"Ahhhhh~~~~! So delicious! The food in this country is so delicious!"

"Uh-huh~~~! This is the taste! This is the taste of hometown~!!!"


Jenova and Irina Zito ate in the kitchen, and their eating skills were not as good as usual. The dining table was already filled with empty plates, and there were even empty plates overlapping each other. Moreover, the two of them were not seen at all. There is a tendency to stop, which makes people sigh. This is a sign of how long you have been hungry.

"......."Rias and the others were stunned, speechless in shock.

Just now, the two of them relaxed, but they couldn't even stand on their feet. They were hungry! In this state, I still want to take back the 'Holy Sword Excalibur' from the fallen angels. It's already pretty good if I don't get killed by myself. Also, are they really sent here by the church? Not a joke invited by the monkey

"——Forehead!"Xenovia almost choked. He anxiously grabbed the juice cup next to him and took a long sip. Then he regained his breath and said excitedly:"Okay.......,awesome! It seems that I have never had such a good meal. This place is simply heaven!"

The food in the church is not bad, but it's not much better than good. It mainly consists of bread and soup, and sometimes some vegetables and spaghetti! One or two meals is fine, but if you eat it every day, it's okay for anyone." You'll all be tired of it!

"Hahu~~! I'm stuffed. Ah~, God, please give mercy to the kind-hearted devils."Wisteria Irina looked satisfied and made the sign of the cross in front of her chest.

"——Woo!"Suddenly, because of the 'System', Rias and the others felt a sense of pain.

Are you kidding me?! This is not an expression of gratitude, it is clearly hurting others!

"Ala~~~,Feel sorry! Feel sorry! got used to~~~"Irina Wisteria stuck out her tongue cutely and apologized full of apology

"After eating and drinking, I really want to have a good time."Xenovia stretched out greatly and sighed with a grin.

"Are you a monkey?"Li Hao couldn't help complaining. It seems like he has to stay away from her, otherwise it would be bad if he gets hit by the Monkey's Intelligent Subtraction.

"When will Kirkbolt come?" Rias said in a deep voice. After all, she is facing the fallen angel leader Kokobol. He is a fallen angel who survived after fighting the demon king and god in the last war. He must be taken seriously.

"That depends on his intelligence capabilities."After that, Li Hao turned to Xenovia and Irina Ziteng and ordered rudely:"You two idiots, go and stroll around on the street for a couple of times, and then come back!"

"Why?"Xenovia said doubtfully.

"Isn't this obvious? Attract his attention!"Li Hao curled his lips and said


"......Moreover, is he really just here for the 'Holy Sword Excalibur'?"Li Hao glanced at Rias subconsciously. To be honest, the 'Holy Sword Excalibur' is indeed very good, but that was before it was destroyed, not the 'Holy Sword Excalibur' that is now divided into seven and its power is greatly weakened. ', it has little effect on the level of the Demon King at all........

In the middle of the night, a huge pressure came without warning and attacked the entire town. It affected all non-human beings so much that they woke up from their sleep and couldn't even breathe smoothly.

Such a strong fluctuation of magic power is really frightening. Once released, it would be enough to destroy a town.

"I said, can’t we choose during the day? This midnight......"Li Hao raised his head and sat on a chair suspended in the air, bathed in the moonlight. There was a fallen angel with ten black wings on his back. He had a look of disgust on his face and couldn't help but say.

However, the fallen angel leader Kirkbolt ignored Li Hao, and even ignored the two holy sword holders Jenova and Irina Wisteria who were the targets of this trip. Instead, he fell directly on Rias. The excited expression of catching a big fish

"The sister of Demon Lord Sirzechs and the daughter of the Gremory family, that bright red hair is really beautiful! Reminds me of your annoying brother!"Kokebol seemed to be surrounded by black magic power that was like decoration. He stayed leisurely in mid-air. His blood-red pupils looked down condescendingly and said with a sinister smile.

"Kirkbol, why did your dignified fallen angel cadres come to my territory? Really for the mere holy sword Excalibur’?"Rias looked directly at Kirkbolt and said, unwilling to be outdone."Aren't you afraid of causing misunderstanding among us demons and triggering a war between the fallen angels and demons?"

"If so, wouldn't it be as I wish? That would be great! Kokbol laughed wildly.

"What did you say?!"Rias was shocked.

"I originally thought that if I stole the 'Holy Sword Excalibur', I could lure him over and fight Michael. Who would have known that all Michael sent was just a bastard exorcist and two mere holy swordsmen.

A trace of cruelty flashed through Kokbol's blood-red pupils, and he said unhappily:"Michael is really tolerant. I'm afraid I will kill the Holy Sword user, or even destroy all the 'Holy Sword Excalibur', but he will still..." Stay in heaven and don’t come out!"

"However, it doesn't matter anymore. As long as I kill the sister of Demon King Sirzechs, Sirzechs will rush out from the underworld madly to settle the score with me! Hahaha......"Kokbol said with a ferocious look on his face, laughing arrogantly.

Kirkbol, is he crazy?! Hearing this, Rias and the others were so shocked that they dared to go so crazy that they not only wanted to fight against angels, but also against demons.

"Hello! If you talk nonsense in the middle of the night, go back and dream! Li Hao stepped forward very displeased and said,"Have you ever asked me about Rias who wants to kill me?"".....................New books are on the shelves. Please subscribe and collect them.................Asking for flowers....................Ask for evaluation...........................All kinds of requests...............................

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