“Summoning ritual?”

Hearing this, Erica was stunned on the spot.

“Have you already obtained this ritual in Rin’s world?”

“Well, I slightly modified her heroic spirit summoning ritual and am ready to try the effect now.”

Su Mo nodded.

“Sorry, I’m too slow! Then do you still need to continue the spirit summoning ritual that you asked me to collect before?”

Erica immediately apologized.

There is also a summoning ceremony for gods in the world of God Killers. Su Mo also ordered her to search before, and she indeed accepted the task and did it.

However, she did not expect that before she had collected all the information, Su Mo had already Moon World has obtained a ritual with the same effect.

Doesn’t this mean that he is very slow in doing things?

Su Mo does not accept Erica’s apology.

“It’s only half a day, no need to apologize, I’m not so harsh as to disregard basic common sense.”

Involving the transfer of information between multiple magic associations, it cannot be completed in just one or two days.

Even if there is a God Killer Order as a shield, it will take at least three days to be effective.

In this situation, it is not Ai Lika’s movements were too slow, but Su Mo’s speed was too fast

“As for the previous”860″ order, it is natural that it must continue to be implemented. Even if the effect is the same, the principle and operation of the ritual are different, and I need to see all the information.”

Even if it is useless, it still has its meaning as a pure accumulation of knowledge.

“yes! Erica felt relieved.

Her master was still very reasonable.

However, she still made up her mind to force those magic associations to hand over the information as soon as possible.

Lord Su Mo’s attitude was already tolerant enough. If they still can’t see the situation clearly and continue to hesitate and waste time, then she will scare them with the fate of the King of Swords.

My master dares to tie the God Slayer as a prisoner, how dare you, the magic society, to wait and see? Is the neck too stiff?

After receiving the order, Erica left quickly and resolutely.

After she left, Artoria was obviously relieved.

“The Master has a nice knight that reminds me of Agguanwen.”

Although she is a little uncomfortable with Erica’s enthusiasm, she still thinks highly of Erica after seeing her capable attitude.

Knight Agguanwen was Artoria’s original assistant. Merlin, who is not busy doing business, may be more important to the entire Knights of the Round Table.

Although Erica is completely opposite to the taciturn Agagui in terms of personality, Arturia can see it in her. Same reliable

“If you praise her like that in front of her, she will probably be so happy that she can’t sleep.”

Su Mo said casually

“……Then forget it.”

Thinking of Erica’s appearance before, King Da Mao flinched a little.

It’s okay that he couldn’t sleep, but he was afraid that this guy would become more enthusiastic, which would be too uncomfortable.

As a king, she has been subjected to many similar things. Support, but those are basically the people. The knights of the Knights of the Round Table are quite self-restrained. Except for Mordred, they generally will not show such enthusiasm no matter how much they worship.


It didn’t take long for Erica to prepare all the ritual items that Su Mo had given her.

The items required for the Heroic Spirit Summoning Ceremony are very simple to begin with, and the mythological foundations of the two worlds are basically the same. It is easy to find substitutes even if the world changes.

In order to avoid affecting the public, Su Mo chose the experimental site in Sardinia, which had already completed the evacuation of people.

In front of the familiar ruins of the port, under Su Mo’s guidance, Erica quickly drew the magic circle.

“Uh-huh! Uh-huh-huh?”

The entire experimental site was quiet. Sakura and Arturia were standing beside Su Mo, and Erica was responsible for the ceremony arrangements.

The only source of noise was probably the five-flowered man tied up in the center of the magic circle, as if waiting for help. The sword king Salvatore Toni, who was like a young pig, was unable to break free from the rope made by Su Mo, and he couldn’t speak with a rag in his mouth. He watched Erica’s hand being cut off. The chicken with his neck was as wide as a cow.

He didn’t know any magic or anything. Judging from Erica’s actions, it seemed that he was the one who had his neck cut off. The power in his body had already been destroyed.

Seal, without the passive of [Steel Protection], any great knight can slit his throat now, and it is said that Erica’s strength has far surpassed that of the great knight.

Seeing Erica walking in step by step, she is fighting for her life. Stimulated by instinct, Tony finally unleashed his potential and did what he had never been able to do before!

He couldn’t break free from the chains set by Su Mo!


He swallowed the rag in his mouth in one gulp and was finally able to speak.

“Dear friend! You, you, what are you planning to do? We are compatriots. Are you really planning to kill me?”

Tony was really a little panicked now.

Even when he faced the Marquis of Vauban, he had never been so scared. Even if he lost the battle with the Marquis of Vauban, the other party would probably be willing to give him a good time.

But with Su Mo Zhan, he really didn’t expect what this new compatriot would do to him. Although the compatriot in front of him had no intention of killing him, he had no doubt that he would not mind killing him as long as necessary.

, there seems to be no essential difference between himself as a God-killer and other humans, or gods of disobedience.

He has little reading, so he cannot summarize what his feelings are like, but he has an intuitive grasp. That is, the other side of the equality of all living beings is that everything can be killed.

He is not afraid of death, but he would rather die in battle than to die as a sacrifice.

Facing Tony’s incoherent question, Su Mo shook his head calmly.

“Of course not. How could I attack the God Killer? Do you think I am such a wasteful person?”

“Do you think I will believe your lies?”

Looking at himself tied up, Tony complained speechlessly.

“And, what does waste mean? Shouldn’t we say cruelty here?”

How can you say such basic vocabulary incorrectly?

“No, it’s just a waste.”

Su Mo shook his head.

If the principle of the summoning ritual of heroic spirits is universal, then the God-killer will occupy a very important position in the summoning ritual of gods.

Apart from himself, there are only six God-killers at the moment. Such a precious material is naturally We must pay attention to sustainable utilization and cannot easily dry up the lake for fishing…..

However, when facing Tony, there is no need to speak out these truths and play the piano to others.

“In short, I really don’t intend to kill you this time, I’m just using you as a catalyst, so don’t worry.”

Su Mo gave a straightforward guarantee.

He has never been in the habit of lying, which is not conducive to establishing a basic trust platform.

Tony was inexplicably able to trust Su Mo’s guarantee. He instinctively sensed that Su Mo was disdainful. The lying type though.——

“What do you mean by not planning to kill this time? Exposed, you exposed! Aren’t you saying that you might kill me at any time?”

He complained passionately.

For such meaningless words, Su Mo only gave the most basic reminder.

“You can also try to refuse or run away. Everyone has the instinct to survive, as long as you can do it.”


It’s just that I’m complaining because I can’t do it!

He roared in his heart, but did not say it out loud.

As a loser, it doesn’t matter if you lose the battle. You can’t lose the dignity of the warrior as well.

Not to mention, the other party doesn’t care about dignity either.

Seeing that Tony had completely admitted defeat, Erica also completely arranged the ceremony venue and immediately retreated to Su Mo’s side.

Next, it’s time to witness the miracle.

Looking at the magic array in front of him, Su Mo was about to start the ceremony, when suddenly, the spiritual energy between heaven and earth shook slightly.

The power of the earth’s spiritual veins suddenly gathered in a nearby direction. Soon, Su Mo felt some familiar fluctuations.

“True ether of this nature should be the fluctuation of the godhead, right?”

As he said that, Su Mo lowered his head and glanced at the newly arranged magic circle, as well as the sacrifice or catalyst Tony in it.

“Eh? Is Master Su Mo’s summoning ritual so effective? The God of Disobedience came just after the arrangements were made?”

Erica couldn’t help but feel that it was outrageous.

Marquis Vauban had only successfully summoned the God of Disobedience once in so many years, and was cut off by the King of Swords.

Lord Su Mo summoned a 4.3 Disobedient in less than half an hour. The god came down?

Even if he knew how outrageous Su Mo was, this speed was a bit too shocking.

Tony on the side was also very shocked.

“Is the God of Disobedience so easy to find?”

He runs around the world every day, searching for traces of the God of Disobedience, but he can’t find a few more traces. Why did Su Mo become a God of Disobedience so quickly when he took action?

Counting the two he killed before , he met three disobedient gods in a short time, even among all the God-killers, this speed is the most abnormal.

If Marquis Woban or Master Luo Hao knew that the new students had this ability, Of course, they would snatch him away at all costs.

Of course, the premise was that the two old seniors could beat him.

Seeing the shocked expressions of the two, Su Mo shook his head slowly.

“No, I haven’t started summoning yet.”

That is to say, the God of Disobedience this time has nothing to do with the god summoning ceremony he arranged.

After saying that, under the puzzled eyes of the two people, Su Mo turned his attention to King Da Mao next to him

“The disobedience that came this time probably has something to do with you.”


Artoria was stunned on the spot.

Người mua: hieubaocot

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