The secretary knew very well that she was in a bad state now, or it was a state she had never thought she would be in.

After all, her goal was to follow her eldest daughter for the rest of her life. But now she was attracted to someone she met for the first time, which made her a little overwhelmed.

So the secretary decided to avoid this problem and pretend that she knew nothing. After all, if she continued to pester him, there would be a high possibility of problems.

And Lynch never thought it would be so simple. After all, he didn’t have the sweet fruit, and he could make the other person his dog just by exuding a little charm.

Lynch and the other person walked into the elevator. At this moment, there were only the two of them in the elevator, which made Lynch seem to hear someone’s heartbeat.

The secretary was also like this at this moment, because now she could hear her own heartbeat.

The secretary felt like she wanted to cry but had no tears.

And because of this, her heartbeat became faster and faster, and the faster it beat, the more nervous it became, forming a dead loop.

At this time, Lynch put his hand on the other person’s shoulder and spoke in a gentle tone:

“Relax a bit”

“I’m not a bad guy”

“I guess the eldest lady in your family must be crazy about hacking me, right?”

The little secretary was already in a panic. After hearing Lin Qi’s words, he immediately raised his head and said in an unbelievable tone:

“How do you know this?”

After the secretary subconsciously said this, she immediately covered her mouth with both hands, fearing that she would say something else.

However, Lin Qi shrugged his shoulders and said with an indifferent expression:

“Of course, it’s because she’s afraid that I’ll do something to you.”

“After all, I am neither a bad person nor a good person.”

“Especially in terms of feelings, I now have several future wives.”

After hearing Lin Qi’s words, the secretary did not show any disgust or anything like that, but spoke with curiosity:

“Isn’t this kind of thing quite common?”

After all, the little secretary is considered a sheep born in a big family, let alone following Erina all the time.

So she is not used to this kind of thing, and her father is not only his mother.

Lin Qi looked at the little secretary’s face With such a cute look, I couldn’t help but smile.

“The reason why she is like this is entirely because of you”

“After all, she doesn’t want you to step into my trap.”

“Because in her inherent impression, I am a super scumbag”

“But what I want to say is that those are all misunderstandings. After all, I will marry anyone I mess with.”

After Lin Qi said this, the elevator had already arrived.

Although the little secretary had a lot of doubts in her heart, she still led the way obediently and never mentioned what had just happened.

But she still had many questions in her heart, like this Such a common thing, the young lady should be used to it. Why doesn’t she want to step into the other party’s trap?

And according to the other party’s words, the little secretary said that she didn’t understand it!

What I don’t know is that the reason why Erina said this is simply because she wants to find a single man and spend her life happily instead of competing with countless people for one man.

That’s right! The word should be emphasized.

After all, this guy has a chat group and is powerful.

He will definitely have many women around him in the future, and his little secretary really doesn’t have much advantage in joining the other party!

Behind a super large private room, the private room was filled with food, giving people the feeling of a banquet.

Then he saw a beautiful girl with blond hair and a very good figure wearing a Toyuki school uniform, with her hands on her chest and her whole body was exuding.

Lin Qi sat on the chair with a queen-like temperament.

When she saw the other party, she didn’t say anything and said hello with a smile.

“Yo, Erina”

“Sorry to have kept you waiting.”

Erina also put away her temperament and looked at Lin Qi carefully. She found that he had put away all his temperament and looked like an ordinary blond handsome guy.

Erina couldn’t help but mutter in her heart that this guy’s disguise was very good.

You know, those big shots or people with extraordinary powers will unconsciously reveal some special temperament. This is his experience over the years.

But this guy is so low-key that it’s scary.

He shook his head and said:

“Didn’t wait long, just finished the job”

“And please check if these are enough. If not, I will continue to ask people to add more!”

To be honest, Erina is not sure whether the other party can eat enough. After all, she knows this thing.

That thing can swallow planets. Although the other party is taking an upgraded version, which does not have such big disadvantages, there is no guarantee. The amount of food needed was huge, and the other person seemed to be a big eater among Saiyans. With all the buffs added up, she really felt like there wasn’t enough here.

I laughed when Lin Qi heard what the other person said. laugh

“The eldest lady is really considerate.”

Erina snorted arrogantly after hearing what the other party said.

Just when she was about to speak, Lin Qi suddenly said with a serious look:

“Sure enough, eldest lady, please take care of me and let me eat soft food.”

“Don’t worry, I will definitely take care of everything and won’t let you down.”

Lin Qi said something with such other meanings, which instantly made the arrogant young lady Erina’s face begin to heat up and turn red. Then she spoke in a hesitant tone:

“you.. you.. You Baga!”

“What are you talking about?”

“Do you know that your words can easily be misunderstood?”

Erina saw her little secretary looking dumbfounded, and she thought the other party had misunderstood something.

But the little secretary was actually not surprised by this incident at all. She simply didn’t expect Lin Qi to be like this. After a disagreement, he suddenly asked for support.

And when he remembered what the other party said, she suddenly understood why her eldest daughter didn’t want him to come into contact with him.

Lin Qi smiled after hearing what the other party said. :

“It should be clear to you that I mean it.”

Erina immediately blushed after hearing this.

“Go to hell!”

“Hurry up and eat your food.”

After Erina finished speaking, she blushed and turned her face away, indicating that she couldn’t bear to look at you.

In fact, Erina’s heart was quite broad, after all, this guy seemed to be a carnivore.

She was being targeted by the other party, is it a good thing or a bad thing? To be honest, she was quite confused.

You know, in a sense, the other party is the strongest and most outstanding person in the world, and the most attractive object for every girl.

It’s just that this guy is too frivolous, who would say this right away!

Lynch didn’t say anything else about this, shrugged his shoulders and started eating.

Lynch directly activated the power of devouring, and all the food was constantly stuffed into his mouth under its fine control.

Erina was prepared for this, but the secretary was stunned.


After the little secretary swallowed a sip of saliva, he looked at his eldest lady and asked in an unbelievable tone:

“Erina-sama, is the other party an Onmyoji or a sorcerer?”

Erina shook her head after hearing this.


After the little secretary heard this, she was filled with doubts. What is neither of these two? But the words of her eldest lady made her stunned again.

“These professions are an insult to him, you just need to remember one thing. He is the most powerful man in the world”

“Nothing can stand up to him!”

Erina said this in a very serious tone, and at the same time told her secretary that if there was any accident, she could go to the other party.

PS: The new book is about to set sail, and we urgently need the support of all the handsome guys, beauties, and big guys! If you pass by, don’t miss it. Please add it to your favorites, recommendations, peace of mind, flowers, everything. If you haven’t collected it yet, please add it to your favorites. Thank you all! Kneel down to all the bosses!

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