Palestine, a country in the Middle East consisting of Gaza and the West Bank.

South of the Palestinian capital Jerusalem, on the top of the Judean Mountains at an altitude of 680 meters, there is a central city called Bethlehem. This city is only a small town with a population of about 30,000, but it is famous for something that attracts millions of believers from all over the world to make pilgrimages every year.

For Christianity, Bethlehem has extraordinary significance.

That is, the birthplace of Jesus the Son.

The city is a Christian holy place. The most famous Christian monument is the Church of the Nativity, located in Manger Square in the city center, second only to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem.

The appearance of the Church of the Nativity looks quite like a medieval castle, simple and solid. The church does not have a door, only a stone cave more than one meter square, and people must bow down to enter. The light inside the church is dim, candlelight flickers, and many of the paintings praising Jesus and the Virgin are dark in color and old.

On the right side of the church altar is the Christmas Star Cave, a semicircle surrounded by red and white marble, with 14 silver stars inlaid in the center, with the Latin text 'Birthplace of Christ Jesus of the Virgin Mary', which is the place where Jesus was born. And hanging on the altar are 15 ever-burning oil lamps from various Christian sects. On the opposite left side is the stone manger that served as the cradle of Jesus after his birth.

Normally, this Christmas Star Cave attracts tourists from all over the world, and there are naturally a large number of Christians who come to worship the Holy Son. Recently, however, the number of Christians making pilgrimages has doubled.

It is said that a miracle appeared. Milky white sacred brilliance flashes out from time to time. You can even vaguely hear the praise and blessings of angels, and the singing of the Holy Spirit appears.

In short, after adding a mysterious color, it is not very attractive to tourists. This small church was almost packed with people, so we had to restrict travel.

"——What are you doing?!"Looking at the crowd that had gathered in front of him, it was difficult to squeeze in. Li Hao couldn't help curling his lips and spat.

It's easy to guess why Li Hao appeared here. Of course it was to kill the gods.

The places where ancient monuments are located are often the places where myths and legends about gods are concentrated, that is, where the gods descend most.

People have weaved various myths, and myths have created various gods, and the gods should also be there. For example, they maintain their proper roles in their respective myths and make the world run stably.

However, not all gods obey the roles woven in their myths and bring devastating disasters to the world. It's called the 'God of Disobedience'!

Of course, the appearance of the God of Disobedience in the monuments is not 100% guaranteed. With so many ancient monuments, wouldn’t the world have been in chaos for a long time?

However, the Christmas Church has thousands of years of ancient monuments, and various mysterious phenomena have appeared recently, so Li Hao was attracted to it to see if it was true. There is a God of disobedience coming. Moreover, if there is a God who appears in this Church of the Nativity, it is probably that one, the Son of Jesus!

——If so, that would be hilarious!

"Damn it, it’s true!"Li Hao was stunned and couldn't help but burst out.

At this moment, a miracle suddenly came down.

Above the altar, under a beam of golden light, a man of about thirty years old appeared.

His shoulder-length hair was loose.

His hair is windless and flowing automatically, and his facial features are very delicate and straight.

His handsome face seems not to be a human face, but a work of art made from a human face.

He is dressed in a robe that shines with milky white brilliance, and he bows his head in humility at the place where Jesus was born.

The believers of the Lord's greatness and their own insignificance were shocked and speechless by the sudden scene.

The consciousness seemed to be separated from the body, as if they were chatting with God, looking dull and complicated.

The lively crowd fell into silence.

Some people even froze and could not move.

They could only look up at the objects of worship with extremely respectful and humble eyes.

Amen! He has really appeared.!

"Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to those who please him."Jesus opened his hands as if he wanted to hold something in his arms, and solemnly recited in a respectful and compassionate tone.

For a moment, the believers were trembling slightly, and there were crystal clear tears in their eyes. I knew I couldn't disturb that person, but the explosion brewing in my throat came out

"——Uh-huh!"At this moment, a piercing and vibrating sound echoed throughout the Church of the Nativity.

Reflecting in the eyes of all believers, a beam of golden light shot towards the Holy Son Jesus on the altar.

On the spot, Jesus His face suddenly changed, and the look of mercy was no longer there, but was filled with panic and fear. He didn't want the blind believers to not be able to see the gun shrouded in golden light!

——I have a saying about MMP, but I don’t know whether I should say it or not! Why is that thing here?!!

No matter how well-mannered Jesus was, he still had the urge to curse. It was as if he was waiting for him to suffer such a terrible crime all at once.

The gun of Longinus, the gun that killed him! Now, I gave him another shot!

Of course, God will not die so easily. Even if he was killed by the Godslayer and usurped his power, it would just be a return to mythology. It can be said that as long as there are myths that continue to spread legends, these gods will not really die and can be resurrected. Unless that myth is wiped out.

Myths cannot disappear so easily. Their source comes from human beings. For example, modifying the memories of all humans, or erasing all humans who know everything, can we truly kill the God!

Although, there will be no real death. But even a god can still get hurt, feel pain, and feel bad! In particular, Jesus, who had endured it once, did not want to experience being pierced again.

However, the ideal is full, but the reality is often cruel. Even gods can't change this.......................New book is on the shelves. Please add it to your favorites. Please subscribe. Please send it automatically............................._Please download the novel without underlining

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