "

After answering the phone, sure enough, a greeting came from Twilight Thirteen's side, but after the greeting, Twilight Thirteen explained to Mu Bai what happened to Concubine Ying at a rapid speed.

Mu Bai said to Twilight Thirteen on the other end of the phone, "Got it, I'll rush over now." "

After finishing speaking, Mu Bai hung up the phone and looked at Yuluo in Huakaiyuan.

"How about a trip with me?"

Mu Bai asked to the flower blossom courtyard Yuluo beside him.

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