Chapter 0052 I am not satisfied with this name, change it!!

Just as Yukino was feeling upset, Yukinoshita Haruno spoke first with a fake smile on her face.

“Mr. Alarinqi, although I am honored by your practice, isn’t it a little too early?”

“And Yukino is still young”


Yang Nai knew very well that this matter could not be resolved in one go, and it would take time and effort to do it slowly, so she planned to use her younger sister’s young age as an excuse. She told

Lin Qi not to act so quickly against the other party.

After hearing these words from the other party’s mouth, Lin Qi remembered what kind of person the other party was like, and immediately understood what she meant by these words.

Lin Qi couldn’t help but sigh that the other party’s idea was quite beautiful, but it seemed that one thing was omitted, that is, she is already in high school, not small anymore!

Lin Qi looked at the smiling Yang Nai in front of him, and said with a bright smile on his face:”Not small anymore!”

“After all, there are many people younger than her who have already tried and experienced it.”

After Yang Nai heard this, she couldn’t help but scolded her mother for her first experience selling batches. Do you really think they don’t know what this guy is talking about?

After Lin Qi said this, he stood up, and then there was a smile on his face. Speak with a smile

“Well, it’s getting late, I should go back.”

“After all, I never told my sister that I would be out for so long.”

After hearing this, Yang Nai immediately stood up and said to Lin Qi:”Lin Qijun, let me take you back.”

Lin Qi probably guessed that the other party wanted to chat with him again when he sent him back, but he didn’t care.

Anyway, no one can change this matter.

“All right”

“That troubles you.”

After hearing this, Yang Nai had a smile on her face and said you’re welcome.

When Lin Qi left, he realized that there seemed to be one person missing, but after thinking about it, he probably went to deal with the follow-up issues. After all, two Onmyojis were defeated no matter what.

Before leaving, Lin Qi looked at Xue Lai’s lovely face and spoke in a provocative tone:”My little Yukino, see you tomorrow.”

Xue Nai’s face changed after hearing what Lin Qi said. To be honest, she doesn’t even know her true thoughts now, especially her attitude towards Lin Qi.

At this time, Xue Nai felt that her mind was very messy and messy. Yes!

But in the end, he opened his mouth and replied,”See you tomorrow.”

This time, Lin Qi tried to see the beautiful driver.

Instead of letting the servant help him drive, Lin Qi drove the car himself. Qi didn’t waste any time and sat directly in the passenger seat, because he knew that there was a high probability that Wan would come to chat with him.

After the car started, the two of them were silent at first, but then the other started to speak.

“Lin Qijun, can you reveal your information to my fiancée?”

“After all, you are very mysterious to me.”

“This kind of mystery makes me very uneasy.”

Yang Nai is very smart and calls herself his fiancée, and then uses this to ask Lin Qi about his background.

Lin Qi is not a fool, and he knows the other party’s little thoughts very well.

But what about this person? He doesn’t care whether the other party has little thoughts or not. For him, the problem has little impact. On the contrary, he thinks that the other party has no little thoughts and is more like a puppet, which is boring.

“Call me husband.”

Lynch did not answer the other party’s question directly but emphasized this sentence. Yukinoshita Haruno originally thought that the other party would say something else, but she did not expect that the other party would actually say this, causing her to accidentally step on the brake while driving. The whole car came to a sudden stop, and both of their bodies leaned forward, but soon returned to normal.

Lynch took the lead at this time and said,”I say, are you trying to murder your husband, or are you going to be a desperate couple with me? So as to save your sister?”

After hearing Lynch’s teasing words, Haruno fell silent.

Or she said that she didn’t know how to respond to these words!

After all, he could answer fluently immediately when Lynch changed some topics, but this was something she had never encountered before! After all, this time it was not just her, but two sisters.

But she was also Yukinoshita Haruno after all, and she quickly returned to normal in the face of Lynch’s teasing.

“Ah haha, Lin Qijun, you are joking”

“The world is so beautiful, but I can’t bear to die so early.

After hearing what the other party said, Lin Qi said in a playful tone:”Really?””

Yangno was a little confused when she first heard these two words, so it was only what Lin Qi said next that made her silent again.

“Although the world is beautiful, do you really think it is beautiful?”

“Do you know that your expression looks fake right now?”

“It feels like she is the Yukinoshita family’s Harano, not Yukinoshita Harano.”

Yukinoshita Harano was silent after hearing what Lin Qi said, because of course she knew what the other party meant. It was nothing more than that the way she lived now was not herself, but the way others expected.

It’s just that. Did you think so?

Have you ever heard of a saying that people can’t help themselves in the world?

Yukinoshita Yangno was silent for a moment, and then said in a helpless tone:”Lin Qi-kun, there are many things in this world. It’s not just what you want……”

“After all, the world is very complicated.

Yang Nai said that it was rare for him to speak seriously, but what this guy said made him speechless.

“Call your husband!”

Yukinoshita Harano felt very helpless after hearing this. Why is this guy so obsessed with these two words?

You know, the two of them met for the first time today, okay? It turned out to be the first day they met. Just let herself shout these two words, even if it is difficult for her to say them!



When Yukinoshita Haruno heard this name, she knew that it was impossible for her to discuss it, so she had to give in and shouted out


After Yukinoshita Haruno shouted these two words, she became popular. You know, this is the first time in her life that she shouted these two words to the opposite sex.

Seriously, if the guy in front of me is not too powerful, I must let him know the consequences of forcing me to shout these two words! But I can’t do anything about this matter!

After hearing these two words, Lin Qi nodded with satisfaction, and then continued the previous topic with an attitude.

“By the way, I remembered correctly, you just said that the world is very complicated, right?”

“That’s just because you are not strong enough, or the family behind you is not strong enough, and you need to act based on other people’s faces.”

“With someone like me, who can easily destroy this place, covering you, do you think you still need to be as cautious as before about looking at other people’s faces and acting to make others smile?”

“So, let’s change the way of thinking. With me standing behind you, you can definitely be Yukinoshita Harano, not the Harano of Yukinoshita Family 3.3.”

When Lin Qi told the truth, his tone had a hint of cheating.

Yukinoshita Yono couldn’t help but sigh after hearing this. If only things were really that simple.

“Mr. Lin… Mr. Lin!”

When Yukinoshita Yono was about to speak, she shouted out the word”林” before she remembered this guy’s persistence. She thought to herself that she had shouted it once and she didn’t mind shouting it again.

“You have to know that although force is quite useful in the world, it can even bring a lot of conveniences at times.”

“But it is not omnipotent. After all, no matter how powerful you are, you cannot do whatever you want. It is impossible for you to fight the whole world alone, right?”

PS: The new book is launched, and it urgently needs the strong support of all handsome men, beautiful women, and big men! If you pass by, don’t miss it. Please collect it, recommend it, and ask for everything. If you haven’t collected it yet, please collect it. Thank you! I kneel down to all the big men!

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