Chapter 93 Angel Yan: I seriously suspect that my queen is lying to me.

After hearing this, Cell, who originally looked like he didn’t care about anything, showed a hint of interest on his face.

He was a little curious about what the other party was doing. He actually chose to change people.

You know, the strongest here is him, or Taikong who is still hiding now, but the other party chose to change people. Did he find some means to deal with him and then made a cyborg or something like that?

“Oh? Then who are you going to replace?”

After hearing this, Holy Kesha said with a mysterious smile on her face:”Who is it? You will know when the time comes.”

“I believe you will be pleasantly surprised.”

“Or are you scared?”

When Holy Kesha said this, the people present or watching here were immediately shocked.

What the hell is this for? This is clearly a provocation.

Please calm down, God King. We can’t provoke such a big guy.

Everyone’s heart was shocked. I hope the other party won’t go crazy and commit suicide.

And Cell didn’t expect to encounter such a thing, and couldn’t help laughing.

“Hahaha! Interesting, I agree with your proposal, I hope you can give me a surprise.”

After Cell finished, he looked at Holy Caesar deeply, then returned to his own exclusive position, closed his eyes and rested, after all, he didn’t care what the other party had, you know, he is truly invincible here.

After hearing this, Rose looked at the guy whose claws never left her body, and suddenly thought of something. When she was about to speak, she saw an angel walking here.

“According to the Queen’s instructions, the clothes you want have been prepared for you.”

Angel Yan looked at Lin Qi, who was hugged by women on both sides, with a complicated look in his eyes.

Because he had just received some communications about his own queen. According to the queen, the other party was her future male god, and the match was 100%. So let him seize the opportunity, and pointed out to her that his male god was over 16 years old and not yet an adult, so be patient. At the same time, the other party was also a very romantic guy. Whether you can get an absolute position depends on yourself.

When Angel Yan heard this, he was confused. He was very disappointed with the power of the galaxy and the other party’s performance. He was a complete loser. But when he heard what his own queen said… A man who is more suitable for me has appeared, and I thought it was a good thing.

But after hearing what my queen said, I was petrified.

What is going on? Why are all my boys like this? They are either losers or super diversion guys.

And from what my queen said, the other party wants to start a harem, and I can’t stop it.

After all, what is absolute status? If it were a simple angel, they would definitely think that it would make themselves the most powerful one in the family.

After all, they angels have the capital.

They have lived for more than 7,000 years.

What don’t they understand? This is not about saying that he can give up the strong position, but obviously hoping She got the highest positions in the other party’s harem!

After all, the other party is an existence that can kill the monster that can only destroy his own universe.

Would such a person be afraid of the angel civilization and never dare to mess around? How is this possible?

So when Angel Yan saw the scene of Lynch being hugged by women, she couldn’t help but smile bitterly in her heart. What is going on? Why is she so unlucky, and the queen is serious about letting her be the main wife?

Although she didn’t understand the other party, she understood one thing when she got close to him, that the other party could not be restrained by anyone, or it could be said that only he himself could restrain him.

Although she didn’t know why this was an intuition, she just believed in this intuition.

Lynch looked at The other party’s eyes were full of complexity. He didn’t think in his heart that he would really give this little angel to him, right?

Although this possibility was not great, he thought that these guys must be eager to have a child with him to sell. After all, he had perfect super bloodline, and he also had other powers. Who knows if the next generation will inherit it, not to mention that he also carries their angel genes. He is definitely the most powerful angel in this civilization, without a doubt.

No, no, unless he and another angel gave birth to another child, then it’s hard to say.

Zhao Fei patted Qiangwei’s buttocks to let him get up, and the little fox also got up very actively, knowing that Lin Qi was going to change clothes.

“Come on, let’s go to a deserted place, I want to change clothes.”

After hearing this, Angel Yan followed Lin Qi obediently. When the two walked side by side, Angel Yan said in a curious tone:”I really want to know who you are. Could it be that you and that monster that does not belong to this universe are from the same place?”

“Can you really beat that monster?”

Angel Yan turned into a curious baby and asked questions like crazy.

Lin Qi was a little speechless, but he still made a stop gesture to tell her not to rush.

“I know you are in a hurry, but please don’t be anxious. I will tell you one sentence at a time.”

“First of all, that thing and I didn’t come from the same place, but we both used the same power.”

“Then to be honest, there is really no pressure to beat him”

“Otherwise, why am I here? Am I here to give myself away?”

“And I have a question for you. Your queen will not marry you to me, right?”

Angel Yan was also stunned when she heard Lin Qi’s direct words.

But she was also a very courageous person, so she nodded and admitted it after hearing Lin Qi’s words.

“Yes, you did promise me to be your guardian angel.”

“But according to the Queen, you are a very playboy.”


“So you want to observe me for 1,000 years, right?”

Angel Yan was stunned after hearing this. How did this guy know what you wanted to say?

Then what Lin Qi said next made him want to hit someone.

“It doesn’t matter. I’m not from here anyway, so it’s very troublesome to come here. I have exactly 1,000 years to develop. By then, I should be able to come whenever I want without any obstacles.”

“Don’t worry, I will come here occasionally and will definitely not let you feel lonely or thirsty.”

When Angel Yan heard this, she didn’t understand at first, then Lao Dai started to work frantically in his hands. After analyzing it, she realized that what this guy meant was nothing more than that he wanted to observe him for a thousand years.

But since it is difficult for this type of person to come here, he will not come often, so he has 1,000 years to become strong enough and can come anytime then.

And during this period of observation, let’s be friends with each other. If you are not satisfied, then we can break up peacefully after 1,000 years.

After all, loneliness is enough, these words combined with his expression, 100% express this meaning. After understanding, Angel Yan was crazy in her heart.

Damn! Others say what kind of guy is this scumbag? Scum, only scum will do such a thing.

Good guy, this time he dared to treat Angel Yan as a sex buddy.

To be honest, if she could not beat this guy, she would have died with him, and she seriously doubted whether this guy really had a 100% genetic match with her?

How could such a scumbag have such a high genetic match with her? This was the first time she doubted this matching system.

“You bastard, do you know that your behavior is very annoying? If I can beat you, I will give you a sword.”

Dolinqi didn’t care after hearing this. After all, to be honest, he really didn’t intend to lie.

PS: The new book is about to sail, and it urgently needs the strong support of all handsome men, beautiful women, and big men! If you pass by, don’t miss it. I’m begging for collection, recommendation, Amway, flowers, and everything. If you haven’t collected it yet, please click to collect it. Thank you! I kneel down to all the big men!

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