This young priest looks completely different from a normal priest.

A normal priest, no matter how dirty he is in his heart, doesn't show it at all on the surface, pretending to be sanctimonious all day long. After all, only in this way can we attract more believers and get more benefits. But the young priest was dominated by his inner desires, and his face was very ugly.

"Lost Father?"

Li Hao raised his brows and couldn't help but curl his lips, recognizing this seemingly crazy young priest.

The young priest's name was Fried Selzer. He was an exorcist directly under the Vatican's Parish Hall. He became an exorcist at the age of thirteen. The genius of the exorcist has great achievements in destroying demons and monsters one after another.

However, what is surprising is that he has no faith, which means he does not believe in God. Moreover, there are monsters who are extremely persistent in fighting. With a sense of hostility and murderous intent against monsters, even one of his compatriots was not spared.

Regarding this time bomb that would explode at an unknown time, the church made a decision and expelled him from the church and abandoned him. Reed, became a lost priest, and also took refuge in the fallen angels

"——Hello! Where have those black crows gone?"Li Hao asked

"Black Crow?"The lost priest Fried was stunned for a moment, and then he realized what was happening. A twisted smile appeared on his face, and he smiled abnormally:"You are talking about those fallen angels, they are not here! oh oh~~~! , being so rude, seems to be the enemy of the fallen angels. You came here looking for trouble! If I kill you, maybe there will be a reward!"After that, he held a beam sword in one hand and a pistol in the other, and rushed towards Li Hao.

"snort!"Li Hao clicked his tongue in displeasure. It seems that he missed it. It happened that the fallen angels were out, and Linali never returned. And there was only one annoying bastard left, which is really unpleasant!


Fried pointed the muzzle of the gun at Li Hao and pulled the trigger of the gun without hesitation. Suddenly, the air shook slightly and whistled, and the bullet was shot out. It was not an ordinary bullet, but a golden bullet that seemed to be made of light.

The light The bullets are specially made to deal with dark creatures. The damage to demons and monsters can be doubled.

Li Hao avoided the light bullets on his head. At that moment, before the bullet was fired, he was already ready to dodge.

"Ahhhh!!! Why not just be shot and then fall to the ground and die in pain! What a hassle! Die! Die! Go to hell! sinner!!!"

Freed smiled crazily, and stretched out his long and disgusting tongue to lick it. It was very disgusting like a snake. He held the beam sword in his hand and swung it fiercely.

"Get out of here!"Li Hao kicked out fiercely and hit Fried hard on the chest.

"——Ouch!"Fried vomited blood, wailed in pain, and fell to the ground. He got up with difficulty, took a breath of cold air, his face was twisted, and he looked like an evil ghost, and said:"——it hurts! --it hurts! It hurts! Damn it! It hurts me to death!"

"This, this, this......"Rossweisse was stunned. Such a crazy human being with demonic nature is simply more terrifying than the devil. It is unprecedented!

"If you dare to kick me, go to hell!!"After taking a breath, Fried rushed over with a ferocious face.


The strong blow caused a muffled vibration in the air. A figure flew back, knocking over the neatly arranged benches in the church, and making the church a mess.

Li Hao turned around without even looking at Fried's miserable condition. After walking out of the church door, he immediately ordered Rossweisse to follow him:"......Well, if you can't find the black crow, you have to collect some interest, right? Rossweisse, don’t keep the entire church........"

"——Eh?! Rossweisse was stunned and understood what Li Hao meant. A look of hesitation appeared on her pretty face. She scratched her head a little embarrassed and said,"Is this really good?""

"Double the bonus!"Li Hao said with a frivolous smile.

"Please feel free to leave it to me!!" Rossweisse's glass-like pupils flashed with determination, and her pretty face said very seriously.

Seeing this, Li Hao whispered secretly. My Valkyrie's moral integrity has been eroded little by little by the source of all evil (money). Gradually lost.

However, Li Hao knew that Rossweisse had a bottom line. In her opinion, the church with the fallen angels and such a crazy and lost priest was probably a gathering place for some terrorists, and it would be impossible to destroy it. No pressure.

Suddenly, a strong magic force filled the area, causing the air to become sluggish. Suddenly, a rotating green magic circle appeared above the church, turning the sky in this area green. A dazzling light bloomed downwards, covering the church, and the sound of explosions was heard.

When the light dissipated, it was left in ruins.

"hey-hey......"Li Hao raised the corners of his mouth deeply and grinned. I feel even happier when I think of the confused expressions on the faces of those black crows when they came back and saw their nests destroyed.

"Let's go!"Li Hao said casually to Rossweisse, and then took the lead in walking leisurely towards the residence......................New books for collection................Asking for flowers....................Ask for evaluation...........................All kinds of requests...............................

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