Genichi Hanyu was silent for a moment after talking about how to deal with Qin, and then he didn't say much. Instead, Yura next to him said in disbelief:"She would actually do this."

Yura couldn't imagine it. Qin would actually do such a method of disposal, but Hanyu Genichi was indeed non-committal:"If he doesn't do it, then those Mondstadt people will have to let me handle it. So, do you think it is better for him to handle it himself or to leave it to me?" Is it better for me to handle it?"

Yola suddenly stopped talking and seemed to have asked a stupid question.

This kind of problem is obviously better handled by Qin. If it is left to Hanyu Genichi, then who can guarantee what will happen to those people!

So even if I am more ruthless, I still have to deal with these people, lest Hanyu Genichi will use this as an excuse to attack those people. If I do it, I still have a sense of proportion, but 18 Hanyu Genichi can kill him with one finger. These people have been buried and it will be time for these people to do the foundation work.

Yura looked at Hanyu Genichi and asked:"Then what should we do next!"

Hanyu Genichi glanced at Yura and then raised the corners of his mouth slightly:"Don't you want to continue the bloodline of the Lawrence family? Then I will satisfy you. A request that makes you get what you want!"

Suddenly, Yola Lian started to look stunned, but then the expression on her face became a little stiff, but soon her expression became firm!

"It’s not too late to regret it now!"

"I won't regret it!"

Ura looked at Hanyu Gen in front of her with a firm expression on his face, as if he was on a pilgrimage. When Han Yu Gen saw this scene, he didn't say anything. Wouldn't it be stupid not to eat the meat that was brought to your mouth? ?

As for those who want to influence themselves through this, Hanyu Genichi can only say that they are simply overthinking. The beauty trap will have no effect on Hanyu Genichi at all.

After dealing with those Mende people, Qin returned to the temporary At the headquarters of the Knights of the West Wind, however, when he was about to open the office door, he did hear some humming sounds coming from the office door.

Although Qin said that he had never experienced this kind of thing, he also understood what was happening in the office now. Something. Qin, whose face was red, wanted to leave immediately, but was worried that someone would come at this time, so she could only endure it and act as a goalkeeper.

It must be said that after tasting Yula, , Genichi Hanyu is indeed very satisfied with Yura.

Very smooth!

As the sound in the office was heard, Qin, who was standing at the door, felt a little weak in her legs. Then she opened the door of the office and walked into the office.

Looking at the scene The messy Yula and Qin's face suddenly turned red!

"Can you two be careful? Someone may come here at any time."

Yura was a little embarrassed when she heard Qin's words, but Hanyu Genichi said calmly:"Don't worry about this. Do you think I won't notice?"

Qin looked at Hanyu Genichi and then seemed to understand something. The expression on his face was a little ugly. Hanyu Genichi said to Qin:"The handling this time is pretty good, although I don't think it is. It's the best way to handle it but it's already a huge improvement for you.

Hanyu doesn't expect Qinma to make huge changes immediately because Hanyu knows that this is not realistic.

Today, being able to do this kind of processing has satisfied Hanyu Genichi's requirements for the piano. After that, it only needs to change the piano a little bit slowly.

"Then I'll leave these things to you."

Han Yuzhen directly handed over the matter that should have been handled by himself to Qin. When

Qin took it over and took a look, the expression on his face suddenly changed.

The information in his hand was which workers in Mondstadt were lazy and which ones were lazy. The contractor enriched himself, and all these things were recorded in this document one by one.

"You seem to have forgotten that the intelligence gathering ability of fools is still very good!"

Qin felt chills all over her body, and she looked in disbelief. Hanyu Genichi actually asked people to investigate these things from the beginning.

"Even if we don't investigate today, sooner or later they will end up with what they deserve and none of them will be able to escape."

Yora next to her also came to her senses. Han Yuxian never had any good impression of Mond from the beginning to the end.


There are many emotions in Yura's mind, including anger.

"I know you are angry now, but if Mondstadt people don't get rid of this bad habit for a day, I will not have a good impression of Mondstadt, even if I have such a relationship with you."

They were shaking with anger.

Yura and Qin were so angry that they were trembling and looked at Hanyu Genichi. Hanyu Genichi, a bastard, actually

"Okay, let's handle these things properly. I believe you won't let me down, or you won't want me to handle these things myself."

Although her heart was very complicated, Qin still accepted the document.

Qin knew that if she didn't handle it and let Hanyu handle it by herself, the consequences would be countless times more serious than she imagined, so even if she was very worried It's heavy, but Qin must handle this matter beautifully so that Hanyu Genichi can't interfere.

Because Qin knows very well that once Hanyu Genichi intervenes, this matter may not end so easily. Hanyu Genichi is a Now I have some idea of ​​what kind of person I am.

After that, Hanyu looked at Yura again:"I'll give you a choice to stay in Mondstadt or leave with me!"

Hearing the choice given by Hanyu Genichi, Yura was stunned for a moment and then fell into silence.

Do you want to leave?

But soon Yura shook her head and refused to leave. She will never leave. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Seeing Yura's appearance, Hanyu knew Yura's choice:"In that case, let's help Qin deal with this matter. After it is finished, I will I need you to do one more thing!"

Yura didn't object, but Qin frowned slightly.

"If you act like this, it will undoubtedly push you into the fire pit. They will pour all their anger on Yula, because the Lawrence family"

"Then let them stand up!".

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