The confrontation between Su Mo and the mythical wild boar only lasted a brief moment.

Erica didn’t see anything clearly, only the dazzling lightning and fire.

After the thunder and fire disappeared, this unparalleled beast disappeared completely for unknown reasons.


The blonde girl opened her mouth slightly and her eyes widened, becoming a standard 0o0.

【Tohsaka Rin:”What just happened?”]

Tohsaka Rin, who was staring at the live broadcast the whole time, was also confused.

Who can tell her what happened?

【Kanae:”I don’t know, I didn’t see anything except lightning.”】

Seeing the completely confused speeches of the trio, Madoka thought about it and guessed

【Madoka:”Is there a possibility? I’m just guessing. Is there a possibility… Brother Su Mo killed the divine beast instantly?”】

【Tohsaka Rin:”Impossible! Absolutely impossible!”】

【Tohsaka Rin:”That’s what I wanted to say originally, but if it’s Master Su Mo, it’s really not surprising that he can do this. But, but……】

【Kanae:”From a rational point of view, I also think Master Su Mo can defeat the mythical beast, but……”】

【Erica:”I understand what you mean”】

【Erica:”But – no one thought that victory would come so quickly, and no one thought that the gap would be so big.”】

Even Madoka had thought of the possibility, so naturally the confused trio were not completely unaware of it.

The irritable-looking mythical beast didn’t look like it was going to run away. The mythical beast in front of him disappeared into thin air. Apart from being successfully killed by Su Mo, there was almost no other possibility.

They had no objection to Su Mo’s victory over the divine beast.

What they can’t understand is that this is the way to win as quickly as chopping melons and vegetables.

【Erica:”After all, it is a divine beast, and judging from its posture, I am afraid it is still a high-level divine beast.”】

【Erica:”A being of this level should be among the best even among the second level. Although Lord Su Mo is strong, he is still at the second level level.”】

【Erica:”It’s also the second level versus the second level…why is the gap so big!”】

【Erica:”Even if the God of Disobedience attacks, it’s hard to be faster than Master Su Mo, right?”]

In this crushing level battle, isn’t it really that the third level fights the second level?

Regarding this question, Su Mo said calmly

“Although it is a mythical beast, it only has the most basic intelligence and is driven more by instinct.”

“This kind of mindless target is the best type to deal with. It only needs to slightly increase the power output above the upper limit of what it can withstand, and it will definitely die.”

Rampaging into the enemy without knowing the details of the enemy has always been the most reckless behavior.

At present, the effects of the conceptual spiritual equipment created by Su Mo cannot be compared with the original mythical equipment. Generally, they are only at the level of the Holy Knight. One, at best, can only be as good as the divine beast.

However, under the guidance of optimized skills, Su Mo combined the power of thunder and fire at the same time, and used the characteristics of these two elements to detonate both powers at the same time..

The two most violent elements erupted at the same time, and their power jumped directly to the realm of the God of Disobedience in a short time.

Even though the mythical wild boar has a very tough physique, it has no immortality that can match the dragon and snake, so it was on the spot.

For Su Mo, this was just a matter of filling up the damage in one breath, and there was nothing to say.

For Erica, this understatement was too irritating.

“Slightly increase the output to a level that even the mythical beasts cannot bear… Is this what people say?”

Why do you sound so simple to do this kind of thing!

Erica really wanted to complain like this, but she had to admit it

“Well, it may indeed be simple for Master Su Mo.”

You must know that in this battle, she has not felt the divine power – the fluctuation of the true ether that Su Mo once introduced.

In other words, even if he accomplished the feat of killing the divine beast with one sword, Master Su Mo still He is still far from using his full strength. It can be seen from Su Mo’s tone that he did not increase his instantaneous power to his maximum, but increased it to a level that slightly exceeded the upper limit of the divine beast.

The more she thought about it, the more amazing she found it.

Seeing Su Mo kill the divine beast casually without any effort, she even doubted that as a second-level Su Mo, he was even capable of fighting the God of Disobedience.

Of course, This kind of thing is just a thought.

She doesn’t want to encounter the God of Disobedience again in this situation. It is an existence that can destroy the country, and it is definitely not a crisis that they can resist now.


With one strike of the sword, the mythical wild boar disappeared into thin air.

After the imminent crisis disappeared, recalling the power Su Mo had shown before, Kanae hesitated, and finally chose to speak.

【Kanae:”Lord Su Mo, when you defeated the divine beast just now, what power did you use?”]

Although there is no sense of familiarity, Su Mo used a sword after all. Thinking that he had just purchased the breathing method he sold, Kanae wants to know if Su Mo has used the power from his side of the world

【Su Mo:”The fate-returning technique was modified through the construction technique of conceptual spiritual equipment, and the five-spirit breathing method was modified through the breath of fire.”】

Su Mo had never wanted to keep this kind of news secret.

Hearing this, the two sellers who had been patronized by him immediately became excited.

【Erica:”Conceptual spiritual equipment? Is this what Master Su Mo realized through previous magic?”】

【Erica:”Sure enough, dimensional jumps and things like that are not your limit at all!”】

【Erica:”No wonder you can use the rebirth spell so casually that most monks can’t use it.””】

As you can tell from the name, Su Mo’s insights this time are more broad-based than specialized.

Just by analyzing one spell, he seemed to have mastered the entire conceptual spiritual equipment construction system, and deduced many magics.

The life-returning spell of the twelve-day protector should be one of the results of the construction of the conceptual spiritual equipment.

Thinking of this, Erica was suddenly startled and realized something was wrong.


“If Master Su Mo is so perceptive, he can bypass all the same type of spells by using one spell.”

“Then wouldn’t my other skills of the same type be unable to be sold?!”

She suddenly felt that it was not always a good thing that the boss had too much understanding.

It was easy to hold the thigh, but it was difficult to pluck the wool.

However, compared to the life-saving grace, these were small things.

On the other side, I heard After Su Mo’s introduction, Kanae became completely excited, several times more excited than Erica!

【Kanae:”Five Spirit Breathing Technique?!”】

【Kanae:”Sama Sumo, can you please explain in detail? Please!”]

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