“Wow! Is it really that strong?”

Looking at her masterpiece in front of her, even Jibril was shocked.

If before, she relied purely on massive energy to be able to surpass the gods.

Then now, after gaining the authority shared by Su Mo , her strength can be said to have been qualitatively improved.

The energy that surpasses ordinary gods, coupled with the authority to cut off divine power, brings her power to the extreme, even in such a blow with all her strength. It’s [Steel’s Protection], but it’s not enough to protect myself..

“It is worthy of the master’s strength!”

Jibril felt convinced.

No wonder Su Mo said before that she didn’t understand power. Who would have thought that the power of gods can be so perverted that it can achieve ten times the results with just one energy.

With her current strength, she feels There is a high probability that he can defeat the dragon spirits on his own.

Of course, there is still a slight gap between him and the gods in his own world. After all, even if his power is similar, the gods in his own world have far more energy than him.

However, no matter what. She said that now she is qualified to kill gods.

There is a high probability that even the main god Artesh will not be able to stand still and take her strongest blow.

Now she is far away from responding to Artesh. Wishing to grant him defeat, he has taken a big step forward!

While Jibril was thinking about this with joy, Uriel, who was watching from the side, suddenly looked happy!

“The pagan angels are exhausted, let’s go!”

After releasing the sky strike, Jibril returned to the posture of a young girl as expected.

As long as you see this change and pay attention to the weakening of her aura, you can naturally understand that the blow just now consumed Jibril’s vast majority.

After realizing this, Uriel was convinced that such a powerful force must pay a corresponding price. Although they suffered heavy losses, as long as they could capture the enemy, it would not be considered a defeat.

Under the call, several archangels who had escaped through their speed rushed towards Jibril. Uriel took out the flaming sword and pointed the tip of the sword directly at the young Flügel.

“You have committed the grave sins of arrogance, wrath, and greed. In the name of the Lord, inflict punishment on sinners!”

As the angel who rules hell, he is responsible for [judgment]】、【The degree of mastery of”Judgment of Sin” is even higher than that of Michael.

Seeing that he had made Jibril weaker, his confidence surged

“Six against one, the advantage is mine!”

Seeing that the six angels were about to collectively attack Jibril and annihilate the weak Flügel in one fell swoop.

At this critical moment, the young Flügel smiled brightly.

“It’s so easy to take the bait, you guys!”

The moment she finished speaking, under Uriel’s astonished eyes, she once again resumed her lolita posture of 12 or 13 years old.

The magic power in the Holy Grail was enough for her to change her body several times!

She saw the corner of Jibril’s mouth With a deathly smile, one of the angels wanted to repeat the same trick and escape through the power of speed.

Unexpectedly, Jibril raised her hand slightly and directly blocked the nearby space.

As a Flügel, she has control over elves and space. The manipulation is their innate instinct.

Although the speed of power is fast, it is nothing compared to the ability of space manipulation.

“Don’t worry, you alone are not worthy of letting me use Sky Strike. Come, let me try the power given by Master Su Mo!”

With the frightening laughter, Jibril condensed a silver scythe of light in her hand, and then, with physical fitness that even the divine beasts could not match, she launched a ferocious attack on the angels in front of her..

In just one encounter, an angel was pierced through the chest. Even the holy light could not heal the damage caused by the authority of the gods.

Seeing Jibril killing the angels, the fallen angels and demons looked at each other and couldn’t sit still. However

, before they could take action, they were stopped by their leader Azazel.

“We should probably be more concerned about the Godslayer on the other side than the angels.”

He locked his eyes on Su Mo, who looked defenseless.

“To capture the thief, capture the king first, right?”

Azazel obviously didn’t notice that the moment before his eyes turned to Su Mo, Jibril’s eyes had already locked on him.

The task given by Su Mo was not to be disturbed. Therefore, once anyone wants to disturb Su Mo, Mo, they are all her enemies


While Jibril was cleaning up the legions of angels and demons, Su Mo was studying the original godhead.

Using his own material body, etheric body, and astral body at the same time, under the triple interference, Michael’s original godhead core was completely exposed, and was held in the palm of Su Mo’s hand.

On the surface, the so-called original godhead is just a regular polyhedron emitting golden light, which looks no more than the size of a fist.

But in Su Mo’s eyes, this regular polyhedron, which was no bigger than a fist, contained more information than the complexity of analyzing Go.

The oppression of pagans, the blood of believers, the cross where the Son of God suffered, the slain dragons and snakes, the lamentations of the righteous, the tenacity of the saints… countless historical image fragments, through the astral body in the clearest way, The resonance interference gradually poured into Su Mo’s mind.

It is these histories engraved in the planetary chronicles, as well as the people who have been included in history, who have shaped Michael, the angel of protection, with their own prayers.

Holding the sword of judgment, he slayed the evil dragon that persecuted the faith, reduced the pagan evil gods to demons, protected every believer who dared to resist, and guarded the future of mankind despite the temptation of demons.

It can be said that the image of Michael is the phantom of a resisting hero jointly constructed by Christian believers when they face persecution and desperate situations.

The only god, God, does not need to fight with demons, so all the fighting aspects of the good god are given to him.

The sleepless angels, the evil-hating Holy Spirit, the warriors who slaughtered dragons and snakes…

All aspects of prayer were superimposed to achieve the godhead of Michael, and to condense the original godhead that symbolized this god.

“There is so much information……”

Feeling the massive debris washing through his mind, even with Su Mo’s understanding, he felt the pressure for a moment.

“Sure enough, the core of the original godhead is star particles and mythical information.”

At this time, Su Mo has completely understood the structure of the Godhead.

The material structure of the original Godhead is based on star particles.

Therefore, Su Mo can transcode through the resonance of star examples, and thus absorb it with his own star body as he does now. Once the absorption of the original godhead’s star body is completed, Su Mo can mass-produce the original godhead’s information structure.

If we say that the star particles constitute the original godhead. In terms of basic structure, then, myth determines the difference structure between different original godheads.

Generally speaking, the original godhead is a dual structure that encapsulates specific mythological content and uses star particles to realize the mythical concept information. The body is responsible for determining the content and effects of the godhead.

The star particle body is responsible for turning the blueprint of the information body into an entity that can interfere with energy and matter.

Mastering the original godhead is equivalent to mastering the relevant mythological concepts themselves.

“If the original godhead is also included in the mythical spells, then I will gain a higher degree of freedom in matching and have more comprehensive control over the mythology!”

Previously, when Su Mo was constructing the mythical spell, the basic unit of the spell was still the Godhead, which could be dismantled to the incarnation at most.

This was because his mastery of the Godhead itself only reached this point.

But now, By mastering the original Godhead, Su Mo’s mastery of the Godhead has reached the point of the changes in human beliefs.

If the Godhead is compared to software, then Su Mo was only familiar with all the operations of the software, but now he has gone deep into software writing. At the level of code.

With this kind of micro-level control, Su Mo can maximize the power of his godhead, and can also disassemble and reassemble it to the maximum extent.

If so, the power and scope of application of the mythical spell will increase dramatically. Reaching a point that ordinary gods cannot understand. At that time ,

Su Mo, 873, would no longer be a godhead holder, but a myth controller.

It’s not like we can’t even think about sixth-order galaxies.

“Transitioning from godhead to mythology must be the right direction.”

Su Mo is still very sure about this.

“However, before that, there is an important issue that needs to be solved……”

With this thought in mind, he focused his gaze on the gradually shrinking original godhead in his hand, and absorbed it all in one breath.

A massive torrent of information flooded into Su Mo’s mind again.

Compared to myths, he felt that the information he received was completely a history of myths, equivalent to an extremely compressed life of millions of people.

“Even with my brainpower, it would take me so long to completely absorb a primitive godhead.”

Thinking like this, Su Mo glanced at the Legion of Light that was instantly killed by Jibril. There were original godheads everywhere inside.

“Wouldn’t it take at least a few months to fully absorb these things?”

If you want to absorb the original godhead, you must translate and understand the core of the myth in the original godhead into Su Mo’s mind through the resonance of the astral body. Only after Su Mo understands it can he interfere with his astral body and completely absorb the power of the original godhead. Come here.

If there is no interference, these original gods will completely return to mythology before long, and then new gods will be born again.

But if they are absorbed at this moment, Su Mo’s ability to absorb the original gods will not be able to keep up.

For Su Mo, the difficulty in absorbing the original godhead is not that it is easy to understand whether it is human prayers or changes in beliefs. The real problem is that the amount of information is too large. Su Mo’s computing power is comparable to that of a quantum computer, but it still requires a certain amount of processing time.

If he is facing a single god, it won’t take much effort. It would be too difficult to completely absorb the gods of the gods in this way. Got it

“It seems that we must solve the problem of computing power.”.

Người mua: hieubaocot

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