——I am seeking defeat!

Please give me a strong enemy, please give me a real battle.

Originally belonging to the camp of light, he is the patron saint of justice and the people. But in order to fight and experience a chance of defeat, he defied the myths woven by humans and became the God of Disobedience. He summoned the God King Mekar, the strongest enemy on this island so far, to fight with him.

However, it was a pity that before the outcome could be decided with the God King Mekar, he fell to the gun of the enemy God-Slayer.

"Then, Godslayer, you will fight me instead of Mekar! Veleslana said in a deep voice:"God King Mekar is the strongest enemy I have ever encountered, but he still failed to give me a defeat.""

"That’s because you haven’t met me yet!"Li Hao interrupted Veleslana's words and responded with a grin:"If you had met me, you might have been defeated long ago!"

If it were anyone else who said this, Veleslana would definitely scold him for not overestimating his own capabilities and daring to challenge the majesty of God. But the person he was talking to was a God-killer who had killed gods and usurped power and divine power. It can be said Existences of the same level have considerable status

"Ha ha......."Hearing this, Veleslana was not angry. Instead, he raised his head and smiled happily, saying with great appreciation:"What an arrogant God-slayer! However, this is the best. The one who has the courage to swing his sword at me is a strong enemy." The proper attitude! - I will be undefeated in my life, and my followers will be defeated. I hope you, who killed the God King, can give me a defeat!"

After speaking, Veleslana roared towards Li. Hao volunteered sternly

"You should remember that War God Welleslana well, the person who is about to send you back to the myth, Li Hao!"Li Hao said with a frivolous smile.

"Li Hao?! I remembered it! Come on, use any means to defeat me! Defeat the ever-victorious God of War, Veleslana!"Weleslana did not hide it at all. Telling the real name of 'The Breaker of Obstacles' meant that he recognized Li Hao as his opponent. He no longer concealed his name and fought with Li Hao to the death.

Li Hao He raised his hand and waved back casually, signaling Erica and Liliana to retreat from the battlefield. Immediately, the two nodded in understanding, stepped back vigilantly, and stopped not far from the battlefield. Be ready for support at any time.

At the same time, Li Hao walked forward slowly, and with each step he took, his momentum continued to rise, and the Holy Spear that had just been withdrawn was summoned into his hand again.

"Hahaha......,That's it! That's it! That's it!......"

Sensing that the pressure from Li Hao was increasing and invisible impacts kept coming, Veleslana felt joy from the bottom of his heart, and his smile turned ferocious due to his excessive enthusiasm for fighting."I feel the boiling divine power and blood in my body. It's a feeling I've never felt before. I've always been pursuing the strong and longing for defeat, and I finally feel it!"

If the opponent can't give even a trace of pressure, Wei Leslana doesn't look down on people. The stronger it gets, the more excited he gets. Or, only in this way can it be possible to defeat him and let him experience the taste of defeat.

In an instant, Li Hao jumped up with one foot, and the tip of his spear was as fast as lightning. It broke through the layers of space obstructions and went straight to Veleslana's chest and heart.

Veleslana's body was as dexterous as the wind, and he dodged the fatal blow while still chanting:"What a dangerous god-killing spear. Even if I were hit, it would be quite a big deal!""

He had the ability to discern the nature of gods and divine tools, and he saw that what Li Hao was holding was the Spear of Longinus, the legendary God-killing Spear. It can ignore the defense of the divine body and directly penetrate the divine body, destroying it.

I am afraid that Mekar, the King of the Gods, fell to the God-killing Spear. You must not follow in the footsteps of the God King and be stabbed by this spear. Otherwise, it will probably be over.

Veleslana's defeat in his pursuit was the defeat that knocked him down and made him admit it. Rather, the meaningless defeat of retreating in the water is not the real defeat.

Missing a hit, Li Hao, who was above Veleslana, shot downwards. Strong radiant energy, a slash that cuts through the space

"——boom!"With a loud sound, the ground was split in half, and the smoke and dust from the impact swept up.

At the same time, Li Hao fell to the ground and stared at the field intently. He didn't think that the General God would be solved in this way.

Anyway, He is also a god. Even if he is injured and loses some of his power, he should still be very good in battle. It is not something that mortals can match. A fierce lion is still a lion when it is injured, so it is impossible for a god to fight against it so easily. Be killed, otherwise, there will be many more god-killers in the world!

"Stop hiding, come out!"Li Hao said with a smile.

"I won't run away from a fight. I'm looking for a handy weapon!"From the smoke, the voice of Velesh Rana rang out

"——Uh-huh!"Suddenly, in the smoke, a figure rushed out, it was the military god Veleslana. At this time, he rushed towards Li Hao, holding a branch he picked up somewhere.

However, He was seen swinging the branch, and the sword was just like a whirlwind.

His martial arts had reached its peak. , the heroic spirit and heroic power of Zoroastrian in the legend were all given by him.

Even if it is an ordinary thin and light branch, it can still be transformed into the hands of Veleslana. Immediately, the branch became sharper than any sharp blade in the world, and its hardness became extraordinary, even the iron sword could not compare with it.

"——boom!"The gun and the branch collided together, making the sound of steel collision. Soon, one person and one god each launched a terrifying martial arts and launched an offensive against the other side.

Seeing such a scene, the onlookers Erica and Liliana were shocked. The king and god in the field were stunned. Both of them had reached the ultimate level of martial arts. If they participated, they would definitely not be able to last a few rounds and they would be defeated.........................New book is on the shelves. Please add it to your favorites. Please subscribe. Please send it automatically.............................

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