The skinniest angel:”Are you interested in coming to Merlot Heaven to be a chef? You can choose the guardian angel.”

I’m not a vixen:”Fuck! How shameless!”

The Pirate Empress:”This is for food, even a beauty trap I’ve used them all.”

Xiao Huangmao from the Comprehensive Comics World:”Do you think I’m the kind of person who gives up a whole forest for a tree?”

Xiao Huangmao from the Comprehensive Comics World:”And don’t think too much, I don’t want to be a chef. , After all, in a sense, I have Saiyan blood and I only want to eat soft food while lying down. I want to cook and dream!”

Xiao Huangmao from the Comprehensive Comics World:”You can say this. This meal is my first work after awakening my memory, okay?”

Cute little Linglong:”Listen to what you say, shouldn’t I be honored to take your first blood?”

The skinniest angel:”You guys are so good.”Did you drive again?”

Dead kid:”I mean the wheel has rolled into my face.”

Xiao Huangmao from Zongman World:”So next time you want me to make food, you’d better clear the area first.” What will happen otherwise? I can’t guarantee it.”

The future empress said,”Damn it, if I let you go to Xiaodangjia’s world, you will definitely become a leader in the dark cooking world. It’s more than enough.”

Xiao Huangmao from the Comic World:”Dark Cuisine World, who are you looking down on? This is just the boss in the early and mid-term, and he must be the leader of the big boss in the later stage!”

Lin Qi and these! After a few words of criticism, the person chose to go offline. Then he looked at the arrogant young lady looking at him with a complicated expression.

Erina spoke in a helpless tone:

“I suddenly feel like working hard seems meaningless. Someone like you who cheats can be better than those of us who have worked hard for countless years just by lying down.”After hearing what the other party said, Lin Qi did not comfort him, but instead spoke in a smiling tone:

“If working hard is better than cheating, then why cheat?”

After hearing this, Erina couldn’t help but sigh, and then looked at Lin Qi with a serious look and said:

“Can I ask you a favor?”

“You want me to cook a meal for your mother?”

Erina was not surprised to hear the other party say this, after all, the other party also knew her mother’s current situation.


Lin Qi nodded and agreed without thinking.

“It’s totally fine to cook for your future mother-in-law.”

Lin Qi silently moved his paws while printing, and then moved his mouth.

Erina was awakened by Lin Qi’s movements. You must know that he was originally thinking about how to share this matter with his mother? Because? She was finally able to eat again.

However, after the big pig’s hooves moved her mouth, Erina realized that now was not the time to think about such things. This guy was not a good person. He was his little secretary. Going to prepare things, I probably won’t be able to come back for a while.

In other words, the two of them may be left here for a long time? This time, when the little secretary came back, she clearly noticed that she was home. The eldest lady’s mouth seemed to be a little swollen, but she didn’t say anything because she guessed what happened.

Erina also noticed the look in her little secretary’s eyes, and he couldn’t help but glare at the culprit. It’s this guy’s fault.

But now he doesn’t have the energy to curse. After all, she’s been alone with this guy for an hour, and now her legs are very soft.

This bastard is too addicted on the first day! After being addicted to talking,

Lin Qi saw that the other party brought the thing in front of him, and without saying a word, he used a group of enchantments to finish everything, and then said that it was time to finish the matter with Erina, and he chose to run away. It’s a bit dangerous for this guy to stay together, so he ran away first.

The secretary didn’t forget to add Lin Qi’s line. Lin

Qi also chose to run back after watching the people leave. He couldn’t help feeling that he had gained a lot today.

It took Qi a few minutes to return to the house. Looking at this mansion that was incompatible with the ordinary buildings around it, Lin Qi had to sigh that his damn father was really talented. In a place where ordinary residents like this, he built It was a relatively luxurious mansion.

It gave people the impression that a tall man stood out among the short ones.

Moreover, he didn’t know what the other party was thinking at the beginning. After all, he was the only one with him before, and then he was left alone when the other party went out. Like a nanny or something like that. Lin

Qi recalled his childhood memories and felt that living here was quite scary. After all, it was too big and he only had two or three kittens and puppies. I’m quite curious, how big is my father’s home? After all , he can live so comfortably after being sent away.

But this is just a thought, after all, he is not interested in things there.

After arriving home, Ruiye immediately came up to him, with a sweet smile on his face and said:

“Welcome home, Onii-chan!”

“Onii-chan, do you want to take a shower first or eat something, or do you want to eat me?”

Lin Qi felt helpless after hearing what the other party said. It is estimated that the people in the whole college would never expect that Rui Ye, who is full of wife power in their eyes and one of the girls they want to marry the most, would be like this at home.

Lin Qi is not like that kind of guy who avoids talking about it or looks shy. Instead, he rubbed her head and said:

“Don’t worry, you will be 16 in a few months.”

“After you turn 16, be prepared to be eaten clean by me.”

Ruiye retreated decisively in the face of Lin Qi’s aggressive words and aggressive eyes.

After all, she was still a girl, and at the same time, she also felt that her brother was completely different from the novels and TV It’s different.

When she read novels or TV shows about families with similar situations, the boys would be very shy, or they would just push her away to teach her, or something like that.

Her brother was different, he was very calm and revealed everything, which made her feel very happy.

At the same time, she also thought in her heart that she had such feelings for Lin Qi and was discovered by him.

She thought that the other party would refuse, but she didn’t expect that the other party would accept it very decisively.

He just made a promise that when she turns 16, he would eat her up completely, so Rui Ye was very much looking forward to her 16th birthday.

One day.

And Lin Qi was planning to go up to see the other sister at this moment. He had no idea what Rui Ye was thinking.

If he knew, he would definitely say that if they had been siblings for so many years, this would happen 80% of the time. Situation.

After all, those girls, orthopedists and the like only exist in fantasy, because the two grew up together and are too familiar.

However, Lynch has a memory awakening from his previous life. He has taken the lead, so to him this is just a paper person. How can he waste his wife?

He doesn’t want to be one of those gentle losers, but nine years of compulsory education has left him with a little bit of conscience in his heart. 18 I can’t wait any longer, just wait until I’m 16!

(System: It’s not all my fault, otherwise it will either be dominated by memory in this life, or it will merge into a brand new personality! )

When Lin Qi was about to go upstairs, he glanced at Rui Ye and asked:

“Have you and Sagiri had dinner?”

Rui Ye waited for Lin Qi’s words and nodded with a smile on her face.

“We’ve already eaten.”

Lin Qi said that it would be fine if he was full, but he was afraid that the two of them would choose to wait for him to come back before eating. After all, he had eaten and drank enough outside.

PS: The new book is about to set sail, and we urgently need the support of all the handsome guys, beauties, and big guys! If you pass by, don’t miss it. Please add it to your favorites, recommendations, peace of mind, flowers, everything. If you haven’t collected it yet, please add it to your favorites. Thank you all! Kneel down to all the bosses!

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