After going back and forth for a period of time, Li Hao and Rias became familiar with each other and became regular visitors to the 'Supernatural Research Department'. They often went to drink tea. Rias and the others even regarded Li Hao as a member of the 'Supernatural Research Department'. the trend of.

Today, at dusk, Li Hao walked out of the 'Supernatural Research Department' room. After drinking tea, he squinted his eyes and fell asleep unconsciously. Li Hao yawned lazily and walked towards the school gate.

Not far out of the school gate, Li Hao was blocked. A girl wearing a uniform from another school, with smooth, beautiful black hair, and a pretty and cute appearance stood in front of Li Hao.

"Um?!"Li Hao was startled, squinting his eyes slightly, raising an arc at the corner of his mouth, revealing an unpredictable smile.

"you......,Hello......"The girl who stopped Li Hao had her head lowered, as if she didn't dare to look at Li Hao. Her purple eyes were filled with wandering eyes, her pretty face was red, and she looked very shy and said:"I......, I am Amano Yuma......,Always......, I have always admired Li Haojun very much......"

��There are so many people who admire me!"Li Hao didn't cooperate at all and said casually.

This is true. He showed off a few tricks in the academy, such as breaking sports records and so on, and easily gained a lot of fans. Coupled with his good appearance, the entire Juwang There are quite a few people who admire him in the college, and he receives a lot of love letters every day.

Unexpectedly, he just used a simple and unconventional power to provoke the black crow in front of him.

"......"Amano Yuma's mouth twitched. This is unreasonable, what is going on? Shouldn't you be excited to be blocked by such a cute girl? The guy in front of me seemed to be very disgusted.

"That.......,that.......,I......,I like you very much! please......,please date with me!"Amano Yuma said in a trembling voice. A bright light flashed across her eyes, which reflected in Li Hao's pupils.

"——Um?!"Li Hao raised his brows and felt that his spirit had been invaded by alien beings. Unfortunately, this weak mental power could not affect him at all. However, he understood that the other party used mental magic such as 'charm'. Ordinary people It was really hard to resist, and I couldn't help but fall in love with her.

"don't want!"Li Hao refused without hesitation.

"——What?!!"Hearing this, Amano Yuma was stunned and couldn't help but be stunned. When she saw Li Hao's clear eyes, he didn't want to be affected at all.

It seemed, no, it should be confirmed that she failed.

"for......,Why......"Amano Yuma said with difficulty. She's so cute, why isn't she attracted to her?

"No matter why, you are still far away. Since there's nothing wrong, you can get out!"Li Hao waved his hand and ignored Amano Yuma. He stepped away from her and walked forward.

"Wait a moment! Do you just want to leave like this?"

Suddenly, a voice sounded from behind, calling Li Hao. It was different from the seductive and sweet tone before. The voice was unusually cold, as if it was a cold winter.

"how? Do you want to keep me for dinner?"Li Hao turned back with a smile. However, the scene that caught his eyes could be said to be beyond reality.

Feathers as black as ink were flying in the air and slowly falling to the ground.

Amano Yuma's body The school uniform disappeared, replaced by clothing similar to restraints. Except for the necessary key parts, the other tempting skin was exposed.

Behind her, black wings spread out, and the belt was brought not far from the ground. In mid-air. The innocent and shy expression on that cute face changed, becoming twisted and ferocious, and the pupils were filled with cold murderous intent.

"Damn you!"Amano Yuma looked down at Li Hao condescendingly, like a superior god who judged living beings arbitrarily, and said in anger.

"Yeah yeah yeah~~~! Frustrated......"There was no trace of fear on Li Hao's face, but he said in a teasing tone.

Maybe because Li Hao performed well, he was targeted by the fallen angel. He thought he had a divine weapon in his body and wanted to kill him.

Of course, in order to satisfy her own evil taste, the fallen angel Yuma Amano pretended to be a human being to tease the other person and make the other person think that she fell in love with him. Then, he would ruthlessly crush his good wishes and let the prey experience the pain of hell before dying.

As a result, Li Hao did not follow common sense and not only did not fall for the trick, but instead mocked him maliciously. Suddenly, Amano Yuma was annoyed and just wanted to wipe out every last bit of humanity in front of her......................New books for collection................Asking for flowers....................Ask for evaluation...........................All kinds of requests...............................

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