"Our battalion?"

Hearing Lililou's harem camp called, Aryne raised her eyebrows, feeling very surprised.

He walked up to Lililu, stared at Lililu's little face, and asked in slight surprise: "If I'm not mistaken, when my harem camp was first established, young master, you were one of the leaders of the rebellion, right?

"No, Master Erien, I've already abandoned the darkness and turned to the light! I can tell you the real reason for this incident!"

Lililou hastened to explain.

"Okay, let's talk about it. "

Rubbing his chin, Irion was in high spirits.

The female soldiers around immediately became calm, and many people became agitated.

But at this moment, a cold meaning instantly swept through everyone, making all the female soldiers tremble!

Everyone subconsciously looked over, only to see Estes squinting slightly, and his face swept over the faces of the restless female soldiers one by one with an excited expression.

The female soldiers who were swept by Estes were suddenly frightened and did not dare to move again, and stood up straight. Don't squint!

Seeing this, Lililu hurriedly spoke: "Young Master Erien." In the three months that you were away, many male soldiers expressed dissatisfaction with your behavior of establishing a harem camp, and many female soldiers in our battalion also thought that they were military flowers and goddesses, and they should not be included in the harem camp by you alone, so they began to write to people outside and ask everyone to help with ideas. "

Ariane looked at the women, but all the female soldiers who had ghosts in their hearts lowered their heads and sighed......

Lililu continued, "You know, every female soldier in our battalion has at least hundreds of suitors, and this has aroused the flower protection psychology of those male soldiers. In the end, under the leadership of the former discipline inspector Sakata Lang, everyone petitioned their superiors, demanding that the harem camps be removed and the original military flowers and goddesses of each battalion returned~"

"Former discipline inspector Sakata Lang?"

Irion frowned, rubbing, it's this again!

The influence of the big event of "Young Woman Heijie" last time was ended early, and it has nothing to do with this product!

Now this goods are always for the young master, and I am looking for trouble......

I think he's probably trying to eat!

"Yes, Young Master Erien, Sakata Lang was promoted to the rank of lieutenant colonel because of his meritorious work in the last eradication of "Young Woman Heijie", and was transferred to Lieutenant General Cha Dolphin as a special assistant. And the person in his dream 1 was also in our battalion, so when many soldiers found him, he immediately led everyone to launch this petition. "

Lililou nodded and replied.

Irion understood.

Uncle Warring States didn't really want the Navy Headquarters to have such an independent battalion out of his control, so he just followed the excuse of the boys' petition this time and launched a naval quality competition, and wanted to take this opportunity to withdraw the young master's harem camp!

"Very good! Lililou! You can take the initiative, it means that you are a smart person! Young master, I will reuse you!"

"Now, I announce that Lililu is the captain of the first detachment of the harem battalion!0 people!"

Patted Lililou's little fart 1 share, Irion ordered.

Then he pointed to 19 women, including Aki Dao Na and Haruko Kanagawa, who belonged to Lily.

Hearing Erien's order, Lililu was overjoyed, and her eyes couldn't help but show excitement, secretly saying that her choice was correct, if the harem camp could survive in this naval quality competition, then her life in the harem camp would definitely be better in the future!

"Erien, but the soldiers of our harem battalion are basically non-commissioned officer ranks, and there are several of our young eagle class cadets, how can they stand out in the quality competition? I heard that a total of 30 battalions have been selected to participate this time, and the battalions ranked in the bottom 10 will all be withdrawn. "

Lotus Sister's small hand took Arynn's arm, and Dusty said worriedly.

"Hey, don't worry about this......"

Irion touched Dusty, and was about to say that one Estes was enough, but suddenly he thought, yes, young master, I almost forgot, didn't I just draw a lot of Heroic Spirit Cards?

Thinking of this, Erien's palm flipped over, and a power attack card, a quick strike card, and a skill attack card appeared in his palm, closed in his palm, and gently patted Dusty's back.


The three cards quietly merged into Dusty's body.


Dusty snorted, and suddenly felt that some changes had occurred in his body, but he couldn't notice anything for a while, and frowned slightly at the cute little Joan's nose, with a puzzled face, very cute.

"Dusty is now the little Lori who is the most loyal to me, young master, I naturally can't treat her badly, so I'll reward her with the Heroic Spirit Card of the two ceremonies. "

The ability improvement brought by the five-star Heroic Spirit Card is definitely huge, and Erion did not hesitate to summon the Heroic Spirit Card of the two ceremonies into the palm of his hand and slapped it into Dusty's back again.

But this time, unlike before, the Immortal Card was not integrated into Dusty's body, and was still in Aryn's hands.

"Huh, what's going on?"

Aryn asked Satsuki in surprise.

"Master, the attack command card can be directly integrated into the human body to improve the strength. However, the Immortal Card must be approved by the target person before it can be integrated into the body, because once you accept the Immortal Card, it means that you will always be loyal to your master, who is the Great Master, and there can be no more betrayal. "

Satsuki explained.

"I see. "

Arian understood, and then put his palms on Dusty's two incense shoulders, looked at her little face, and asked, "Dusty, you once said that you will listen to whatever I say, remember?"

"Well, I remember ......"

Nodding his little head, Dusty replied obediently.

"Well, I'm going to give you a lot of power now, you just have to agree, understand?"

"Well, I'll listen to you. Dusty nodded without hesitation, as if she was dead set on Erien.

According to the method of using the Immortal Card, Irion placed the Immortal Card in his palm, and then attached it to the center of Dusty's small hand, and the two palms were combined.

The five-star Immortal Card immediately bloomed with golden light, enveloping Dusty inside.

This sudden scene suddenly surprised all the female soldiers, and they turned their eyes in unison, looking at Dusty and shocked.

At the same time, an image suddenly appeared in Dusty's mind......

It was a cute girl in a short-haired kimono, armed with a katana, standing in Dusty's mind, her cherry blossoms falling all around her, her clothes dancing in the wind.

The girl spoke slowly: "Dusty, I want to transfer all my strength to you, but from now on, you must be 100% loyal to the Great Master Iryon, are you willing?"

(Ask for flowers!ask for rewards!ask for monthly passes!ask for automatic!)_

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