Private Kuou Academy.

It was originally a women's college, but due to insufficient enrollment, it was gradually merged into a co-educational college. However, the girls' high school became coeducational not long ago, so the number of girls is overwhelmingly high.

However, many boys come here with impure intentions, and the quality is quite bad, so they are naturally hated by most girls. Suddenly, a super handsome boy came and was naturally chased.

Suddenly, from time to time, girls, with their faces flushed, glanced secretly or inadvertently at the boy with straight features and majestic appearance on campus.

Li Hao put his hands in his trouser pockets and wandered around the campus with a leisurely expression. His eyes glanced around from time to time. Most of the girls with cute faces caught his eyes, and he couldn't help but secretly murmured: This college girl The quality is quite high.

Moreover, the breed is not only human, but also demonic.

Li Hao's body contains divine power, and he can easily identify species like demons. Just like now, the two girls standing in front of him are demons.

The girl with jet black and beautiful short hair wears a pair of glasses, but it cannot hide her delicate and beautiful face full of charm, and her glass-like pupils reveal the light of intelligence and wisdom from time to time. Another girl following her had black hair that reached her waist. She also wore glasses and looked like she was just following the girl in front of her.

"Hello, are you Li Hao, a transfer student from Tianchao? I am Shitori Sona, the student council president of Kuoh Academy, and she is Shinra Tsubaki, the vice president."Shitori Sona bowed gracefully, and introduced herself and the girl behind her.

"Yes, it's me!"Li Hao grinned and responded with a frivolous smile.

"Are you from China? You are studying in Japan. I don’t know why, but you chose Kuoh Academy instead of many excellent colleges."Shitori Aoi said inquiringly with a slightly curious tone. However, the glazed pupils under the glasses flashed, with a strong inquisitive brilliance.

Even though Kuou Academy is an ordinary school on the surface, it is actually a human world on the inside. One of the devil's bases.

I always feel that this is just a small town, not a big city like Tokyo. Especially, Kuou Academy is not a famous school.

What's more , would people come here to study? When Cang Na saw Li Hao, she felt that he was not simple. To be honest, she didn't know. She couldn't give a rough idea. She could only say that it was a woman's sixth sense. I just noticed a small detail, but it disappeared in an instant, as if it was an illusion.

However, there is no doubt that the other party is a human being-?......Is it an artifact?!

Thinking of this, Shitori Sona, who had grasped the key, couldn't help but have a bright light flash in his eyes. People with artifacts in their bodies can compete with angels and demons. Is Li Hao one of the lucky ones?

It would be okay if he broke into Kuou Academy without knowing it. If you have some impure purpose, it will be a bit troublesome. Moreover, we still don’t know which artifact he holds and how powerful it is!

"What are the reasons for choosing this college?......."Li Hao touched his chin and made a contemplative look on his face. This made Shitori Cangna, who was trying his best to observe Li Hao, subconsciously tense up.

She takes things at Kuoh Academy very seriously and would like to know what others think of the academy and strive to do better. Her dream is to create a class-neutral college in the underworld.

"There are many cute girls, does this count?"Li Hao spread his hands and said with a frivolous smile.

"You guy!" Before Shitori Sona could say anything, Shinra Chunji behind her couldn't help it. She glared angrily at Li Hao and shouted. She always felt that the frivolous bastard in front of her was teasing the president.

"What? Isn’t this the right reason?"Li Hao curled his lips, looking very regretful. Then, he pretended to be distressed and scratched his head, and said:"How about we look for it again?"

"No."Shitori Sona said bluntly. It is impossible for this insincere guy to tell the truth.

However, no matter what conspiracy he has, it will always be exposed. What's more, this town belongs to the Gremory family The next family Rias Gremory's territory is not so easy for the opponent's conspiracy to succeed.

Of course, Rias must be reminded to pay more attention.

"Follow me and I'll take you to the principal's office to report."Shitori Sona said in a deep voice. After that, he turned around and walked away, followed by Shinra Chunji.

"OK!"Li Hao snapped his fingers and followed up with Sona Shitori with a smile......................New books for collection................Asking for flowers....................Ask for evaluation...........................All kinds of requests...............................

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