‘The wild boar's powerful attack produced such a majestic impact. The giant wolf's ferocious wolf face couldn't help but change color. He would definitely suffer the fate of not only dying but also being seriously injured. Besides, he is not a pure force like the wild boar. Type

"——instigate!"When the 'wild boar' hit, the giant wolf jumped aside flexibly to avoid the 'wild boar' impact.

"——Swish, swish, swish!"

I pounced on the empty 'wild boar', my stupid head was stunned for a while, and I stepped off the ground abruptly, trying to force it to stop.

However, due to inertia, the strong impact force rubbed the ground for a long distance, and finally Just then, the giant wolf suddenly seized the opportunity and pounced from behind the 'Wild Boar'.

With its extremely agile physique and reaction, it seemed that the 'Wild Boar' was unable to react.

, will definitely be scratched by sharp wolf claws, and may even split.

"——Back kick!"Li Hao put his foot on the head of the 'wild boar' and gave the order without hesitation.

Immediately, the 'wild boar' obeyed the order and kicked back violently with his strong legs. This time, he hit the target directly!



In an instant, the area heard an explosion of air and a howl of mournful wolves. The giant wolf was kicked in the abdomen, and the terrifying force sent it flying away. Blood sprayed out with a pungent smell in the air and scattered down. The whole body was thrown away and hit the ground hard.

"——How miserable!"Li Hao said gloatingly

"——Roar!"The 'Wild Boar' turned around, looked at the miserable situation of the giant wolf, and roared in victory.

The giant wolf staggered to its feet, vomiting from its mouth, and stared at Li Hao with a pair of bloodthirsty green pupils. He said in human language:"Boy, I really underestimate you! I thought that as an immature compatriot, unable to exert his power, I should be able to deal with you easily."

"You think too much, old fellow!"Li Hao responded unceremoniously. Of course, he didn't feel at all that with a slight advantage, he could easily take down Woban. With Woban as his opponent, it wouldn't take much effort. No.

As the oldest and most ferocious god-killer, Woban holds the most power. He has killed no fewer than ten gods, and Li Hao doesn't even have half of him. In other words, he has at least ten powers. It can be said that it is very difficult to deal with.

However, Li Hao doesn't care much about it. He is confident that he will win.

"Very good, I will not show mercy next time!"A pair of ferocious and rough wolf-like ghostly green lights stared at Li Hao with terrifying eyes. The giant wolf opened its mouth to reveal a ferocious sneer.

In the sky, the celestial phenomena changed, thunder roared, strong winds howled, and rain It fell violently and slapped the earth. In the blink of an eye, as if God could not conceal his anger, dense thunder and lightning flashed in the sky, the wind blew violently, and the heavy rain poured down without any money, and the roar of thunder came.

——The power, 'Sturmund Drang', is the power to control wind, rain, thunder and lightning that Woban obtained by defeating the Korean gods Feng Bo, Rain Master and Thunder God.

This is a very powerful hybrid type capability that enables national-level weather manipulation. In the 19th century, Woban accidentally used this powerful power to destroy the Dalmatian port city of Zadar with an area of 194 square kilometers while sleeping.

Now, Woban, who is in a state of rage, is trying his best to unleash this power and regain the power of destroying the world and wiping out a large city.

"very nice!"Li Hao raised his head, looked down at Tianwei, smiled frivolously, and said playfully:"It's a pity, it's useless to me.——go back!!!"

Under Li Hao's stern voice, Tianwei received an irresistible order. The thunder, storm, and falling rain were just like appearing, and after being crazily weakened, they disappeared without a trace.

"——What?!"Woban shouted in astonishment, subconsciously trying to take control again, but he received a reluctant response, not as easy as before.

——The power of the sky has been usurped.

Suddenly, Woban came to his senses and couldn't help but stare at Li Hao and said:"Have you ever killed a thunder, wind and rain type god?"

"What do you think?"Li Hao grinned.

"What a nasty little brat! said Vauban displeasedly.

"Thanks for the compliment!"Li Hao said with a playful smile."By the way, I want to tell you a piece of news. In fact, I am Luo Hao's disciple, and I am going to knock you down as a great gift to the master I haven't seen for a long time! After hearing this news, are you happy for me?!"

"——What?! You are Luo Hao's disciple! ?"Hearing this, Woban was furious and roared loudly.

He and Luo Hao were his enemies for hundreds of years. They had argued many times without deciding the outcome. But today, Luo Hao, a young disciple, actually He fights without distinction, how can he lose face! Especially, how can he be defeated and given a big gift to Luo Hao whom he hasn't seen for a long time? What a shame!

"yes!"Li Hao shrugged nonchalantly, glanced at Woban deliberately, smiled frivolously, and said,"I am Luo Hao's disciple........Well, my master is so cute and beautiful, it’s such an honor to be her disciple! It's better than if you, an old guy like you, are so many dimensions stronger than me."

"Boy, you are looking for death!!"Woban said through gritted teeth.

"Ouch——"Without any warning, the heaven and earth resounded with the roar of a giant dragon. The roar of the dragon vibrated into violent sound waves, and invisible attacks spread out, causing the earth to shake.

Immediately afterwards, the giant wolf disappeared, replaced by a very large jet black dragon. When the terrifying black man appeared, he extended his body to his heart's content, destroying the surrounding scenery with his huge body, and descended on the human world with a seemingly invincible attitude.

The powerful momentum of the black dragon is not concealed at all, it is released without any scruples, and its destructive power is frightening.

——Power, 'OtherlandsDragon'’........................Please collect, subscribe, and automatically.................................

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